



  In foreign universities,writing Essay is a commonly used assessment method for many courses,which is also a way to examine students'comprehensive abilities.However,we sometimes find it difficult to write an article in English as a second language.Sometimes we put it off until the end and rush to hand it in.Of course,we can't get a good score.Today we will take a look at how to write an Essay.


  01.See the requirements clearly


  Before writing Essay,the professor will give a very detailed Essay requirement,including but not limited to:


  Number of characters required


  Font requirements:such as font,font size,font spacing,line spacing


  Whether a subtitle is required


  Requirements for Reference:For example,several references are required.Pay special attention to the reference format,which is mostly APA or MLA.If you are not clear about the format of the reference,you must check it on the Internet and study it carefully before writing it.

  有的Essay明确要求需要至少几篇以上的academic resource,有的则是要求需要自己的personal thinking。

  Some Essay explicitly requires at least several academic resources,while others require their own personal thinking.



  02.Select Topic


  Next is the topic.First of all,it is also necessary to specify the requirements of professors,and select topics according to the scope of the requirements of professors,not too large or too small.


  If you have any questions about the topic,you must communicate with the professor in a timely manner.In addition,you can list several topics of your own,make an appointment with the professor,and listen to the professor's opinions on the topic.This can greatly avoid the situation that the selected topic is wrong and all the subsequent efforts are in vain.


  03.Research and outline

  选题确定后,首先要做research。学校的图书馆都有非常丰富的文献。一般来说,学校的图书馆都会有research system,还会有专人辅助同学们更好的找到相关的资源。充分的research是一篇好Essay的基础,这个步骤一定不能偷懒。而且,一定要确保自己找到了足够的reference,再根据reference开始准备outline。

  After the selected topic is determined,first do research.The school library has very rich literature.Generally speaking,the school library will have a research system,and there will be special personnel to help students find relevant resources better.Adequate research is the basis of a good Essay,and this step must not be lazy.In addition,make sure you find enough references,and then prepare the outline according to the reference.


  Outline is also very important,which can help us clarify our thinking before writing,and also can see whether our research is sufficient.


  After the Outline is listed,it is also highly recommended to make an appointment with the professor to discuss,listen to the professor's opinions,and write the text after being approved by the professor.




  The next step is to write a formal article.Pay special attention to grammar and logic when writing.Grammar is the most basic and should be as accurate as possible.The cultivation of logic is a little difficult.It is suggested that you make an appointment for our Prospect Essay course to learn it carefully,which will significantly help you with the quality of Essay.


  The basic framework of Essay should be kept in mind:

  Introduction+Body+Body+Body+Conclusion+Reference/Work cited page

  另外,Essay写好以后,有一些资源可以帮助大家修改Essay。学校会有Writing Center的老师来帮助大家,但需要预约,而且等的时间会比较长,所以同学们如果需要writing center的服务一定要规划好时间。

  In addition,after Essay is written,there are some resources that can help you modify Essay.The school will have teachers from the Writing Center to help you,but they need to make an appointment,and the waiting time will be quite long,so if students need the service of the Writing Center,they must plan the time.


  Of course,the most fundamental way to improve the quality of Essay is for students to focus on improving their language ability after coming to Canada.Read,listen,write and speak more.If English is good,the quality of Essay will naturally improve.


  05.Repeated inspection


  After Essay is written,it should be checked repeatedly to see whether it meets the requirements of the professor,whether the grammar is correct and whether the logic is clear.


  06.Submit to Essay


  After checking everything,you can submit Essay.Two points should be noted when submitting.


  First,pay attention to the deadline.If you submit overtime,you will lose points.Second,pay attention to the submission channel,whether it is submitted by mail or within the course system,and pay attention to the requirements of professors.
