尝试新事物30天--Try something new for 30days




想到Matt Cutts 的“Try something new for 30days",开始变得有吸引力,似乎能够阻挡将要老去的时光一般。

下面是Matt 的30天计划完成的一些事情,而我也将会开始实行自己的30天计划。

3月:every day a new word for 30days 




3月:meditation for 15mins each morning

Remark: this will not be too difficult for me, because I have done this every several days now. but I want it to be my habit.

Date Event Feelings
2009年5月 walk 10,000 steps a day In the process, I discovered that walking to the grocery store can be a relaxing way to unwind and get some exercise
2009年6月 not watch any television I learned that I don’t miss summer TV that much
2009年7月 biked into work
2009年8月 Read 15 books in 30 days
2009年10月 not going to use any Microsoft software
2009年11月 without Robert Scoble (November)
2009年12月 I went off caffeine
2010年1月 no Twitter or FriendFeed 
2010年2月 no iPhone
2010年3月  no sugar
2010年4月 without replying to external email (April)
2010年5月  no Facebook
2010年6月  I didn’t respond to email after 10 p.m. and I read the New Testament of the Bible Both were interesting in different ways. It turns out that 10 p.m. is a pretty good time for me to turn off email (I’ve tried 9 p.m. in the past and that didn’t work–Google can be a very email-heavy place at times). I’d like to get back to this habit, because it made me distinctly more mellow at night. I noticed that I slipped pretty quickly back into the “email anytime I’m awake” habit.
2010年7月  only cloud-based software
2010年8月 I took a picture a day
2010年9月 meditate or quietly reflect for 15 minutes a day Meditating was harder than I thought, in a few ways. First, it was difficult (impossible?) to turn my brain off. I’m accustomed to using my brain all the time, every day. I don’t like to turn my brain off. I definitely struggled with that all month. Someone recommended counting, for example counting leaves on a tree, as a way to help. That worked very well, but it also felt like counting was keeping my mind busy rather than clearing it out.
2010年10月 get my finances in order
2010年11月 write a novel The idea is to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days
2010年12月  learn a word a day
2011年1月 In 2011, I paused my 30 day challenges to do a “six month challenge”: training to run a marathon. I ended up running the San Francisco marathon (while tweeting!) and a couple half-marathons
2011年4月 30 days of Being Thankful
2011年6月 Goal:  Go skydiving;Run a marathon;Get my email under control
2011年10月 eat vegan for the next 30 days
2011年11月 growing a mustache to raise awareness and money for men’s health issues
2011年12月 do an act of kindness or a good deed a day https://plus.google.com/+MattCutts/posts/TeCdM4kKiKf
2012年1月 draw something every day  My *goal* was that I would pay more attention to creativity and my right brain in 2012: drawing, learning guitar, singing lessons, etc. In *practice*, this was a disastrous failure. I lasted for about 6-7 days, then slipped while on vacation, and never got back into the habit. I want to be the sort of person who draws, but even with a 30 day challenge pushing me, I didn’t actually do it. I need to do some deep thinking about why I didn’t participate in this activity, which I thought I was enthusiastic about.
2012年2月 exercise every day
2012年3月 avoid reading, watching, or hearing the news
2012年6月 eat mindfully (eat more slowly, don’t eat while distracted by TV or web browsing, chew more, stop eating when I’m full, etc.)
2012年7月 Don’t send any emails after 9 p.m Email is the part of my life that is most out of control, so it’s worth trying a few approaches to tackle it
2012年9月 everyday I did something nice for my wife
2012年10月  play the ukulele each day
2012年11月  get good sleep this month So I’m setting a goal of eight hours of sleep a night for the next 30 days
2013年1月 no news, no Twitter, fewer emails, and no social media in general I averaged about a book a day for a week; I quickly learned that if something important was happening, I’d hear about it from someone else.
2013年2月 my wife and I are trying a gluten-free, wheat-free month
2013年3月 Chromebook Pixel
2013年6月  record a second of video every day http://www.ted.com/talks/cesar_kuriyama_one_second_every_day
2013年7月 not to read any news or social media So no Twitter, Google News, Techmeme, Google+, Hacker News, Reddit, Imgur, etc Why am I doing this? I find it to be a useful challenge. I’m crunching on a bunch of stuff and really wanted to get my head down and focus on some projects
Longer-term, I’m trying to find a healthier approach to news and social media. On the spectrum of books to magazines to newspapers to social media with its second-by-second focus, I’d like to shift my media consumption more toward books and research
2013年9月 better email handling
2013年10月 eat better and exercise more I tried to eat better and exercise more. I did alright on that, but without a specific daily goal, I had a hard time deciding how well I did. I mostly got back into the habit of exercising daily, so that was helpful.
2013年11月 no work November I had enough vacation days built up that I was hitting the upper limit for work, so I took a bunch of vacation in November. My in-laws visited one week, then it was a family member’s birthday, so we took some time off at a resort in Arizona. Then it was back home for a week before spending the week before Thanksgiving in Kentucky with my family.
2014年1月 limit my social media That was a productive month
2014年2月 eat more slowly
2014年3月 not to reply to external emails
2014年4月  make quirky eyebrow expressions
2014年5月 get eight hours of sleep a night I only hit that goal about half the nights. But I became much more aware of when I was trading off sleep for a meaningful activity, like getting up at 4 a.m. to drive to Vallejo for a triathlon. Or more often, I realized that I was trading off sleep to answer emails or surf the web. As a bonus 30 day challenge, I biked into work almost every day in May.
2014年6月 at least an hour a day with a treadmill desk
2014年10月 write a compliment a day for my wife
2014年11月 writing  I did miss one day, but here’s a secret about 30 day challenges: if you miss a day or two, you can just keep doing the challenge for another day or so at the end. Or don’t worry about it: you’re trying out something new, and you only have to answer to yourself.
2014年12月 I’ve been spending more time surfing the web on my laptop than I’d like to. I’ve also noticed more emails that lure me into short tasks, but eventually eat up a large chunk of my day.I’d prefer to be spending more time working on projects, reading, and unplugging
