论文阅读:AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Strategies from Data


      • 1、论文总述
      • 2、MNIST 与 ImageNet 数据集上有效数据增强的不同
      • 3、The key difference between our method and GAN
      • 4、A search algorithm and a search space.
      • 5、 One of the policies found on SVHN
      • 6、Search algorithm details:PPO
      • 7、 One of the successful policies on ImageNet
      • 8、Performance of random policies
      • 9、16种数据增强



In this paper, we aim to automate the process of finding
an effective data augmentation policy for a target dataset.
In our implementation (Section 3), each policy expresses
several choices and orders of possible augmentation opera- //orders也是一个需要学习的变量
tions, where each operation is an image processing function (e.g., translation, rotation, or color normalization),
the probabilities of applying the function, and the magnitudes with which they are applied. We use a search algorithm to find the best choices and orders of these operations such that training a neural network yields the best
validation accuracy. In our experiments, we use Reinforcement Learning [71] as the search algorithm, but we believe
the results can be further improved if better algorithms are
used [48, 39].
Our extensive experiments show that AutoAugment
achieves excellent improvements in two use cases: 1) AutoAugment can be applied directly on the dataset of interest
to find the best augmentation policy (AutoAugment-direct)
and 2) learned policies can be transferred to new datasets


This result suggests that transferring data augmentation policies offers an
alternative method for standard weight transfer learning. A
summary of our results is shown in Table 1.



2、MNIST 与 ImageNet 数据集上有效数据增强的不同

For example, on MNIST,
most top-ranked models use elastic distortions, scale, translation, and rotation [54, 8, 62, 52]. On natural image
datasets, such as CIFAR-10 and ImageNet, random cropping, image mirroring and color shifting / whitening are
more common [29]. As these methods are designed manually, they require expert knowledge and time. Our approach
of learning data augmentation policies from data in principle can be used for any dataset, not just one

3、The key difference between our method and GAN

Generative adversarial networks have also been used for
the purpose of generating additional data (e.g., [45, 41, 70, 2, 56]). The key difference between our method and generative models is that our method generates symbolic transformation operations, whereas generative models, such as
GANs, generate the augmented data directly. An exception
is work by Ratner et al., who used GANs to generate sequences that describe data augmentation strategies [47].

The difference of our method to theirs is that
our method tries to optimize classification accuracy directly
whereas their method just tries to make sure the augmented
images are similar to the current training images.


4、A search algorithm and a search space.

We formulate the problem of finding the best augmentation policy as a discrete search problem (see Figure 1).
Our method consists of two components: A search algorithm and a search space. At a high level, the search algorithm (implemented as a controller RNN) samples a data
augmentation policy S, which has information about what
image processing operation to use, the probability of using
the operation in each batch, and the magnitude of the operation. Key to our method is the fact that the policy S will
be used to train a neural network with a fixed architecture,
whose validation accuracy R will be sent back to update the
controller. Since R is not differentiable, the controller will
be updated by policy gradient methods.


论文阅读:AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Strategies from Data_第1张图片

5、 One of the policies found on SVHN

论文阅读:AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Strategies from Data_第2张图片

6、Search algorithm details:PPO

The search algorithm that
we used in our experiment uses Reinforcement Learning,
inspired by [71, 4, 72, 5]. The search algorithm has two
components: a controller, which is a recurrent neural network, and the training algorithm, which is the Proximal
Policy Optimization algorithm [53]. At each step, the controller predicts a decision produced by a softmax; the prediction is then fed into the next step as an embedding. In
total the controller has 30 softmax predictions in order to
predict 5 sub-policies, each with 2 operations, and each operation requiring an operation type, magnitude and probability

7、 One of the successful policies on ImageNet

论文阅读:AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Strategies from Data_第3张图片
可以看到自然类数据集ImageNet与minist 所需要的数据增强操作不一样

8、Performance of random policies

Next, we randomize
the whole policy, the operations as well as the probabilities
and magnitudes. Averaged over 20 runs, this experiment
yields an average accuracy of 3.1% (with a standard deviation of 0.1%), which is slightly worse than randomizing
only the probabilities and magnitudes. The best random
policy achieves achieves an error of 3.0% (when average
over 5 independent runs). This shows that even AutoAugment with randomly sampled policy leads to appreciable
The ablation experiments indicate that even data augmentation policies that are randomly sampled from our
search space can lead to improvements on CIFAR-10 over
the baseline augmentation policy. However, the improvements exhibited by random policies are less than those
shown by the AutoAugment policy (2.6% ± 0.1% vs.
3.0% ± 0.1% error rate). Furthermore, the probability and
magnitude information learned within the AutoAugment
policy seem to be important, as its effectiveness is reduced
significantly when those parameters are randomized.
emphasize again that we trained our controller using RL out
of convenience, augmented random search and evolutionary
strategies can be used just as well. The main contribution
of this paper is in our approach to data augmentation and
in the construction of the search space; not in discrete optimization methodology



论文阅读:AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Strategies from Data_第4张图片

