
1. PoseCNN 贡献的YCB-Video Dataset ~ 265G

PoseCNN 项目与数据集地址

2. LineMod


4. Pix3D

5. ScanNet

6. ObjectNet3D


包含标注工具 Annotation_tools


There are 9 directories in this package:

  1. Anchor. Anchor points/landmarks of the 12 categories in .off format.
  2. Annotations. The augmented PASCAL and ImageNet annotations for the 12 categories.
  3. Annotation_tools. The annotation tools for bounding box and 3D annotation, and some scripts to visualize the annotations.
    The scripts are helpful to understand the format of the annotation.
  4. CAD. The CAD models used in the annotations both in .off and .mat formats.
  5. Images. The PASCAL and ImageNet images of the 12 categories.
  6. Image_sets. Separation of the ImageNet images into training and validation sets, and subtype names for each category.
  7. PASCAL. The original PASCAL VOC 2012 benchmark.
  8. Segmentation. Code for projecting CAD models using annotations to obtain the segmentation masks of objects.
  9. VDPM. Modified DPM [4] code for joint detection and pose estimation. The data directory contains our trained models and test results.
    The entry functions for training and testing are pose_train.m and pose_test.m respectively.
    The evaluation function is compute_recall_precision_accuracy.m.

author = {Yu Xiang and Roozbeh Mottaghi and Silvio Savarese},
title = {Beyond PASCAL: A Benchmark for 3D Object Detection in the Wild},
booktitle = {IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)},
year = {2014},


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