teamviewer远程连接raspberry pi4b


1 远程桌面太小


需要调整分辨率:raspi-config > display options >vnc resolution > 调整到需要的分辨率大小。
teamviewer远程连接raspberry pi4b_第1张图片

2 操作远程桌面时,显示迟缓


  1. 网络信号差,需进行网络检查
  2. 供电不足,需检查适配器电源规格,参考官方建议的供电参数。(来自官方:Because the new SoC needs more power, the Raspberry Pi 4 B charges over USB Type-C instead of micro USB. It also requires a power adapter that can deliver at least 3 amps of power and 5 volts, though you may be able to get away with 2.5 amps if you don’t attach many peripherals to the USB ports.)
  3. VNC未开启,需开启VNC service : raspi-config > interface options>vnc>enable
