mybatis中case when用法以及@Param用法

select  d.tools_name, null as sum,null as num,dtp.specs,dtp.type,
count( case when state =0 then 'state' end ) as 在库 ,
count(case when state =1 then 'state' end) 借出 ,
count(case when state =2 then 'state' end)  丢失,
count(case when state =3 then 'state' end)  报废
 from  dm_tools_KC   d  left join dm_tools_project dtp on d.tools_name = dtp.tools_name  where    d.TOOLS_NAME ='BH' group by d.tools_name,dtp.specs,dtp.type;



 int batchDelDataByIDs(@Param("idList") List idList, @Param("updateUserCode") String updateUserCode, @Param("updateUser") String updateUser);
        update `recybag_storage`
        set is_delete = 1,update_user=#{updateUserCode, jdbcType=VARCHAR},
        is_delete = 0
        and id in
            #{id, jdbcType=BIGINT}


SELECT s.finance_center_code,s.area_code,s.site_code,s.site_name,
        COUNT(1) countNum,
                 COUNT(case store_status when 0 then 1 end ) unUseNum ,
        COUNT(case store_status when 1 then 1 end ) unUseNum ,
        COUNT(case store_status when 2 then 1 end ) useNum ,
        COUNT(case store_status when 3 then 1 end ) completeNum ,
        COUNT(case store_status when 4 then 1 end ) exceptNum ,
        COUNT(case store_status when 5 then 1 end ) lostNum from recybag_storage s
        where is_delete= 0 and s.store_status in (1,2,3,4,5)  GROUP BY s.site_code

case  when简单用法:
CASE expression
        WHEN condition1 THEN result1
        WHEN condition2 THEN result2
        ELSE result
        WHEN condition1 THEN result1
        WHEN condition2 THEN result2
    ELSE result
1)set c_age=case id when #{} then {cus.age} end

2)set c_name=case when id=#{} then #{} end
当有多个条件作为分组条件时可用如下case  when语法:        
GROUP BY (case when 1=#{queryType,jdbcType=INTEGER} then province_org_code
                       when 2=#{queryType,jdbcType=INTEGER} then slice_org_code
                       when 3=#{queryType,jdbcType=INTEGER} then partition_org_code else site_code end
CASE 表示函数开始,END 表示函数结束。如果 condition1 成立,则返回 result1, 如果 condition2 成立,则返回result2,当全部不成立则返回else后面的 result,而当有一个成立之后,后面的就不执行了。

choose when也可以起到相同的作用如下:

        order by collect_time desc
        order by collect_time asc
        order by collect_time desc

