Matlab 5G模块学习

 资源网格中的每一个元素就叫做资源元素(Resource Element), 它是上下行传输中的最小资源单位。
Resource blocks(资源块)
Matlab 5G模块学习_第1张图片
Matlab 5G模块学习_第2张图片
Matlab 5G模块学习_第3张图片
Matlab 5G模块学习_第4张图片
Matlab 5G模块学习_第5张图片

Matlab 5G模块学习_第6张图片
Matlab 5G模块学习_第7张图片

HARQ:混合自动重传请求(Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest,HARQ),是一种将前向纠错编码(FEC)和自动重传请求(ARQ)相结合而形成的技术。
循环冗余校验码 (CRC)
Carrier and PDSCH Configuration
Set the key parameters of the simulation. These include:

The bandwidth in resource blocks (12 subcarriers per resource block).

Subcarrier spacing: 15, 30, 60, 120 (kHz)

Cyclic prefix length: normal or extended

Cell ID

Number of transmit and receive antennas

A substructure containing the DL-SCH and PDSCH parameters is also specified. This includes:

Target code rate

Allocated resource blocks (PRBSet)

Modulation scheme: ‘QPSK’, ‘16QAM’, ‘64QAM’, ‘256QAM’

Number of layers

PDSCH mapping type

DM-RS configuration parameters

PT-RS configuration parameters

Other simulation wide parameters are:

Propagation channel model delay profile (TDL or CDL)

SS burst configuration parameters. Note that the SS burst generation can be disabled by setting the SSBTransmitted field to [0 0 0 0].

Propagation Channel Model Construction
Create the channel model object for the simulation. Both CDL and TDL channel models are supported .
