TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for EmotionRecognition 学习笔记+源码

TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for EmotionRecognition 学习笔记+源码_第1张图片


TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for EmotionRecognition 学习笔记+源码_第2张图片

  高时间分辨率和不对称的脑空间活跃性是脑电图(EEG)的基本属性,它是大脑中情感过程的基础。 为了学习脑电信号的动态时间和空间不对称性,从而实现准确和广义的情感识别,我们提出了一种多尺度卷积神经网络TSception。 TSception由动态的时间层、非对称的空间层和高级融合层组成,它们同时学习时间和通道维度上的特征表示。 动态时间层由多尺度一维卷积核组成,卷积核的长度与EEG的采样率有关,它学习EEG的动态时间和频率。 非对称空间层利用情绪的非对称脑电模式,学习区分性的全局和半脑表征。 学习到的空间表示将被一个高级融合层融合。 在DEAP和MAHNOB-HCI两个公开数据集上,使用更广义的交叉验证,对所提出的方法进行了评估。 将该网络的性能与SVM、KNN、FBFGMDM、FBTSC、无监督学习、DeepConvNet、ShallowConvNet、EEGNet等方法进行了比较。 在大多数实验中,TSCSeption比其他方法获得了更高的分类准确率和F1得分。https://github.com/yi-ding-cs/TSception

TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for EmotionRecognition 学习笔记+源码_第3张图片



删除每个被试实验前3秒的baseline, 然后将数据从512Hz向下采样到128Hz,然后用盲源分离方法去除眼电图(EOG)。 为了去除低频和高频噪声,对原始脑电信号进行4.0-45Hz的带通滤波,最后,将脑电通道平均到共同参考值。 每个维度的类标签从1到9,选择5作为阈值,将9个离散值投射到每个维度的低类和高类中。本研究仅使用唤醒和价维度。 由于深度神经网络具有更多的可训练参数,因此要对脑电中的情绪状态进行优化学习,需要大量的标记数据样本。 但是,如表1所列,在选定的数据集中,试验的数量很少。 为了克服这一挑战,通过将每个试验分成更小的、不重叠的4S片段来进行数据增强步骤(在训练部分加入这部分后面会提到)。 然后,这些片段被用来训练深度神经网络。 

TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for EmotionRecognition 学习笔记+源码_第4张图片


self.original_order = ['Fp1', 'AF3', 'F3', 'F7', 'FC5', 'FC1', 'C3', 'T7', 'CP5', 'CP1', 'P3', 'P7', 'PO3',
                               'O1', 'Oz', 'Pz', 'Fp2', 'AF4', 'Fz', 'F4', 'F8', 'FC6', 'FC2', 'Cz', 'C4', 'T8', 'CP6',
                               'CP2', 'P4', 'P8', 'PO4', 'O2']   ##   初始顺序

self.TS = ['Fp1', 'AF3', 'F3', 'F7', 'FC5', 'FC1', 'C3', 'T7', 'CP5', 'CP1', 'P3', 'P7', 'PO3','O1',
'Fp2', 'AF4', 'F4', 'F8', 'FC6', 'FC2', 'C4', 'T8', 'CP6', 'CP2', 'P4', 'P8', 'PO4', 'O2'] 
def load_data_per_subject(self, sub):
        This function loads the target subject's original file
        sub: which subject to load

        data: (40, 32, 7680) label: (40, 4)
    sub += 1
    if (sub < 10):
        sub_code = str('s0' + str(sub) + '.dat')
        sub_code = str('s' + str(sub) + '.dat')

    subject_path = os.path.join(self.data_path, sub_code)
    subject = cPickle.load(open(subject_path, 'rb'), encoding='latin1')
    label = subject['labels']
    data = subject['data'][:, 0:32, 3 * 128:]  # Excluding the first 3s of baseline
        #   data: 40 x 32 x 7680
        #   label: 40 x 4
        # reorder the EEG channel to build the local-global graphs
        # 这个作者的下一篇文章需要graph操作
    data = self.reorder_channel(data=data, graph=self.graph_type)
    print('data:' + str(data.shape) + ' label:' + str(label.shape))
    return data, label

def reorder_channel(self, data, graph):
        This function reorder the channel according to different graph designs
            data: (trial, channel, data)
            graph: graph type

        reordered data: (trial, channel, data)
        if graph == 'TS':
            graph_idx = self.TS  # 去掉Fz、Cz、Pz、Oz的channnel
        elif graph == 'O':
            graph_idx = self.original_order  # 正常channel

        idx = []

        for chan in graph_idx:

        return data[:, idx, :]


TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for EmotionRecognition 学习笔记+源码_第5张图片



TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for EmotionRecognition 学习笔记+源码_第6张图片


    def label_selection(self, label):
        This function: 1. selects which dimension of labels to use
                       2. create binary label
        label: (trial, 4)

        label: (trial,)
        if self.label_type == 'A':
            label = label[:, 1]
        elif self.label_type == 'V':
            label = label[:, 0]
        if self.args.num_class == 2:
            label = np.where(label <= 5, 0, label)
            label = np.where(label > 5, 1, label)
            print('Binary label generated!')
        return label

 数据分割成4S的片段 data格式 40*15*28*512 对应的label 40*15

    def split(self, data, label, segment_length=4, overlap=0, sampling_rate=128):
        This function split one trial's data into shorter segments
        data: (trial, channel, data)
        label: (trial,)
        segment_length: how long each segment is (e.g. 1s, 2s,...)
        overlap: overlap rate
        sampling_rate: sampling rate

        data:(trial, num_segment, channel, segment_legnth)
        label:(trial, num_segment,)
        data_shape = data.shape   # 40*28*7680 
        step = int(segment_length * sampling_rate * (1 - overlap))  
        data_segment = sampling_rate * segment_length  # 分割后的信号采样点 128*4
        data_split = []

        number_segment = int((data_shape[2] - data_segment) // step) 
        for i in range(number_segment + 1):
            data_split.append(data[:, :, (i * step):(i * step + data_segment)])
        data_split_array = np.stack(data_split, axis=1)
        label = np.stack([np.repeat(label[i], int(number_segment + 1)) for i in range(len(label))], axis=0)
        print("The data and label are split: Data shape:" + str(data_split_array.shape) + " Label:" + str(
        data = data_split_array
        assert len(data) == len(label)
        return data, label

保存被试预处理后的数据集为 .hdf文件 

    def save(self, data, label, sub):
        This function save the processed data into target folder
        data: the processed data
        label: the corresponding label
        sub: the subject ID

        save_path = os.getcwd()
        data_type = 'data_{}_{}_{}'.format(self.args.data_format, self.args.dataset, self.args.label_type)
        save_path = os.path.join(save_path, data_type)
        if not os.path.exists(save_path):
        name = 'sub' + str(sub) + '.hdf'
        save_path = os.path.join(save_path, name)
        dataset = h5py.File(save_path, 'w')
        dataset['data'] = data
        dataset['label'] = label


class PrepareData:
    def __init__(self, args):
        # init all the parameters here
        # arg contains parameter settings
        self.args = args
        self.data = None
        self.label = None
        self.model = None
        self.data_path = args.data_path
        self.label_type = args.label_type
        self.original_order = ['Fp1', 'AF3', 'F3', 'F7', 'FC5', 'FC1', 'C3', 'T7', 'CP5', 'CP1', 'P3', 'P7', 'PO3',
                               'O1', 'Oz', 'Pz', 'Fp2', 'AF4', 'Fz', 'F4', 'F8', 'FC6', 'FC2', 'Cz', 'C4', 'T8', 'CP6',
                               'CP2', 'P4', 'P8', 'PO4', 'O2']   ##   初始顺序

        self.TS = ['Fp1', 'AF3', 'F3', 'F7', 'FC5', 'FC1', 'C3', 'T7', 'CP5', 'CP1', 'P3', 'P7', 'PO3','O1',
                   'Fp2', 'AF4', 'F4', 'F8', 'FC6', 'FC2', 'C4', 'T8', 'CP6', 'CP2', 'P4', 'P8', 'PO4', 'O2']

        ##   分成左右脑
        self.graph_type = args.graph_type

    def run(self, subject_list, split=False, expand=True, feature=False):
        subject_list: the subjects need to be processed
        split: (bool) whether to split one trial's data into shorter segment
        expand: (bool) whether to add an empty dimension for CNN
        feature: (bool) whether to extract features or not

        The processed data will be saved './data___/sub0.hdf'
        for sub in subject_list:
            data_, label_ = self.load_data_per_subject(sub)
            # select label type here
            label_ = self.label_selection(label_)

            if split:
                data_, label_ = self.split(
                    data=data_, label=label_, segment_length=self.args.segment,
                    overlap=self.args.overlap, sampling_rate=self.args.sampling_rate)

            if expand:
                # expand one dimension for deep learning(CNNs)
                data_ = np.expand_dims(data_, axis=-3)
            print('Data and label prepared for sub{}!'.format(sub))
            print('data:' + str(data_.shape) + ' label:' + str(label_.shape))
            self.save(data_, label_, sub)


TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for EmotionRecognition 学习笔记+源码_第7张图片

## TSception参数
args.model == 'TSception':
        model = TSception(
            num_classes=args.num_class, input_size=args.input_shape,
            sampling_rate=args.sampling_rate, num_T=args.T, num_S=args.T,
            hidden=args.hidden, dropout_rate=args.dropout)
            num_class = 2
            input_shape = (1,28,512) 
            samplig_rate = 128
            T = 15
            hidden = 32
            dropout = 0.5

class TSception(nn.Module):
    def conv_block(self, in_chan, out_chan, kernel, step, pool):
        return nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(in_channels=in_chan, out_channels=out_chan,
                      kernel_size=kernel, stride=step),
            nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=(1, pool), stride=(1, pool)))

    def __init__(self, num_classes, input_size, sampling_rate, num_T, num_S, hidden, dropout_rate):
        # input_size: 1 x EEG channel x datapoint
        #  sample_rate: 512
        super(TSception, self).__init__()
        self.inception_window = [0.5, 0.25, 0.125]
        self.pool = 8
        # by setting the convolutional kernel being (1,lenght) and the strids being 1 we can use conv2d to
        # achieve the 1d convolution operation
        self.Tception1 = self.conv_block(1, num_T, (1, int(self.inception_window[0] * sampling_rate)), 1, self.pool)
        self.Tception2 = self.conv_block(1, num_T, (1, int(self.inception_window[1] * sampling_rate)), 1, self.pool)
        self.Tception3 = self.conv_block(1, num_T, (1, int(self.inception_window[2] * sampling_rate)), 1, self.pool)

        self.Sception1 = self.conv_block(num_T, num_S, (int(input_size[1]), 1), 1, int(self.pool*0.25))
        self.Sception2 = self.conv_block(num_T, num_S, (int(input_size[1] * 0.5), 1), (int(input_size[1] * 0.5), 1),
        self.fusion_layer = self.conv_block(num_S, num_S, (3, 1), 1, 4)
        self.BN_t = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_T)
        self.BN_s = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_S)
        self.BN_fusion = nn.BatchNorm2d(num_S)

        self.fc = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(num_S, hidden),
            nn.Linear(hidden, num_classes)

    def forward(self, x):
        y = self.Tception1(x)
        out = y
        y = self.Tception2(x) 
        out = torch.cat((out, y), dim=-1)   #最后一个维度拼接
        y = self.Tception3(x)
        out = torch.cat((out, y), dim=-1)
        out = self.BN_t(out)
        z = self.Sception1(out)
        out_ = z
        z = self.Sception2(out)
        out_ = torch.cat((out_, z), dim=2)
        out = self.BN_s(out_)
        out = self.fusion_layer(out)
        out = self.BN_fusion(out)
        out = torch.squeeze(torch.mean(out, dim=-1), dim=-1)
        out = self.fc(out)
        return out


TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for EmotionRecognition 学习笔记+源码_第8张图片

 TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for EmotionRecognition 学习笔记+源码_第9张图片

 TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for EmotionRecognition 学习笔记+源码_第10张图片TSception: Capturing Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Asymmetry from EEG for EmotionRecognition 学习笔记+源码_第11张图片


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