


Perl is a programming language used primarily to develop web applications. Perl is an interpreted, not compiled, language. This means its programs take up more CPU time than a compiled language

— a problem that becomes less important as the speed of processors increases. Writing code in Perl is faster than writing in a compiled language, so the time you save is yours. When you learn Perl, you learn how to work with the language's functions. One of the most basic is the string length function.


如何在Perl中查找字符串的长度 How to Find Length of a String in Perl

Perl的length函数以字符为单位返回Perl字符串的长度。下面是一个例子,展示了它的基本用法: Perl's length function returns the length of a Perl string in characters. Here is an example showing its basic usage:


执行此代码时,将显示以下内容: “字符串长度为:27。”数字“27”是短语“This is a Test and ALL CAPS”中的字符总数,包括空格。

When this code is executed, it displays the following: "Length of the String is: 27."The number "27" is the total of the characters, including spaces, in the phrase "This is a Test and ALL CAPS."


注意,这个函数不以字节为单位计算字符串的大小,而以字符为单位计算长度。Note that this function does not count the size of the string in bytes — just the length in characters.

数组的长度呢? What About the Length of Arrays?


my @many_strings = ("one", "two", "three", "four", "hi", "hello world");say scalar @many_strings;

The length function works only on strings, not on arrays. An array stores an ordered list and is preceded by an @ sign and populated using parentheses. To find out the length of an array, use the scalarfunction. For example:



The response is "6," the number of items in the array. A scalar is a single unit of data. It might be a group of characters, as in the example above, or a single character, string, floating point, or integer number.


