数据集:Classify the sentiment of sentences from the Rotten Tomatoes dataset
利用softmax regression
在一句话中,存在于句子的单词 (不区分大小写),则对应的向量位置上的数字为1,反之为0,通过这种方式,可以把一个句子变成一个由数字表示的0-1向量。虽然转换方式非常简单,但是它没有考虑词序
N元特征考虑词序,如当N=2时,I love you
不再看作是I, love, you
这三个单词,而是 I love, love you
通常来说,使用N元特征时,会一并使用1, 2, …, N-1元特征,数据量大的输入时,较大的N会导致结果模型训练极度缓慢
p ( y = c ∣ x ) = s o f t m a x ( w c T x ) = e x p ( w c T x ) ∑ c ′ = 1 C e x p ( w c T x ) p(y=c|x)=softmax(w^T_cx)=\frac{exp(w^T_cx)}{\sum_{c'=1}^Cexp(w^T_cx)} p(y=c∣x)=softmax(wcTx)=∑c′=1Cexp(wcTx)exp(wcTx)
其中 w c w_c wc是第 c c c类的权重向量,记 W = [ w 1 , w 2 , . . . , w C ] W=[w_1,w_2,...,w_C] W=[w1,w2,...,wC]为权重矩阵,则上述公式可以表示为列向量:
y ^ = f ( x ) = s o f t m a x ( W T x ) = e x p ( W T x ) 1 ⃗ c T e x p ( W T x ) \hat{y}=f(x)=softmax(W^Tx)=\frac{exp(W^Tx)}{\vec{1}^T_cexp(W^Tx)} y^=f(x)=softmax(WTx)=1cTexp(WTx)exp(WTx)
y ^ \hat{y} y^ 中的每一个元素,代表对应类别的概率,接下来求解参数矩 W W W
L ( f W ( x ( n ) ) , y ( n ) ) = − ∑ c = 1 C y c ( n ) l o g y ^ c ( n ) = − ( y ( n ) ) T l o g y ^ ( n ) L(fW(x^{(n)}),y^{(n)})=-\sum_{c=1}^Cy_c^{(n)}log\hat{y}_c^{(n)}=-(y^{(n)})^Tlog\hat{y}^{(n)} L(fW(x(n)),y(n))=−∑c=1Cyc(n)logy^c(n)=−(y(n))Tlogy^(n)
= − ( y ( n ) ) T l o g ( e x p ( W T x ) 1 ⃗ c T e x p ( W T x ) ) =-(y^{(n)})^Tlog(\frac{exp(W^Tx)}{\vec{1}^T_cexp(W^Tx)}) =−(y(n))Tlog(1cTexp(WTx)exp(WTx))
其中 y ( n ) = ( I ( c = 0 ) , I ( c = 1 ) , . . . , I ( c = C ) ) y^{(n)}=(I(c=0),I(c=1),...,I(c=C)) y(n)=(I(c=0),I(c=1),...,I(c=C)),是一个one-hot向量,只有一个元素是1,其余都是0
L ( W ) = L ( f W ( x ) , y ) = 1 N ∑ n = 1 N L ( f W ( x ( n ) ) , y ( n ) ) L(W)=L(fW(x),y)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^NL(fW(x^{(n)}),y^{(n)}) L(W)=L(fW(x),y)=N1∑n=1NL(fW(x(n)),y(n))
通过找到损失函数的最小值,确定最优的参数矩阵 W W W
∂ L ( W ) ∂ W = − 1 N ∑ n = 1 N x ( n ) ( y ( n ) − y ^ W ( n ) ) T \frac{\partial L(W)}{\partial W}=-\frac{1}{N}\sum_{n=1}^Nx^{(n)}(y^{(n)}-\hat{y}^{(n)}_W)^T ∂W∂L(W)=−N1∑n=1Nx(n)(y(n)−y^W(n))T
W t + 1 ← W t − α ∂ L ( W t ) ∂ W t W_{t+1}\gets W_t-\alpha\frac{\partial L(W_t)}{\partial W_t} Wt+1←Wt−α∂Wt∂L(Wt)
Δ W = − x ( n ) ( y ( n ) − y ^ W ( n ) ) T \Delta W=-x^{(n)}(y^{(n)}-\hat{y}^{(n)}_W)^T ΔW=−x(n)(y(n)−y^W(n))T
W t + 1 ← W t − α ( Δ W t ) W_{t+1}\gets W_t-\alpha(\Delta W_t) Wt+1←Wt−α(ΔWt)
Δ W = − 1 k ∑ n ∈ S x ( n ) ( y ( n ) − y ^ W ( n ) ) T \Delta W=-\frac{1}{k}\sum\limits_{n\in S}x^{(n)}(y^{(n)}-\hat{y}^{(n)}_W)^T ΔW=−k1n∈S∑x(n)(y(n)−y^W(n))T
W t + 1 ← W t − α ( Δ W t ) W_{t+1}\gets W_t-\alpha(\Delta W_t) Wt+1←Wt−α(ΔWt)
import numpy
import csv
import random
from feature import Bag,Gram
from comparison_plot import alpha_gradient_plot
# 数据读取
with open('train.tsv') as f:
tsvreader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
temp = list(tsvreader)
# 初始化
data = temp[1:]
# 特征提取
gram=Gram(data, dimension=2, max_item=max_item)
# 画图
alpha_gradient_plot(bag,gram,10000,10) # 计算10000次
alpha_gradient_plot(bag,gram,100000,10) # 计算100000次
import numpy
import random
def data_split(data, test_rate=0.3, max_item=1000):
train = list()
test = list()
i = 0
for datum in data:
i += 1
if random.random() > test_rate:
if i > max_item:
return train, test
class Bag:
"""Bag of words"""
def __init__(self, my_data, max_item=1000):
self.data = my_data[:max_item]
self.dict_words = dict() # 单词到单词编号的映射
self.len = 0 # 记录有几个单词
self.train, self.test = data_split(my_data, test_rate=0.3, max_item=max_item)
self.train_y = [int(term[3]) for term in self.train] # 训练集类别
self.test_y = [int(term[3]) for term in self.test] # 测试集类别
self.train_matrix = None # 训练集的0-1矩阵(每行一个句子)
self.test_matrix = None # 测试集的0-1矩阵(每行一个句子)
def get_words(self):
for term in self.data:
s = term[2]
s = s.upper() # 记得要全部转化为大写!!(或者全部小写,否则一个单词例如i,I会识别成不同的两个单词)
words = s.split()
for word in words: # 一个一个单词寻找
if word not in self.dict_words:
self.dict_words[word] = len(self.dict_words)
self.len = len(self.dict_words)
self.test_matrix = numpy.zeros((len(self.test), self.len)) # 初始化0-1矩阵
self.train_matrix = numpy.zeros((len(self.train), self.len)) # 初始化0-1矩阵
def get_matrix(self):
for i in range(len(self.train)): # 训练集矩阵
s = self.train[i][2]
words = s.split()
for word in words:
word = word.upper()
self.train_matrix[i][self.dict_words[word]] = 1
for i in range(len(self.test)): # 测试集矩阵
s = self.test[i][2]
words = s.split()
for word in words:
word = word.upper()
self.test_matrix[i][self.dict_words[word]] = 1
class Gram:
def __init__(self, my_data, dimension=2, max_item=1000):
self.data = my_data[:max_item]
self.max_item = max_item
self.dict_words = dict() # 特征到t正编号的映射
self.len = 0 # 记录有多少个特征
self.dimension = dimension # 决定使用几元特征
self.train, self.test = data_split(my_data, test_rate=0.3, max_item=max_item)
self.train_y = [int(term[3]) for term in self.train] # 训练集类别
self.test_y = [int(term[3]) for term in self.test] # 测试集类别
self.train_matrix = None # 训练集0-1矩阵(每行代表一句话)
self.test_matrix = None # 测试集0-1矩阵(每行代表一句话)
def get_words(self):
for d in range(1, self.dimension + 1): # 提取 1-gram, 2-gram,..., N-gram 特征
for term in self.data:
s = term[2]
s = s.upper() # 记得要全部转化为大写!!(或者全部小写,否则一个单词例如i,I会识别成不同的两个单词)
words = s.split()
for i in range(len(words) - d + 1): # 一个一个特征找
temp = words[i:i + d]
temp = "_".join(temp) # 形成i d-gram 特征
if temp not in self.dict_words:
self.dict_words[temp] = len(self.dict_words)
self.len = len(self.dict_words)
self.test_matrix = numpy.zeros((len(self.test), self.len)) # 训练集矩阵初始化
self.train_matrix = numpy.zeros((len(self.train), self.len)) # 测试集矩阵初始化
def get_matrix(self):
for d in range(1, self.dimension + 1):
for i in range(len(self.train)): # 训练集矩阵
s = self.train[i][2]
s = s.upper()
words = s.split()
for j in range(len(words) - d + 1):
temp = words[j:j + d]
temp = "_".join(temp)
self.train_matrix[i][self.dict_words[temp]] = 1
for i in range(len(self.test)): # 测试集矩阵
s = self.test[i][2]
s = s.upper()
words = s.split()
for j in range(len(words) - d + 1):
temp = words[j:j + d]
temp = "_".join(temp)
self.test_matrix[i][self.dict_words[temp]] = 1
import numpy
import random
class Softmax:
"""Softmax regression"""
def __init__(self, sample, typenum, feature):
self.sample = sample # 训练集样本个数
self.typenum = typenum # (情感)种类个数
self.feature = feature # 0-1向量的长度
self.W = numpy.random.randn(feature, typenum) # 参数矩阵W初始化
def softmax_calculation(self, x):
exp = numpy.exp(x - numpy.max(x)) # 先减去最大值防止指数太大溢出
return exp / exp.sum()
def softmax_all(self, wtx):
wtx -= numpy.max(wtx, axis=1, keepdims=True) # 先减去行最大值防止指数太大溢出
wtx = numpy.exp(wtx)
wtx /= numpy.sum(wtx, axis=1, keepdims=True)
return wtx
def change_y(self, y):
ans = numpy.array([0] * self.typenum)
ans[y] = 1
return ans.reshape(-1, 1)
def prediction(self, X):
prob = self.softmax_all(X.dot(self.W))
return prob.argmax(axis=1)
def correct_rate(self, train, train_y, test, test_y):
# train set
n_train = len(train)
pred_train = self.prediction(train)
train_correct = sum([train_y[i] == pred_train[i] for i in range(n_train)]) / n_train
# test set
n_test = len(test)
pred_test = self.prediction(test)
test_correct = sum([test_y[i] == pred_test[i] for i in range(n_test)]) / n_test
print(train_correct, test_correct)
return train_correct, test_correct
def regression(self, X, y, alpha, times, strategy="mini", mini_size=100):
"""Softmax regression"""
if self.sample != len(X) or self.sample != len(y):
raise Exception("Sample size does not match!") # 样本个数不匹配
if strategy == "mini": # mini-batch
for i in range(times):
increment = numpy.zeros((self.feature, self.typenum)) # 梯度初始为0矩阵
for j in range(mini_size): # 随机抽K次
k = random.randint(0, self.sample - 1)
yhat = self.softmax_calculation(self.W.T.dot(X[k].reshape(-1, 1)))
increment += X[k].reshape(-1, 1).dot((self.change_y(y[k]) - yhat).T) # 梯度加和
# print(i * mini_size)
self.W += alpha / mini_size * increment # 参数更新
elif strategy == "shuffle": # 随机梯度
for i in range(times):
k = random.randint(0, self.sample - 1) # 每次抽一个
yhat = self.softmax_calculation(self.W.T.dot(X[k].reshape(-1, 1)))
increment = X[k].reshape(-1, 1).dot((self.change_y(y[k]) - yhat).T) # 计算梯度
self.W += alpha * increment # 参数更新
# if not (i % 10000):
# print(i)
elif strategy=="batch": # 整批量梯度
for i in range(times):
increment = numpy.zeros((self.feature, self.typenum)) ## 梯度初始为0矩阵
for j in range(self.sample): # 所有样本都要计算
yhat = self.softmax_calculation(self.W.T.dot(X[j].reshape(-1, 1)))
increment += X[j].reshape(-1, 1).dot((self.change_y(y[j]) - yhat).T) # 梯度加和
# print(i)
self.W += alpha / self.sample * increment # 参数更新
raise Exception("Unknown strategy")
import matplotlib.pyplot
from mysoftmax_regression import Softmax
def alpha_gradient_plot(bag,gram, total_times, mini_size):
"""Plot categorization verses different parameters."""
alphas = [0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000]
# Bag of words
# Shuffle
shuffle_train = list()
shuffle_test = list()
for alpha in alphas:
soft = Softmax(len(bag.train), 5, bag.len)
soft.regression(bag.train_matrix, bag.train_y, alpha, total_times, "shuffle")
r_train, r_test = soft.correct_rate(bag.train_matrix, bag.train_y, bag.test_matrix, bag.test_y)
# Batch
batch_train = list()
batch_test = list()
for alpha in alphas:
soft = Softmax(len(bag.train), 5, bag.len)
soft.regression(bag.train_matrix, bag.train_y, alpha, int(total_times/bag.max_item), "batch")
r_train, r_test = soft.correct_rate(bag.train_matrix, bag.train_y, bag.test_matrix, bag.test_y)
# Mini-batch
mini_train = list()
mini_test = list()
for alpha in alphas:
soft = Softmax(len(bag.train), 5, bag.len)
soft.regression(bag.train_matrix, bag.train_y, alpha, int(total_times/mini_size), "mini",mini_size)
r_train, r_test= soft.correct_rate(bag.train_matrix, bag.train_y, bag.test_matrix, bag.test_y)
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, batch_train, 'g--', label='batch')
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, mini_train, 'b--', label='mini-batch')
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas,shuffle_train, 'ro-', alphas, batch_train, 'g+-',alphas, mini_train, 'b^-')
matplotlib.pyplot.title("Bag of words -- Training Set")
matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Learning Rate")
matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 2)
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, shuffle_test, 'r--', label='shuffle')
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, batch_test, 'g--', label='batch')
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, mini_test, 'b--', label='mini-batch')
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, shuffle_test, 'ro-', alphas, batch_test, 'g+-', alphas, mini_test, 'b^-')
matplotlib.pyplot.title("Bag of words -- Test Set")
matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Learning Rate")
matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(0, 1)
# N-gram
# Shuffle
shuffle_train = list()
shuffle_test = list()
for alpha in alphas:
soft = Softmax(len(gram.train), 5, gram.len)
soft.regression(gram.train_matrix, gram.train_y, alpha, total_times, "shuffle")
r_train, r_test = soft.correct_rate(gram.train_matrix, gram.train_y, gram.test_matrix, gram.test_y)
# Batch
batch_train = list()
batch_test = list()
for alpha in alphas:
soft = Softmax(len(gram.train), 5, gram.len)
soft.regression(gram.train_matrix, gram.train_y, alpha, int(total_times / gram.max_item), "batch")
r_train, r_test = soft.correct_rate(gram.train_matrix, gram.train_y, gram.test_matrix, gram.test_y)
# Mini-batch
mini_train = list()
mini_test = list()
for alpha in alphas:
soft = Softmax(len(gram.train), 5, gram.len)
soft.regression(gram.train_matrix, gram.train_y, alpha, int(total_times / mini_size), "mini", mini_size)
r_train, r_test = soft.correct_rate(gram.train_matrix, gram.train_y, gram.test_matrix, gram.test_y)
matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 3)
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, shuffle_train, 'r--', label='shuffle')
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, batch_train, 'g--', label='batch')
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, mini_train, 'b--', label='mini-batch')
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, shuffle_train, 'ro-', alphas, batch_train, 'g+-', alphas, mini_train, 'b^-')
matplotlib.pyplot.title("N-gram -- Training Set")
matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Learning Rate")
matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(0, 1)
matplotlib.pyplot.subplot(2, 2, 4)
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, shuffle_test, 'r--', label='shuffle')
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, batch_test, 'g--', label='batch')
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, mini_test, 'b--', label='mini-batch')
matplotlib.pyplot.semilogx(alphas, shuffle_test, 'ro-', alphas, batch_test, 'g+-', alphas, mini_test, 'b^-')
matplotlib.pyplot.title("N-gram -- Test Set")
matplotlib.pyplot.xlabel("Learning Rate")
matplotlib.pyplot.ylim(0, 1)
数据集下载 提取码:cnex