计算机视觉Computer Vision课程学习笔记一之intro

第一章 cv任务内容包括三种:
DL发展历程 DLdata bias Adversarial Attack Scalability Hyperparameters


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(Mathematical) Models

• geometric distortion几何变形
– pincushion/barrel distortion
• point spread function点扩散函数
• image enhancement图像增强
– histogram equalisation: constant histogram
• noise噪声
– Gaussian, salt and pepper
• thresholding阈值
– 2 modes
– Gaussian
– matching moments
– entropy
• image segmentation图像分割
– constant region intensity
• edge detection边缘检测
– step/ramp function in intensity
• frequency filtering频率滤波
– lowpass, highpass, bandpass functions
• texture analysis纹理分析
– power spectrum: power law
• classification feature space boundaries分类特征空间边界
– linear horizontal/vertical
– linear arbitrary
– quadratic
• skin detection皮肤检测
– Gaussian Mixture Model

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Levels of analysis:

– Low level vision: manipulate pixels
– Mid level vision: extract features
– High level vision: reason about objects

A Typical computer vision tasks

• Measure or inspect known objects

– predictable view of known object
– measure dimensions, position, count

• Manufacturing
– count parts
– check castings
– position workpieces
• Inspection
– road surfaces, interior of pipes
– printed circuit boards - tracks, solder,
– packaging - bottles, labels
• Agriculture and food processing
– sort/grade fruit, vegetables, grain
– check ripeness, quality, size
– check confections (pizzas, chocolates)

• Recognise or identify unknown objects

– predictable view of unknown object
– object is one of a set known to the system

• Recognise symbols
– read text, addresses, post codes
– read product labels, serial numbers
• Recognise biological specimens
– cancerous cells in cervical smears
– chromosomes (karotyping)
• Recognise people
– faces
– fingerprints
– hands, ears, gait, retinal patterns, …
• Recognise unknown vehicles
– friend/foe aircraft

• Interpret or understand visual scene

– unpredictable view (angle, lighting, occlusions)
– object in scene not necessarily known to the system

• Tackling more difficult vision problems
– unrestricted scene contents
– uncontrolled viewing angle, lighting, occlusions
– impossible to use ‘simple’ prototypes
• Beyond the literal picture: semantics
– recognise a ‘road’, ‘chair’, ’table’
• Requires high level, abstract
– knowledge representations
– reasoning mechanisms
– control structures
• Possible applications
– automous vehicle guidance (land, sea, air)
– robots, …

B Deep Learning for Computer Vision

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Artificial Neural Networks
History of Deep Learning for Computer Vision
AI Winter
Convolutional Neural Networks
The Rise of Deep Learning
Limitations of Deep Learning
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DL:data bias
Adversarial Attack
Hyperparameters, etc.
