通过对可行域内随机取值,大大降低了对初始值的依赖程度,但在随机采样过程中容易出现误差,因而需要多次取平均结果来体现全局性。MOAT方法把灵敏度结果表示为EE(elementary effect),这里在下面的python代码中可以有着很清楚的体现。
from SALib.sample import saltelli
from SALib.analyze import sobol
from SALib.analyze import morris
from SALib.test_functions import Ishigami
import numpy as np
import math
from SALib.plotting.bar import plot as barplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
我们这里验证的函数是: y = a x 2 + b x + c y=ax^2+bx+c y=ax2+bx+c这里对函数灵敏度有影响的参数为 a , b , c a,b,c a,b,c事先定义他们的范围。
problem = {
'names':['x1', 'x2', 'x3'],
'bounds':[[1, 3],[2, 4],[3, 5]]
我们要生成一样本(samples),由于我们要进行morris灵敏度分析我们需要用Saltelli samplers生成很多samples。
param_values = saltelli.sample(problem,1000)
np.savetxt("param_values.txt", param_values)#将参数变化保存,其实是个参数范围内的sobol抽样
(8000, 3)
param_values 是一个Numpy的矩阵,我们将打印出param_values的shape为(8000,3),Saltelli生成 N ∗ ( 2 D + 2 ) N*(2D+2) N∗(2D+2)个samples,N是我们在函数中所给定的,D是模型的三输入个数。
Y = np.zeros([param_values.shape[0]])
for i,X in enumerate(param_values):
tarr = np.arange(-5,6,1);
yerror = 0.0;
for t in tarr:
ylab = 2*t**2+3*t+4;
ytheory = X[0]*t**2+X[1]*t+X[2];
yerror = yerror+(ylab-ytheory)**2;
Y[i] = math.sqrt(yerror);
这里我们要计算敏感指数,在这个例子中我们采用的是 m o r r i s . a n a l y z e morris.analyze morris.analyze将会计算出平均灵敏、平均灵敏度的绝对值和灵敏度的标准差。
Si = morris.analyze(problem,param_values,Y,print_to_console=True)
print("the mean elementary effect mu:")
print(Si['mu'])#the mean elementary effect
print("the absolute of the mean elementary effect mu_star:")
print(Si['mu_star'])#the absolute of the mean elementary effect
print("the standard deviation of the elementary effect sigma sigma:")
print(Si['sigma'])#the standard deviation of the elementary effect
mu mu_star sigma mu_star_conf
x1 -0.239573 31.922459 41.718545 1.009824
x2 -0.035074 35.178599 39.714890 0.781839
x3 0.051262 18.772476 27.984910 0.873359
the mean elementary effect mu:
[-0.23957343 -0.03507359 0.05126165]
the absolute of the mean elementary effect mu_star:
[31.922458653757158 35.17859916653295 18.772476282420456]
the standard deviation of the elementary effect sigma:
[41.71854476 39.71488989 27.98491008]
from SALib.plotting.bar import plot as barplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
Si_df = Si.to_df()
mu mu_star sigma mu_star_conf
x1 -0.239573 31.922459 41.718545 1.310684
x2 -0.035074 35.178599 39.714890 0.812093
x3 0.051262 18.772476 27.984910 0.863634