Vulkan is a low-overhead, cross-platform 3D graphics and computing API. Vulkan targets high-performance realtime 3D graphics applications such as video games and interactive media across all platforms. Compared to OpenGL and Direct3D 11, and like Direct3D 12 and Metal, Vulkan is intended to offer higher performance and more balanced CPU/GPU usage. Other major differences from Direct3D 11 (and prior) and OpenGL are Vulkan being a considerably lower level API and offering parallel tasking. Vulkan also has the ability to render 2D graphics applications. In addition to its lower CPU usage, Vulkan is also able to better distribute work among multiple CPU cores.
科纳斯最先把VulkanAPI称为“次世代OpenGL行动”(next generation OpenGL initiative)或“glNext”, [1] 但在正式宣布Vulkan之后这些名字就没有再使用了。就像OpenGL,Vulkan针对实时3D程序(如电子游戏)设计,Vulkan并计划提供高性能和低CPU管理负担(overhead),这也是Direct3D12和AMD的Mantle的目标。Vulkan兼容Mantle的一个分支,并使用了Mantle的一些组件。 [1-2]
同 OpenGL® 一样,Vulkan™ 也由 Khronos 集团开发。它是 AMD Mantle 的后续版本,继承了前者强大的低开销架构,使软件开发人员能够全面获取 Radeon™ GPU 与多核 CPU 的性能、效率和功能。 [3]
相对于 OpenGL,Vulkan™ 大幅降低了 CPU 在提供重要特性、性能和影像质量时的“API 开销” [1] (CPU 在分析游戏的硬件需求时所执行的后台工作),而且可以使用通常通过 OpenGL 无法访问的 GPU 硬件特性。 [3]
独特的跨 OS 支持
Vulkan™ 能够支持深入硬件底层的控制,为 Windows® 7、Windows® 8.1、Windows® 10 和 Linux® [3] 带来更快的性能和更高的影像质量。Vulkan™ API 还提供超高的 OS 兼容性、渲染特性和硬件效率。 [3]
自动兼容 GCN 架构
目前只有基于GCN架构 的Radeon™ 显卡拥有强大的“异步计算”功能,使显卡得以并行处理3D几何图形与计算工作量。例如,当游戏需要同时计算复杂照明与渲染人物时,这种功能就找到了用武之地。这些任务并不需要在Radeon™ 显卡上串行运行,因此可以节约时间、提升整体帧速率。现在,设计Vulkan应用的游戏开发者可以在所有近期版本的Windows和Linux系统中利用这种独特硬件特性。 [3]
In my opinion, Vulkan is a advances cross-os graphics API including advantages of DirectX and OpenGL.If you have already leaned these two APIs and study Vulkan, you will understanding why I said that. Vulkan is new and undoubtly is better, but Vulkan’s defect is obvious also. It’s hard to develop, much details you must concern about. It will influent your development much more when you focus on some core module development.
Let’s come back to the point, Vulkan is a good tool, and if you master it, you will never misunderstanding many concepts in DX & GL. In other word, master Vulkan and feel free to use all the others.
Developing a basic & efficient game engine core based on Khronous latest graphics API, Vulkan. In my Serial, I will complete all schedule from setup environment to achievement of a game engine step by step. I’ll try to complete all functions in efficient and simple way.
I am Dexter Zou, a windows driver developer now in Beijing, China, working in a U.S. corporation. However, I actually a enthusiastic game hobbyist.
My dream is do something valuable about edge-cutting graphics tech. Graphics technology or some game technology. By the way, create a nice game engine and a game, and love my game.
To practice my English expression, I’ll try to use English sentence to explain something.
Email [email protected]
Relish my life, Relish my game.