LZW Compress algorithm

LZW(Lempel-Ziv-Welch) is the first widely used universal data compression method on computers. It would typically compress large English texts to about half of their original sizes. Now LZW is still used in GIF and PDF.

The basic idea: a sequence of adjacent input symbols is called a phrase, the phrases are put into a table along reading input stream, the indices of the phrases in the table is used to form the output.

There are two columns in the table: phrase and its index. Each phrase is composed of a prefix and a symbol, the prefix is an index in the table referencing another phrase, the symbol is appended to the prefix to form the new phrase.

Encode Algorithm:

initialize table;
word <- NIL;

while (there is input)
 symbol <- next symbol from input;
 phrase <- word + symbol;
 if (phrase exists in the table)
  word <- phrase;
  output (index(word));
  add phrase to the table;
  word <- symbol;
output (index(word));

Decode Algorithm:

initialize table;
phrase <- NIL;

while (there is input)
 wordIndex <- next code from input;
 if (wordIndex exists in the table)
  word <- dictionary[wordIndex];
  phrase <- phrase + head(word);
  if(phrase.Length > 1)
   add phrase to the dictionary;
  phrase <- phrase + head(phrase);
  add phrase to the dictionary;
  word <- phrase; //word <- dictionary[wordIndex];
 phrase <- word;
 output (word);


I implemented the algorithm in C# according to <PDF Reference>, which includes more encode details:


     ///   <summary>
///  This class represents a Phrase.
///   </summary>
     public   struct  Phrase
///   <summary>
///  Gets or sets the PrefixIndex. 
///   </summary>
         public   int  PrefixIndex;
///   <summary>
///  Gets or sets the Symbol. 
///   </summary>
         public   int  Symbol;

///   <summary>
///  Initializes a new instance of the  <see cref="Phrase"/>  struct.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="symbol"> The symbol. </param>
         public  Phrase( int  symbol)
=  symbol;
=   - 1 ;

///   <summary>
///  Initializes a new instance of the  <see cref="Phrase"/>  struct.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="symbol"> The symbol. </param>
///   <param name="refIdnex"> The ref idnex. </param>
         public  Phrase( int  symbol,  int  refIdnex)
=  symbol;
=  refIdnex;

///   <summary>
///  Indicates whether this instance and a specified object are equal.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="obj"> Another object to compare to. </param>
///   <returns>
///  true if obj and this instance are the same type and represent the same value; otherwise, false.
///   </returns>
         public   override   bool  Equals( object  obj)
return   this .Symbol  ==  ((Phrase)obj).Symbol
&&   this .PrefixIndex  ==  ((Phrase)obj).PrefixIndex;

///   <summary>
///  Returns the hash code for this instance.
///   </summary>
///   <returns>
///  A 32-bit signed integer that is the hash code for this instance.
///   </returns>
         public   override   int  GetHashCode()
if  (PrefixIndex  !=   - 1 )
return  PrefixIndex  +  Symbol;
return   - Symbol;

///   <summary>
///  Returns the fully qualified type name of this instance.
///   </summary>
///   <returns>
///  A  <see cref="T:System.String"></see>  containing a fully qualified type name.
///   </returns>
         public   override   string  ToString()
return  String.Format( " {0}+{1} " , PrefixIndex, Symbol);




     ///   <summary>
///  Lzw compress algorithm.
///   </summary>
     public   partial   class  Lzw
///   <summary>
///  Clear Table Marker. 
///   </summary>
         const   int  ClearTableMarker  =   256 ;
///   <summary>
///  End Of Data Marker. 
///   </summary>
         const   int  EOD  =   257 ;

///   <summary>
///  Encodes the specified input.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="input"> The input. </param>
///   <param name="output"> The output. </param>
         public   static   void  Encode(Stream input, Stream output)
            MemoryStream memStream 
=   new  MemoryStream();
            BitStream outStream 
=   new  BitStream(memStream);
//  <code, numbits>
             foreach  (Pair < int int >  code  in  Analyze(input))
                outStream.WriteBitsBigEndian(code.Left, code.Right);
=   0 ;
            BitOrder.Reverse(memStream, output);

private   static   void  InitializeTable(Dictionary < Phrase,  int >  Table)
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <=   257 ; i ++ )
new  Phrase(i), i);

private   static  IEnumerable < Pair < int int >>  Analyze(Stream input)
< Phrase,  int >  Table  =   new  Dictionary < Phrase,  int > ();
int  numbits  =   9 ;
yield   return   new  Pair < int int > (ClearTableMarker, numbits);

            Phrase lastPhrase 
=   new  Phrase( - 1 );
            Phrase currentPhrase 
=   new  Phrase();
while  ( true )
int  symbol  =  input.ReadByte();

int  wordIndex  =  Table.ContainsKey(lastPhrase)  ?  Table[lastPhrase] :  - 1 ;

if  (symbol  ==   - 1 )
yield   return   new  Pair < int int > (wordIndex, numbits);
break ;

=  wordIndex;
=  symbol;

if  (Table.ContainsKey(currentPhrase))
=  currentPhrase;
yield   return   new  Pair < int int > (wordIndex, numbits);
if  (Table.Count  <   4096 )
                        Table.Add(currentPhrase, Table.Count);
if  (numbits  ==   9   &&  Table.Count  >   511 )
=   10 ;
else   if  (numbits  ==   10   &&  Table.Count  >   1023 )
=   11 ;
else   if  (numbits  ==   11   &&  Table.Count  >   2047 )
=   12 ;
yield   return   new  Pair < int int > (ClearTableMarker, numbits);
=   9 ;
=  symbol;
=   - 1 ;
yield   return   new  Pair < int int > (EOD, numbits);




  ///   <summary>
///  Lzw Decompress algorithm.
///   </summary>
     public   partial   class  Lzw
///   <summary>
///  Decodes the specified input.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="input"> The input. </param>
///   <param name="output"> The output. </param>
         public   static   void  Decode(Stream input, Stream output)
long  pos  =  input.Position;
            MemoryStream memStream 
=  BitOrder.Reverse(input);
            BitStream inStream 
=   new  BitStream(memStream);

< int , Phrase >  Table  =   new  Dictionary < int , Phrase > ();
            Phrase phrase 
=   new  Phrase();
int  wordIndex  =   - 1 ;
int  numbits  =   9 ;
while  ( true )
int  code  =  inStream.ReadBitsBigEndian(numbits);
if  (code  ==  ClearTableMarker)
=   - 1 ;
=   9 ;
else   if  (code  ==  EOD  ||  code  ==   - 1 )
break ;
if  (code  <   256 )
=  wordIndex;
=  code;
if  (wordIndex  !=   - 1 )
                            Table.Add(Table.Count, phrase);
byte )code);
if  (Table.ContainsKey(code))
int  head  =  GetHead(Table[code], Table);
=  wordIndex;
=  head;
                            Table.Add(Table.Count, phrase);
int  head  =  GetHead(Table[wordIndex], Table);
=  wordIndex;
=  head;
// Table.Count == code
                            Table.Add(Table.Count, phrase);
                        Output(code, Table, output);
if  (numbits  ==   9   &&  Table.Count  >   510 )
=   10 ;
else   if  (numbits  ==   10   &&  Table.Count  >   1022 )
=   11 ;
else   if  (numbits  ==   11   &&  Table.Count  >   2046 )
=   12 ;
=  code;
=  pos  +  inStream.Position;

private   static   int  GetHead(Phrase phrase, Dictionary < int , Phrase >  Table)
if  (phrase.PrefixIndex  ==   - 1 )
return  phrase.Symbol;
                Phrase entry 
=  Table[phrase.PrefixIndex];
while  (entry.PrefixIndex  !=   - 1 )
=  Table[entry.PrefixIndex];
return  entry.Symbol;

private   static   void  Output( int  code, Dictionary < int , Phrase >  Table, Stream output)
< byte >  symbols  =   new  List < byte > ();
            Phrase entry 
=  Table[code];
while  (entry.PrefixIndex  !=   - 1 )
byte )entry.Symbol);
=  Table[entry.PrefixIndex];
byte )entry.Symbol);
0 , symbols.Count);

private   static   void  InitializeTable(Dictionary < int , Phrase >  Table)
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <=   257 ; i ++ )
new  Phrase(i));




     ///   <summary>
///  Revers BitOrder of bytes
///   </summary>
     public   class  BitOrder
static   readonly   byte [] BitReverseTable  =  
0x00 0x80 0x40 0xC0 0x20 0xA0 0x60 0xE0 0x10 0x90 0x50 0xD0 0x30 0xB0 0x70 0xF0
0x08 0x88 0x48 0xC8 0x28 0xA8 0x68 0xE8 0x18 0x98 0x58 0xD8 0x38 0xB8 0x78 0xF8
0x04 0x84 0x44 0xC4 0x24 0xA4 0x64 0xE4 0x14 0x94 0x54 0xD4 0x34 0xB4 0x74 0xF4
0x0C 0x8C 0x4C 0xCC 0x2C 0xAC 0x6C 0xEC 0x1C 0x9C 0x5C 0xDC 0x3C 0xBC 0x7C 0xFC
0x02 0x82 0x42 0xC2 0x22 0xA2 0x62 0xE2 0x12 0x92 0x52 0xD2 0x32 0xB2 0x72 0xF2
0x0A 0x8A 0x4A 0xCA 0x2A 0xAA 0x6A 0xEA 0x1A 0x9A 0x5A 0xDA 0x3A 0xBA 0x7A 0xFA ,
0x06 0x86 0x46 0xC6 0x26 0xA6 0x66 0xE6 0x16 0x96 0x56 0xD6 0x36 0xB6 0x76 0xF6
0x0E 0x8E 0x4E 0xCE 0x2E 0xAE 0x6E 0xEE 0x1E 0x9E 0x5E 0xDE 0x3E 0xBE 0x7E 0xFE ,
0x01 0x81 0x41 0xC1 0x21 0xA1 0x61 0xE1 0x11 0x91 0x51 0xD1 0x31 0xB1 0x71 0xF1 ,
0x09 0x89 0x49 0xC9 0x29 0xA9 0x69 0xE9 0x19 0x99 0x59 0xD9 0x39 0xB9 0x79 0xF9
0x05 0x85 0x45 0xC5 0x25 0xA5 0x65 0xE5 0x15 0x95 0x55 0xD5 0x35 0xB5 0x75 0xF5 ,
0x0D 0x8D 0x4D 0xCD 0x2D 0xAD 0x6D 0xED 0x1D 0x9D 0x5D 0xDD 0x3D 0xBD 0x7D 0xFD ,
0x03 0x83 0x43 0xC3 0x23 0xA3 0x63 0xE3 0x13 0x93 0x53 0xD3 0x33 0xB3 0x73 0xF3
0x0B 0x8B 0x4B 0xCB 0x2B 0xAB 0x6B 0xEB 0x1B 0x9B 0x5B 0xDB 0x3B 0xBB 0x7B 0xFB ,
0x07 0x87 0x47 0xC7 0x27 0xA7 0x67 0xE7 0x17 0x97 0x57 0xD7 0x37 0xB7 0x77 0xF7
0x0F 0x8F 0x4F 0xCF 0x2F 0xAF 0x6F 0xEF 0x1F 0x9F 0x5F 0xDF 0x3F 0xBF 0x7F 0xFF

///   <summary>
///  Reverses the specified value.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="value"> The value. </param>
///   <returns></returns>
         public   static   byte  Reverse( byte  value)
return  BitReverseTable[value];

///   <summary>
///  Reverses the specified input.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="input"> The input. </param>
///   <param name="output"> The output. </param>
         public   static   void  Reverse(Stream input, Stream output)
while  ( true )
int  value  =  input.ReadByte();
if  (value  ==   - 1 break ;

///   <summary>
///  Reverses the specified input.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="input"> The input. </param>
///   <returns></returns>
         public   static  MemoryStream Reverse(Stream input)
            MemoryStream memStream 
=   new  MemoryStream();
            BitOrder.Reverse(input, memStream);
=   0 ;
return  memStream;




     ///   <summary>
///  BitStream.
///   </summary>
     public   class  BitStream
///   <summary>
///  BufferedStream
///   </summary>
        BufferedStream stream;

///   <summary>
///  Initializes a new instance of the  <see cref="BitStream"/>  class.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="stream"> The stream. </param>
         public  BitStream(Stream stream)
// this.stream = stream;
             this .stream  =   new  BufferedStream(stream);

///   <summary>
///  Gets the length.
///   </summary>
///   <value> The length. </value>
         public   long  Length
get  {  return  stream.Length; }

///   <summary>
///  Gets or sets the position.
///   </summary>
///   <value> The position. </value>
         public   long  Position
get  {  return  stream.Position; }
set  { stream.Position  =  value; }

///   <summary>
///  Gets a value indicating whether this instance is end reached.
///   </summary>
///   <value>
///       <c> true </c>  if this instance is end reached; otherwise,  <c> false </c> .
///   </value>
         public   bool  IsEndReached
get  {  return  Position  ==  Length; }

        BitArray bitBuffer;
///   <summary>
///  bitsRead
///   </summary>
         public   int  bitsRead  =   0 ;
int  bitsRemained  =   0 ;

///   <summary>
///  Read num bits from stream, return as a machine integer stored with the most-significant bit first
///  return -1 if not enough bits remained.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="num"></param>
///   <returns></returns>
         public   int  ReadBitsBigEndian( int  num)
if  (num  <   1   ||  num  >   16 )
throw   new  ArgumentOutOfRangeException( " number of bits " );
if  (num  <=  bitsRemained)
int  result  =  GetBinaryInteger(bitBuffer, bitsRead, num);
+=  num;
-=  num;
return  result;
int  count  =  num  -  bitsRemained;
int  bytesToRead  =  count  <=   8   ?   1  :  2 ;
byte [] data  =  ReadBytes(bytesToRead);
if  (data.Length  ==  bytesToRead)
int  result  =  GetBinaryInteger(bitBuffer, bitsRead, bitsRemained);
=   new  BitArray(data);
=  GetBinaryInteger(result, bitBuffer,  0 , count);
=  count;
=  bytesToRead  *   8   -  count;
return  result;
return   - 1 ;

///   <summary>
///  Gets the binary integer.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="array"> The array. </param>
///   <param name="start"> The start. </param>
///   <param name="count"> The count. </param>
///   <returns></returns>
         private   static   int  GetBinaryInteger(BitArray array,  int  start,  int  count)
return  GetBinaryInteger( 0 , array, start, count);

///   <summary>
///  Gets the binary integer.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="initial"> The initial. </param>
///   <param name="array"> The array. </param>
///   <param name="start"> The start. </param>
///   <param name="count"> The count. </param>
///   <returns></returns>
         private   static   int  GetBinaryInteger( int  initial, BitArray array,  int  start,  int  count)
int  result  =  initial;
for  ( int  n  =  start; n  <  start  +  count; n ++ )
int  bit  =  array[n]  ?   1  :  0 ;
=  result  *   2   +  bit;
return  result;

///   <summary>
///  Read Bits Little Endian
///   </summary>
///   <param name="num"></param>
///   <returns></returns>
         public   int  ReadBits( int  num)
int  result  =  ReadBitsBigEndian(num);
            BitArray bits 
=   new  BitArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(result));
return  GetBinaryInteger( 0 , bits,  0 , num);

///   <summary>
///  Read one bit.
///   </summary>
///   <returns></returns>
         public   int  ReadBit()
return  ReadBitsBigEndian( 1 );

///   <summary>
///  go to the next byte boundary, former unread bits are ignored.
///   </summary>
         public   void  GotoNextByte()
=   0 ;
=   0 ;

///   <summary>
///  Reads the byte.
///   </summary>
///   <returns></returns>
         public   byte  ReadByte()
return  ( byte )stream.ReadByte();

///   <summary>
///  Reads the byte.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="offset"> The offset. </param>
///   <returns></returns>
         public   int  ReadByte( long  offset)
=  offset;
return  stream.ReadByte();

///   <summary>
///  Reads the bytes.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="count"> The count. </param>
///   <returns></returns>
         public   byte [] ReadBytes( int  count)
byte [] data  =   new   byte [count];
int  bytesRead  =  stream.Read(data,  0 , count);
if  (bytesRead  ==  count)
return  data;
byte [] bytes  =   new   byte [bytesRead];
if  (bytesRead  >   0 )
                    Array.Copy(data, bytes, bytesRead);
return  bytes;

///   <summary>
///  Reads to end.
///   </summary>
///   <returns></returns>
         public   byte [] ReadToEnd()
int  bytesRemained  =  ( int )(Length  -  Position);
return  ReadBytes(bytesRemained);

///   <summary>
///  Peeks the bytes.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="count"> The count. </param>
///   <returns></returns>
         public   byte [] PeekBytes( int  count)
return  PeekBytes( this .Position, count);

///   <summary>
///  Peeks the bytes.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="offset"> The offset. </param>
///   <param name="length"> The length. </param>
///   <returns></returns>
         public   byte [] PeekBytes( long  offset,  int  length)
long  pos  =   this .Position;
this .Position  =  offset;
byte [] data  =  ReadBytes(length);
this .Position  =  pos;
return  data;

///   <summary>
///  Reads the UInt16.
///   </summary>
///   <returns></returns>
         public   ushort  ReadUInt16()
byte [] data  =  ReadBytes( 2 );
return  BitConverter.ToUInt16(data,  0 );

uint  writebuffer  =   0 ;
///   <summary>
///   </summary>
         public   int  bitsWritten  =   0 ;
///   <summary>
///  Writes the bits.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="value"> The value. </param>
///   <param name="num"> The number of bits. </param>
         public   void  WriteBits( int  value,  int  num)
if  (num  ==   0 return ;
            BitArray bits 
=   new  BitArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(value));
for  ( int  i  =   0 ; i  <  num; i ++ )
uint  bit  =  bits[i]  ?   0x80000000  :  0 ;
=  (writebuffer  >>   1 |  bit;

++ ;
if  (bitsWritten  ==   32 )

///   <summary>
///  Writes the bits big endian.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="value"> The value. </param>
///   <param name="num"> The number of bits. </param>
         public   void  WriteBitsBigEndian( int  value,  int  num)
            BitArray bits 
=   new  BitArray(BitConverter.GetBytes(value));
int  result  =  GetBinaryInteger( 0 , bits,  0 , num);
            WriteBits(result, num);

///   <summary>
///  Writes the bit.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="bit"> if set to  <c> true </c>  [bit]. </param>
         public   void  WriteBit( bool  bit)
?   1  :  0 );

///   <summary>
///  Writes the bit.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="bit"> The bit. </param>
         public   void  WriteBit( int  bit)
1 );

private   void  ClearWriteBuffer()
=   0 ;
=   0 ;

///   <summary>
///  Flush bits in buffer, zero bits are apended to form a byte border.
///  Or flush read when reading.
///   </summary>
         public   void  Flush()
if  (bitsWritten  >   0 )
=  writebuffer  >>  ( 32   -  bitsWritten);
byte [] bytes  =  BitConverter.GetBytes(writebuffer);
int  count  =  bitsWritten  /   8 ;
if  (bitsWritten  %   8   !=   0 )
++ ;
0 , count);

///   <summary>
///  Writes the byte.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="value"> The value. </param>
         public   void  WriteByte( byte  value)

///   <summary>
///  Writes the bytes.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="data"> The data. </param>
         public   void  WriteBytes( byte [] data)
0 , data.Length);

///   <summary>
///  Writes the bytes.
///   </summary>
///   <param name="data"> The data. </param>
///   <param name="offset"> The offset. </param>
///   <param name="count"> The count. </param>
         public   void  WriteBytes( byte [] data,  int  offset,  int  count)
            stream.Write(data, offset, count);



