1 概述
2 运行结果
3 参考文献
4 Matlab代码
% This is the main file for running Differential Evolution
clc;clear all;close all;
images = {'lena_gray.png', 'barbara_gray.bmp'};
imgName = char(images(1));
infor = imfinfo(imgName);
[I, colormap] = imread(imgName);
if isempty(colormap), I = rgb2gray(I); else I = ind2gray(I, colormap);end
I = im2uint8(I);
searchSpace = imhist(I);
%-----Control panel
thresh = 8;%the number of thresholds
population = 30;%the number of vectors
masterBeta = 2.0;%beta is real number belongs to [0 -> 2]
cr = 0.3;%crossover probability range [0 -> 1]
generations = 200;
numTrials = 1;
if population < 4, disp('Population should be more than 3');return;end
minThresh = 1; maxThresh = numel(searchSpace);
figNum = 1;
figure(figNum);clf;figNum=figNum+1;imshow(I);title('Original image');
%figure(figNum);clf;figNum=figNum+1;imhist(I);title(strcat('histogram of : ',imgName));
%OtsuThreshold = graythresh(I);II = im2bw(I);imshow(II);title('Otsu thresholded image');
runtime = [];
fitStore = [];
bestThresholdAmongTrials = [];
bestFitnessAmongTrials = 0;
tempBestFitnessAmongTrials = 0;
fastestGenerationForBestFitness = 0;
for aTrial = 1:numTrials
tempFitStore = [];
vBeta = masterBeta;%variable beta
fprintf('Trial: %d\n', aTrial);
X = floor(minThresh + (maxThresh - minThresh) * rand(thresh, population));
U = X;
generationAtBestFit = [0 0];%stores generation and best fitness
spaceSize = size(searchSpace, 1);
totalPixels = sum(searchSpace);
normProba = searchSpace ./ totalPixels;%normalized probabilities
if thresh < 1 || thresh > spaceSize, disp('Thresholds should be in a range of 1 to 256');return;end
%-----Get an initial Fitness
[fitnessX, X] = OtsuFitness(X, spaceSize, totalPixels, normProba);
[val, fittest] = max(fitnessX);