CodeSmith DAL生成模板

前面有贴出来一个CodeSmith  Model生成模板的文章,现把DAL生成模板也贴出来。这里的数据库是用Northwind。表是用Customers。 

CodeSmith Dal Code下载地址:CodeSmith Dal 下载 

CodeSmith Model Code下载地址:CodeSmith Model下载


 命名空间名称 NameSpace:Chhuic

DAL类名称 ClassName:Dal.CustomersDAL

Model名称 ModelName:Model.CustomersModel

表 SourceTable:dbo.Customers

数据库操作基础类 DBFactoryName:SqlServerBase 指使用的数据库操作基础类的名称

数据库表参数名称 ParameterType:SqlParameter  如果是Oracle则写OracleParameter 





//  File: CustomersDAL.cs
//  Description: the CustomersDAL Created By CodeSmith .
//  ---------------------
//  Copyright: @ 2010-1-5 10:08:50 
//  ---------------------
//  History:
using  System;

using  Chhuic.Model.CustomersModel;
namespace  Chhuic.Dal.CustomersDAL
///   <summary>
///  Summary description for CustomersModel. 
///  Description:
///   </summary>
    public   class  CustomersDAL
#region  Constructor
///   <summary>
///  CustomersDAL Constructor
///   </summary>
         public  CustomersDAL()
#region  GetMaxID
///   <summary>
///  get the max PrimaryKey ID value
///   </summary>
///   <return> int <return>
         public   int  GetMaxID()
string  sql = " select Max(CustomerID)+1 from Customers " ;
return   int .Parse(SqlServerBase.ExecuteScalar(sql).ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
return   - 1 ;
#region  Exist
///   <summary>
///  check the record is Exist by the  CustomerID value
///   </summary>
///   <param name="CustomerID"> CustomerID </param>
///   <return> bool <return>
         public   bool  Exist( int  CustomerID)
string  sql = " select Count(*) from Customers where CustomerID=@CustomerID " ;
object  result  =  SqlServerBase.ExecuteScalar(sql, new  SqlParameter[]{ new  SqlParameter( " @CustomerID " ,CustomerID)});
if (result  ==   null || int .Parse(result.ToString())  ==   0 )
return   false ;
return   true ;
catch (Exception ex)
return   false ;
///   <summary>
///  check the record is Exist by the filter value
///   </summary>
///   <param name="filter"> filter </param>
///   <return> bool <return>
         public   bool  Exist( string  filter)
string  sql = " select Count(*) from Customers  "  ;
if ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(filter))
+= "  where  " + filter;
object  result = SqlServerBase.ExecuteScalar(sql);
if (result  ==   null || int .Parse(result.ToString()) == 0 )
return   false ;
return   true ;
catch (Exception ex)
return   false ;
#region  Add
///   <summary>
///  Add
///   </summary>
///   <param name="CustomersModel"> CustomersModel </param>
///   <return> int <return>
         public   int  Add(Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel model)
string  sql = " insert into Customers(CompanyName,ContactName,ContactTitle,Address,City,Region,PostalCode,Country,Phone,Fax) values(@CompanyName,@ContactName,@ContactTitle,@Address,@City,@Region,@PostalCode,@Country,@Phone,@Fax);select @@IDENTITY;  " ;
            SqlParameter[] parameters
= {
new  SqlParameter( " @CompanyName " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @ContactName " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @ContactTitle " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Address " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @City " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Region " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @PostalCode " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Country " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Phone " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Fax " ,DbType.String)
0 ].Value = model.CompanyName;
1 ].Value = model.ContactName;
2 ].Value = model.ContactTitle;
3 ].Value = model.Address;
4 ].Value = model.City;
5 ].Value = model.Region;
6 ].Value = model.PostalCode;
7 ].Value = model.Country;
8 ].Value = model.Phone;
9 ].Value = model.Fax;
int  result  =   int .Parse(SqlServerBase.ExecuteScalar(sql,parameters).ToString());
return  result;
catch (Exception ex)
return   - 1 ;
#region  Update
///   <Summary>
///  Update Customers table by Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel
///   <Summary>
///   <param name="CustomersModel"> CustomersModel </param>
///   <return> int </return>
         public   int  Update(Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel model)
string  sql = " update Customers set CompanyName=@CompanyName,ContactName=@ContactName,ContactTitle=@ContactTitle,Address=@Address,City=@City,Region=@Region,PostalCode=@PostalCode,Country=@Country,Phone=@Phone,Fax=@Fax where CustomerID=  " + model.CustomerID;
            SqlParameter[] parameters
= {
new  SqlParameter( " @CompanyName " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @ContactName " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @ContactTitle " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Address " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @City " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Region " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @PostalCode " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Country " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Phone " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Fax " ,DbType.String)
0 ].Value = model.CompanyName;
1 ].Value = model.ContactName;
2 ].Value = model.ContactTitle;
3 ].Value = model.Address;
4 ].Value = model.City;
5 ].Value = model.Region;
6 ].Value = model.PostalCode;
7 ].Value = model.Country;
8 ].Value = model.Phone;
9 ].Value = model.Fax;
int  result  =   int .Parse(SqlServerBase.ExecuteNonQuery(sql,parameters).ToString());
return  result;
catch (Exception ex)
return   - 1 ;
///   <Summary>
///  Update the Customers table by the CustomerID value
///   <Summary>
///   <param name="CustomersModel"> CustomersModel </param>
///   <param name="CustomerID"> CustomerID </param>
///   <return> int </return>
         public   int  Update(Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel model, int  CustomerID)
string  sql = " update Customers set CompanyName=@CompanyName,ContactName=@ContactName,ContactTitle=@ContactTitle,Address=@Address,City=@City,Region=@Region,PostalCode=@PostalCode,Country=@Country,Phone=@Phone,Fax=@Fax where CustomerID= " + CustomerID ;
            SqlParameter[] parameters
= {
new  SqlParameter( " @CompanyName " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @ContactName " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @ContactTitle " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Address " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @City " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Region " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @PostalCode " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Country " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Phone " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Fax " ,DbType.String)
0 ].Value = model.CompanyName;
1 ].Value = model.ContactName;
2 ].Value = model.ContactTitle;
3 ].Value = model.Address;
4 ].Value = model.City;
5 ].Value = model.Region;
6 ].Value = model.PostalCode;
7 ].Value = model.Country;
8 ].Value = model.Phone;
9 ].Value = model.Fax;
int  result  =   int .Parse(SqlServerBase.ExecuteNonQuery(sql,parameters).ToString());
return  result;
catch (Exception ex)
return   - 1 ;
///   <summary>
///  Update Customers table by the  filter value
///   </summary>
///   <param name="CustomersModel"> CustomersModel </param>
///   <param name="filter"> filter </param>
///   <return> int </return>
         public   int  Update(Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel model, string  filter)
string  sql = " update Customers set CompanyName=@CompanyName,ContactName=@ContactName,ContactTitle=@ContactTitle,Address=@Address,City=@City,Region=@Region,PostalCode=@PostalCode,Country=@Country,Phone=@Phone,Fax=@Fax where  " + filter;
            SqlParameter[] parameters
= {
new  SqlParameter( " @CompanyName " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @ContactName " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @ContactTitle " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Address " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @City " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Region " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @PostalCode " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Country " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Phone " ,DbType.String),
new  SqlParameter( " @Fax " ,DbType.String)
0 ].Value = model.CompanyName;
1 ].Value = model.ContactName;
2 ].Value = model.ContactTitle;
3 ].Value = model.Address;
4 ].Value = model.City;
5 ].Value = model.Region;
6 ].Value = model.PostalCode;
7 ].Value = model.Country;
8 ].Value = model.Phone;
9 ].Value = model.Fax;
int  result  =   int .Parse(SqlServerBase.ExecuteNonQuery(sql,parameters).ToString());
return  result;
catch (Exception ex)
return   - 1 ;
#region  Delete
///   <summary>
///  Delete the Customers all record.
///   </summary>
///   <return> int <return>
         public   int  Delete()
string  sql = " delete from Customers  " ;
return  SqlServerBase.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
catch (Exception ex)
return   - 1 ;
///   <summary>
///  Delete the Customers table record  by the CustomerID value
///   </summary>
///   <param name="CustomerID"> CustomerID </param>
///   <return> int <return>
         public   int  Delete( int  CustomerID)
string  sql = " delete from Customers where CustomerID= " + CustomerID;
return  SqlServerBase.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
catch (Exception ex)
return   - 1 ;
///   <summary>
///  Delete the Customers table record  by the filter value
///   </summary>
///   <param name="filter"> filter </param>
///   <return> int <return>
         public   int  Delete( string  filter)
string  sql = " delete from Customers where  " + filter;
return  SqlServerBase.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
catch (Exception ex)
return   - 1 ;
#region  DataSet
///   <summary>
///  get DataSet records
///   </summary>
///   <return> DataSet <return>
         public  DataSet GetList()
string  sql = " select * from Customers  " ;
return  SqlServerBase.ExecuteDataset(sql);
catch (Exception ex)
return   null ;
///   <summary>
///  get DataSet records by CustomerID value
///   </summary>
///   <param name="CustomerID"> CustomerID </param>
///   <return> DataSet <return>
         public  DataSet GetList( int  CustomerID)
string  sql = " select * from Customers where CustomerID= " + CustomerID;
return  SqlServerBase.ExecuteDataset(sql);
catch (Exception ex)
return   null ;
///   <summary>
///  get DataSet records by the filter value
///   </summary>
///   <param name="filter"> filter </param>
///   <return> DataSet <return>
         public  DataSet GetList( string  filter)
string  sql = " select * from Customers where  " + filter;
return  SqlServerBase.ExecuteDataset(sql);
catch (Exception ex)
return   null ;
#region  Query
///   <summary>
///  Query  by the  sql
///   </summary>
///   <param name="sql"> sql </param>
///   <return> DataSet <return>
         public  DataSet Query( string  sql)
if ( string .IsNullOrEmpty(sql))
return   null ;
return  SqlServerBase.ExecuteDataset(sql);
return   null ;
#region  Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel
///   <summary>
///  get Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel by the CustomerID value
///   </summary>
///   <param name="CustomerID"> CustomerID </param>
///   <return> CustomersModel <return>
         public  Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel GetModel( int  CustomerID)
                DataSet ds 
=  GetList(CustomerID);
if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0 || ds.Tables[ 0 ].Rows.Count == 0 )
return   null ;
return  GetModel(ds.Tables[ 0 ].Rows[ 0 ]);
return   null ;
///   <summary>
///  get Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModels 
///   </summary>
///   <return> CustomersModel <return>
         public  Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel[] GetModels()
                DataSet ds 
=  GetList();
if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0 || ds.Tables[ 0 ].Rows.Count == 0 )
return   null ;
return  GetModels(ds.Tables[ 0 ]);
return   null ;
///   <summary>
///  get Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel by the filter value
///   </summary>
///   <param name="filter"> filter </param>
///   <return> CustomersModel <return>
         public  Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel GetModels( string  filter)
                DataSet ds 
=  GetList(filter);
if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count == 0 || ds.Tables[ 0 ].Rows.Count == 0 )
return   null ;
return  GetModel(ds.Tables[ 0 ].Rows[ 0 ]);
return   null ;
///   <summary>
///  get Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel by the datarow value
///   </summary>
///   <param name="dr"> dr </param>
///   <return> CustomersModel <return>
         public  Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel GetModel(DataRow dr)
if (dr == null )
return   null ;
            Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel model
= new  Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel();
if ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(dr[ " CustomerID " ].ToString()))
= dr[ " CustomerID " ].ToString();
if ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(dr[ " CompanyName " ].ToString()))
= dr[ " CompanyName " ].ToString();
if ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(dr[ " ContactName " ].ToString()))
= dr[ " ContactName " ].ToString();
if ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(dr[ " ContactTitle " ].ToString()))
= dr[ " ContactTitle " ].ToString();
if ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(dr[ " Address " ].ToString()))
= dr[ " Address " ].ToString();
if ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(dr[ " City " ].ToString()))
= dr[ " City " ].ToString();
if ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(dr[ " Region " ].ToString()))
= dr[ " Region " ].ToString();
if ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(dr[ " PostalCode " ].ToString()))
= dr[ " PostalCode " ].ToString();
if ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(dr[ " Country " ].ToString()))
= dr[ " Country " ].ToString();
if ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(dr[ " Phone " ].ToString()))
= dr[ " Phone " ].ToString();
if ( ! string .IsNullOrEmpty(dr[ " Fax " ].ToString()))
= dr[ " Fax " ].ToString();
return  model;
///   <summary>
///  get Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel by the datatable records
///   </summary>
///   <param name="dt"> dt </param>
///   <return> CustomersModel <return>
         public  Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel[] GetModels(DataTable dt)
int  i = 0 ;
            Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel[] models
= new  Model.CustomersModel.CustomersModel[dt.Rows.Count];
foreach (DataRow dr  in  dt.Rows)
= GetModel(dr);
++ ;
return  models;




//  File: CustomersModel.cs
//  Description: the CustomersModel Created By CodeSmith.
//  ---------------------
//  Copyright: @ 2010-1-5 10:24:46 
//  ---------------------
//  History:
using  System;
namespace  Chhuic.Model.CustomersModel
///   <summary>
///  Summary description for CustomersModel. 
///  Description:
///   </summary>
    public   class  CustomersModel
#region  Private Protery
private   string    _customerID;
private   string    _companyName;
private   string    _contactName;
private   string    _contactTitle;
private   string    _address;
private   string    _city;
private   string    _region;
private   string    _postalCode;
private   string    _country;
private   string    _phone;
private   string    _fax;
#region  Constructor
///   <summary>
///  CustomersStruct Constructor
///   </summary>
         public  CustomersModel()
///   <summary>
///  CustomersStruct Constructor(Have Parameters)
///   </summary>
/// <param name="customerID"> CustomerID </param>
/// <param name="companyName"> CompanyName </param>
/// <param name="contactName"> ContactName </param>
/// <param name="contactTitle"> ContactTitle </param>
/// <param name="address"> Address </param>
/// <param name="city"> City </param>
/// <param name="region"> Region </param>
/// <param name="postalCode"> PostalCode </param>
/// <param name="country"> Country </param>
/// <param name="phone"> Phone </param>
/// <param name="fax"> Fax </param>
         public  CustomersModel( string  customerID, string  companyName, string  contactName, string  contactTitle, string  address, string  city, string  region, string  postalCode, string  country, string  phone, string  fax)
this ._customerID  =  customerID;
this ._companyName  =  companyName;
this ._contactName  =  contactName;
this ._contactTitle  =  contactTitle;
this ._address  =  address;
this ._city  =  city;
this ._region  =  region;
this ._postalCode  =  postalCode;
this ._country  =  country;
this ._phone  =  phone;
this ._fax  =  fax;
#region  public Property
/// <Summary>
///  CustomerID
/// </Summary>
         public   string  CustomerID
get  {  return  _customerID; }
set  {  _customerID  =  value; }
/// <Summary>
///  CompanyName
/// </Summary>
         public   string  CompanyName
get  {  return  _companyName; }
set  {  _companyName  =  value; }
/// <Summary>
///  ContactName
/// </Summary>
         public   string  ContactName
get  {  return  _contactName; }
set  {  _contactName  =  value; }
/// <Summary>
///  ContactTitle
/// </Summary>
         public   string  ContactTitle
get  {  return  _contactTitle; }
set  {  _contactTitle  =  value; }
/// <Summary>
///  Address
/// </Summary>
         public   string  Address
get  {  return  _address; }
set  {  _address  =  value; }
/// <Summary>
///  City
/// </Summary>
         public   string  City
get  {  return  _city; }
set  {  _city  =  value; }
/// <Summary>
///  Region
/// </Summary>
         public   string  Region
get  {  return  _region; }
set  {  _region  =  value; }
/// <Summary>
///  PostalCode
/// </Summary>
         public   string  PostalCode
get  {  return  _postalCode; }
set  {  _postalCode  =  value; }
/// <Summary>
///  Country
/// </Summary>
         public   string  Country
get  {  return  _country; }
set  {  _country  =  value; }
/// <Summary>
///  Phone
/// </Summary>
         public   string  Phone
get  {  return  _phone; }
set  {  _phone  =  value; }
/// <Summary>
///  Fax
/// </Summary>
         public   string  Fax
get  {  return  _fax; }
set  {  _fax  =  value; }


