机器学习中 ablation 的解释


阅读机器学习论文中,遇见 ablation 一词


在人工智能(AI),尤其是机器学习(ML)领域,ablation 指移除AI系统的一个组件。 Ablation study 指通过研究AI系统移除某一组件之后的性能,来理解该组件对整个系统的作用。Ablation study 要求系统表现出适度退化(graceful degradation):即使丢失或削弱某个组件系统也能保持功能继续运行。

In artificial intelligence (AI), particularly machine learning (ML), ablation is the removal of a component of an AI system. An ablation study studies the performance of an AI system by removing certain components, to understand the contribution of the component to the overall system. The term is by analogy with biology (removal of components of an organism), and, continuing the analogy, is particularly used in the analysis of artificial neural nets, by analogy with ablative brain surgery.1 Ablation studies require that the system exhibit graceful degradation: that they continue to function even when certain components are missing or degraded.


机器学习中 ablation 的解释_第1张图片

  1. Meyes, Richard; Lu, Melanie; de Puiseau, Constantin Waubert; Meisen, Tobias (2019-01-24). “Ablation Studies in Artificial Neural Networks” ↩︎
