Public Function SURF特征识别(ByRef 图片X As String, ByRef 图片Y As String,ByRef 命令组 As String(), ByRef 前摇组 As String(), ByRef 后摇组 As String(), ByRef 线程方案 As String, 线程序号 As String,
ByRef j As String, x1 As Int32, y1 As Int32, x2 As Int32, y2 As Int32, form1 As Form1, id As Integer) As String
Dim 立即结束 As Int16 = 0
Dim minloc As OpenCvSharp.Point, maxloc As OpenCvSharp.Point
Dim 最不相似 As Double, 最相似值 As Double, 识图时间 = Val(按住时间组(j)) * 1000 - 1
Dim 图X As Int32 = -1, 图Y As Int32 = -1, 相似度 As Single = 1 - VBS.Eval(拆解键值("精准度", GetINI(线程方案, 线程序号, "", 数据库))) / 100
Dim 跳转步骤母 As String = 0
Dim 小图 As New List(Of Mat)
小图.Add(New Mat(当前图路径(线程序号, 线程方案)))
For i2 = 1 To 999
If 步骤图在否(线程序号 & "." & i2, 线程方案) Then
小图.Add(New Mat(CStr(方案原图路径 & 线程方案 & "\" & 线程序号 & "." & i2 & ".jpg")))
Exit For
End If
Dim 开始时间 = Now
For Each i5 In 小图
Dim 小图mat = i5.Clone, 大图 As New Mat
If 小图mat.Width > x2 - x1 Or 小图mat.Height > y2 - y1 Then '一但超出大图大小,就结束
Exit Sub
End If
Dim 阈值 As Double = 3000
Dim 金字塔组数 As Int16 = 4 '默认4,金字塔组数,似乎数量只对运算速度有影响?
Dim 金字塔层数 As Int16 = 3 '默认3,每组金子塔的层数,越多过滤的噪点也越多
Dim SURF = OpenCvSharp.XFeatures2D.SURF.Create(阈值, 金字塔组数, 金字塔层数, True, True)
Dim 截图 = New Bitmap(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
Dim g = Graphics.FromImage(截图)
g.CopyFromScreen(x1, y1, 0, 0, New Drawing.Size(x2 - x1, y2 - y1))
Dim 大图mat As Mat = 截图.ToMat() : g.Dispose()
Dim matSrcRet As Mat = New Mat()
Dim matToRet As Mat = New Mat()
Dim keyPointsSrc, keyPointsTo As KeyPoint()
SURF.DetectAndCompute(大图mat, Nothing, keyPointsSrc, matSrcRet)
SURF.DetectAndCompute(小图mat, Nothing, keyPointsTo, matToRet)
Dim flnMatcher = New OpenCvSharp.FlannBasedMatcher()
Dim 误差组 = flnMatcher.Match(matSrcRet, matToRet)
Dim 大图特征组 = New List(Of Point2f)()
For i As Integer = 0 To matSrcRet.Rows - 1
Dim 误差 As Double = 误差组(i).Distance
If 误差 < 相似度 Then
End If
flnMatcher.Dispose() : matToRet.Release() : matSrcRet.Release() : 大图mat.Release()
误差组 = Nothing : 截图.Dispose() : keyPointsSrc = Nothing : keyPointsTo = Nothing
If 大图特征组.Count > 0 Then
Dim 均X, 均Y As Single
Dim 元素数 As Int32 = 大图特征组.Count - 1
For i = 0 To 元素数
均X += 大图特征组(i).X
均Y += 大图特征组(i).Y
图X = CInt(均X / (元素数 + 1))
图Y = CInt(均Y / (元素数 + 1))
立即结束 = 1
Exit Sub
ElseIf 立即结束 = 1 Then
Exit Sub
If 跳转步骤母 <> 0 Then
If 开始时间 < Now.AddMilliseconds(-识图时间) And 识图时间 > 0 Then
当前序号 = 跳转步骤母
SURF特征识别 = "超时跳转"
立即结束 = 1
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If 线程管理.方案(id) = Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
大图特征组.Clear() ': 最大误差 = Nothing : 最小误差 = Nothing
GoTo 重新查找
End If
End Sub, 1)
Do While 立即结束 = 0
If 图X = -1 Then
图片X = -1 : 图片Y = -1
图片X = 图X : 图片Y = 图Y
End If
End Function