python图像腐蚀处理,Python OpenCV实例:图像腐蚀(数学公式基本实现)

Python OpenCV实例:图像腐蚀(数学公式基本实现)

Python OpenCV实例:图像腐蚀(数学公式基本实现)







g(x,y) = erode[f(x,y),B] = AND[Bf(x,y)]



Bf(x,y) = {f(x - bx,y-by),(bx,by)∈B}

算子AND(x(i),...,x(n))定义为:当且仅当x(1) = ... = x(n) = 1时,






import cv2

import numpy as np

# 3位水平方向结构元素

def erode_horizontal_3x1(image):

img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

rows,cols = img_gray.shape

gray_flat = img_gray.reshape((rows * cols,))

# 创建空白图像

dist = np.full(img_gray.shape,fill_value=255,dtype=img_gray.dtype).reshape((rows * cols,))

x_coord = np.arange(1,cols-1)

for i in range(rows):

for j in x_coord:

mid = gray_flat[i * cols + j]

lft = gray_flat[i * cols + j + 1]

rgt = gray_flat[i * cols + j - 1]

if mid == 0 and lft == 0 and rgt == 0:

dist[i * cols + j] = 0

return dist.reshape((rows,cols))

# 5位水平方向结构元素

def erode_horizontal_5x1(image):

img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

rows,cols = img_gray.shape

gray_flat = img_gray.reshape((rows * cols,))

# 创建空白图像

dist = np.full(img_gray.shape,fill_value=255,dtype=img_gray.dtype).reshape((rows * cols,))

x_coord = np.arange(2,cols-2)

for i in range(rows):

for j in x_coord:

lft2 = gray_flat[i * cols + j -2]

rgt = gray_flat[i * cols + j - 1]

mid = gray_flat[i * cols + j]

lft = gray_flat[i * cols + j + 1]

rgt2 = gray_flat[i * cols + j + 2]

if mid == 0 and lft == 0 and rgt == 0 and lft2 == 0 and rgt2 == 0:

dist[i * cols + j] = 0

return dist.reshape((rows,cols))

# 3位垂直方向结构元素

def erode_vertical_3x1(image):

img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

rows,cols = img_gray.shape

gray_flat = img_gray.reshape((rows * cols,))

# 创建空白图像

dist = np.full(img_gray.shape,fill_value=255,dtype=img_gray.dtype).reshape((rows * cols,))

y_coord = np.arange(1,rows-1)

for i in y_coord:

for j in range(cols):

mid = gray_flat[i * cols + j]

lft = gray_flat[(i + 1) * cols + j]

rgt = gray_flat[(i - 1) * cols + j]

if mid == 0 and lft == 0 and rgt == 0:

dist[i * cols + j] = 0

return dist.reshape((rows,cols))

# 5位垂直方向结构元素

def erode_vertical_5x1(image):

img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

rows,cols = img_gray.shape

gray_flat = img_gray.reshape((rows * cols,))

# 创建空白图像

dist = np.full(img_gray.shape,fill_value=255,dtype=img_gray.dtype).reshape((rows * cols,))

y_coord = np.arange(2,rows - 2)

for i in y_coord:

for j in range(cols):

lft2 = gray_flat[(i - 2) * cols + j]

rgt = gray_flat[(i - 1) * cols + j]

mid = gray_flat[i * cols + j]

lft = gray_flat[(i + 1) * cols + j]

rgt2 = gray_flat[(i + 2) * cols + j]

if mid == 0 and lft == 0 and rgt == 0 and lft2 == 0 and rgt2 == 0:

dist[i * cols + j] = 0

return dist.reshape((rows,cols))

# 3位方形结构元素

def erode_cross_3x3(image):

img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

rows,cols = img_gray.shape

gray_flat = img_gray.reshape((rows * cols,))

# 创建空白图像

dist = np.full(img_gray.shape,fill_value=255,dtype=img_gray.dtype).reshape((rows * cols,))

y_coord = np.arange(1,rows - 1)

x_coord = np.arange(1,cols - 1)

for i in y_coord:

for j in x_coord:

p1 = gray_flat[i * cols + j]

p2 = gray_flat[(i - 1) * cols + j]

p3 = gray_flat[(i + 1) * cols + j]

p4 = gray_flat[i * cols + (j - 1)]

p5 = gray_flat[(i - 1) * cols + (j - 1)]

p6 = gray_flat[(i + 1) * cols + (j - 1)]

p7 = gray_flat[(i - 1) * cols + (j + 1)]

p8 = gray_flat[i * cols + (j + 1)]

p9 = gray_flat[(i + 1) * cols + (j + 1)]

if p1 == 0 and p2 == 0 and p3 == 0 and \

p4 == 0 and p5 == 0 and p6 == 0 and \

p7 == 0 and p8 == 0 and p9 == 0:

dist[i * cols + j] = 0

return dist.reshape((rows,cols))

src = cv2.imread('datas/b.png')

dist_h3x1 = erode_horizontal_3x1(src)

dist_h5x1 = erode_horizontal_5x1(src)

dist_v3x1 = erode_vertical_3x1(src)

dist_v5x1 = erode_vertical_5x1(src)

dist_c3x3 = erode_cross_3x3(src)









python图像腐蚀处理,Python OpenCV实例:图像腐蚀(数学公式基本实现)_第1张图片


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