




@property (nonatomic, strong) ARSCNView * scnView;
@property (nonatomic, strong) SCNScene * scene;
@property (nonatomic, strong) SCNNode * sunNode;
@property (nonatomic, strong) ARSession * session;
@property (nonatomic, strong) ARWorldTrackingConfiguration * config;
@property (nonatomic, strong) PFLiveSession * videoSession;

- (void)loadScnView
    self.scnView = [[ARSCNView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, ScreenSize.width, ScreenSize.height)];
    [self.view addSubview:self.scnView];
//    self.scnView.allowsCameraControl = YES;
    self.scnView.showsStatistics = YES;
    self.scnView.delegate = self;

    self.session = [[ARSession alloc] init];
    self.scnView.session = self.session;
    self.scnView.session.delegate = self;
    self.session.delegate = self;
    [self loadMode];
    self.config = [[ARWorldTrackingConfiguration alloc] init];
    self.config.planeDetection = ARPlaneDetectionHorizontal;    // 设置主要监测平面
    self.config.lightEstimationEnabled = YES;   // 是否支持现实光照补给
    self.config.providesAudioData = YES;    // 配置支持音频
    [self.session runWithConfiguration:self.config];

// 添加ar球体
- (void)loadMode
    SCNSphere * sunSphere = [SCNSphere sphereWithRadius:0.2];
    sunSphere.firstMaterial.multiply.contents = @"art.scnassets/earth/sun.jpg";
    sunSphere.firstMaterial.diffuse.contents = @"art.scnassets/earth/sun.jpg";
    sunSphere.firstMaterial.multiply.intensity = 0.5;
    sunSphere.firstMaterial.lightingModelName = SCNLightingModelConstant;
    self.sunNode = [[SCNNode alloc] init];
    self.sunNode.geometry = sunSphere;
    self.sunNode.position = SCNVector3Make(0, 0, -2);
    [self.scnView.scene.rootNode addChildNode:self.sunNode];

    SCNAction * act = [SCNAction repeatActionForever:[SCNAction rotateByX:0 y:1 z:0 duration:1]];
    [_sunNode runAction:act];

// 代理回调捕获音频和视频
- (void)session:(ARSession *)session didOutputAudioSampleBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)audioSampleBuffer
    [self.videoSession captureOutputAudioData:audioSampleBuffer];

// 通过该方法读取每一帧arkit处理后的图片,self.session.currentFrame.capturedImage获取的图片是不包含ar元素的图片
- (void)renderer:(id)renderer updateAtTime:(NSTimeInterval)time
    if (renderer.currentRenderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].texture == nil) {
    CVPixelBufferRef pixelBuffer = nil;
    if (renderer.currentRenderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].texture.iosurface == nil) {
    CVPixelBufferCreateWithIOSurface(kCFAllocatorDefault, renderer.currentRenderPassDescriptor.colorAttachments[0].texture.iosurface, nil, &pixelBuffer);
    [self.videoSession captureOutputPixelBuffer:pixelBuffer];



视频编码采用h264编码,在LFViewKit中视频编码会根据系统版本采用软编码和硬编码,由于目前适配的系统基本都在iOS 8以后,所以这里抛弃了软编码,直接采取硬编码,代码如下:

  • 对音视频参数进行配置
   PFLiveAudioConfiguration *audioConfiguration = [PFLiveAudioConfiguration new];  //
    // 设置音频相关
   audioConfiguration.numberOfChannels = 2;  // 设置声道数
   audioConfiguration.audioBitrate = PFLiveAudioBitRate_128Kbps;  // 设置音频的码率
   audioConfiguration.audioSampleRate = PFLiveAudioSampleRate_44100Hz;  //音频采样率

// 配置视频相关
    PFLiveVideoConfiguration *videoConfiguration = [PFLiveVideoConfiguration new];
   videoConfiguration.videoSize = ScreenSize;  // 视频尺寸
   videoConfiguration.videoBitRate = 800*1024;  //视频码率,比特率 Bit Rate或叫位速率,是单位时间内视频(或音频)的数据量,单位是 bps (bit per second,位每秒),一般使用 kbps(千位每秒)或Mbps(百万位每秒)。

   videoConfiguration.videoMaxBitRate = 1000*1024;  // 最大码率
   videoConfiguration.videoMinBitRate = 500*1024;  // 最小码率
   videoConfiguration.videoFrameRate = 15;  //  帧率,即fps
   videoConfiguration.videoMaxKeyframeInterval = 30;  // 最大关键帧间隔,可设定为 fps 的2倍,影响一个 gop 的大小
   videoConfiguration.outputImageOrientation = UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait;  //视频输出方向
   videoConfiguration.sessionPreset = PFCaptureSessionPreset360x640;  //视频分辨率(都是16:9 当此设备不支持当前分辨率,自动降低一级)

  • 视频编码
// 创建视频编码器并设置其参数
- (void)resetCompressionSession {
    if (compressionSession) {
        // 当需要主动停止编码时,可调用下面方法来强制停止编码器
        VTCompressionSessionCompleteFrames(compressionSession, kCMTimeInvalid);
        // 释放编码会话及内存
//        CFRelease(compressionSession);
        compressionSession = NULL;
    OSStatus status = VTCompressionSessionCreate(NULL, _configuration.videoSize.width, _configuration.videoSize.height, kCMVideoCodecType_H264, NULL, NULL, NULL, VideoCompressonOutputCallback, (__bridge void *)self, &compressionSession);
    if (status != noErr) {
    _currentVideoBitRate = _configuration.videoBitRate;
    // 关键帧之间的最大间隔,也称为关键帧速率
    VTSessionSetProperty(compressionSession, kVTCompressionPropertyKey_MaxKeyFrameInterval, (__bridge CFTypeRef)@(_configuration.videoMaxKeyframeInterval));
    // 从这个关键帧到下一个关键帧的最长持续时间
    VTSessionSetProperty(compressionSession, kVTCompressionPropertyKey_MaxKeyFrameIntervalDuration, (__bridge CFTypeRef)@(_configuration.videoMaxKeyframeInterval/_configuration.videoFrameRate));
    // 预期的帧速率
    VTSessionSetProperty(compressionSession, kVTCompressionPropertyKey_ExpectedFrameRate, (__bridge CFTypeRef)@(_configuration.videoFrameRate));
    // 期望的平均比特率,以比特/秒为单位
    VTSessionSetProperty(compressionSession, kVTCompressionPropertyKey_AverageBitRate, (__bridge CFTypeRef)@(_configuration.videoBitRate));
    NSArray *limit = @[@(_configuration.videoBitRate * 1.5/8), @(1)];
    // 码率上限
    VTSessionSetProperty(compressionSession, kVTCompressionPropertyKey_DataRateLimits, (__bridge CFArrayRef)limit);
    // 表示是否建议视频编码器实时执行压缩
    VTSessionSetProperty(compressionSession, kVTCompressionPropertyKey_RealTime, kCFBooleanTrue);
    // 编码比特流的配置文件和级别
    VTSessionSetProperty(compressionSession, kVTCompressionPropertyKey_ProfileLevel, kVTProfileLevel_H264_Main_AutoLevel);
    // 指示是否启用了帧重新排序
    VTSessionSetProperty(compressionSession, kVTCompressionPropertyKey_AllowFrameReordering, kCFBooleanTrue);
    // H.264 压缩的熵编码模式,可以设置为 CAVLC 或者 CABAC
    VTSessionSetProperty(compressionSession, kVTCompressionPropertyKey_H264EntropyMode, kVTH264EntropyMode_CABAC);
    // 在进行数据的编码之前,可手动调用下面的方法来申请必要的资源,如果不手动调用,则会在第一次进行数据编码时自动调用

// 设置码率
- (void)setVideoBitRate:(NSInteger)videoBitRate {
    if(_isBackGround) return;
    VTSessionSetProperty(compressionSession, kVTCompressionPropertyKey_AverageBitRate, (__bridge CFTypeRef)@(videoBitRate));
    // 以字节为单位
    NSArray *limit = @[@(videoBitRate * 1.5/8), @(1)];
    VTSessionSetProperty(compressionSession, kVTCompressionPropertyKey_DataRateLimits, (__bridge CFArrayRef)limit);
    _currentVideoBitRate = videoBitRate;

- (void)encodeVideoData:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer timeStamp:(uint64_t)timeStamp {
    if(_isBackGround) return;
    CMTime presentationTimeStamp = CMTimeMake(frameCount, (int32_t)_configuration.videoFrameRate);
    VTEncodeInfoFlags flags;
    CMTime duration = CMTimeMake(1, (int32_t)_configuration.videoFrameRate);

    NSDictionary *properties = nil;
    if (frameCount % (int32_t)_configuration.videoMaxKeyframeInterval == 0) {
        properties = @{(__bridge NSString *)kVTEncodeFrameOptionKey_ForceKeyFrame: @YES};
    NSNumber *timeNumber = @(timeStamp);

    // 该函数调用一次之后,后续的调用将是无效的调用。调用此方法成功后触发回调函数完成编码;
    // 对视频帧进行编码,并在会话的 VTCompressionOutputCallback 中接收压缩的视频帧。
    OSStatus status = VTCompressionSessionEncodeFrame(compressionSession, pixelBuffer, presentationTimeStamp, duration, (__bridge CFDictionaryRef)properties, (__bridge_retained void *)timeNumber, &flags);
    if(status != noErr){
        [self resetCompressionSession];

static void VideoCompressonOutputCallback(void *VTref, void *VTFrameRef, OSStatus status, VTEncodeInfoFlags infoFlags, CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer){
    if (!sampleBuffer) return;
    // 从采集到的视频CMSampleBufferRef中获取CVImageBufferRef
    CFArrayRef array = CMSampleBufferGetSampleAttachmentsArray(sampleBuffer, true);
    if (!array) return;
    CFDictionaryRef dic = (CFDictionaryRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, 0);
    if (!dic) return;
    // kCMSampleAttachmentKey_NotSync  获取是否包含关键帧
    BOOL keyframe = !CFDictionaryContainsKey(dic, kCMSampleAttachmentKey_NotSync);
    uint64_t timeStamp = [((__bridge_transfer NSNumber *)VTFrameRef) longLongValue];
    PFHardwareVideoEncoder *videoEncoder = (__bridge PFHardwareVideoEncoder *)VTref;
    if (status != noErr) {
    // keyframe标明为关键帧,videoEncoder->sps判定是否已经存在sps
    if (keyframe && !videoEncoder->sps) {
        // 获取数据格式描述,如果存在错误则返回NULL
        CMFormatDescriptionRef format = CMSampleBufferGetFormatDescription(sampleBuffer);
        // 创建用于记录sps数据长度
        size_t sparameterSetSize, sparameterSetCount;
        // 定义的sps set用来存储sps数据
        const uint8_t *sparameterSet;
        // 并从中返回给定索引处的 NAL 单元。这些 NAL 单元通常是参数集(例如 SPS、PPS)。此处传入0以获取sps数据
        OSStatus statusCode = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetH264ParameterSetAtIndex(format, 0, &sparameterSet, &sparameterSetSize, &sparameterSetCount, 0);
        if (statusCode == noErr) {
            // 获取pps相关数据
            size_t pparameterSetSize, pparameterSetCount;
            const uint8_t *pparameterSet;
            OSStatus statusCode = CMVideoFormatDescriptionGetH264ParameterSetAtIndex(format, 1, &pparameterSet, &pparameterSetSize, &pparameterSetCount, 0);
            if (statusCode == noErr) {
                // 将sps和pps赋值到LFHardwareVideoEncoder上
                videoEncoder->sps = [NSData dataWithBytes:sparameterSet length:sparameterSetSize];
                videoEncoder->pps = [NSData dataWithBytes:pparameterSet length:pparameterSetSize];
                // 对sps和pps进行拼接
                if (videoEncoder->enabledWriteVideoFile) {
                    // 对sps和pps进行头部拼接并写入地址,生成NALU
                    NSMutableData *data = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
                    uint8_t header[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
                    [data appendBytes:header length:4];
                    [data appendData:videoEncoder->sps];
                    [data appendBytes:header length:4];
                    [data appendData:videoEncoder->pps];
                    fwrite(data.bytes, 1, data.length, videoEncoder->fp);
    // 获取到的编码数据
    CMBlockBufferRef dataBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetDataBuffer(sampleBuffer);
    size_t length, totalLength;
    char *dataPointer;
    // 读取dataBuffer中的数据到dataPointer中,
    OSStatus statusCodeRet = CMBlockBufferGetDataPointer(dataBuffer, 0, &length, &totalLength, &dataPointer);
    if (statusCodeRet == noErr) {
        size_t bufferOffset = 0;
        static const int AVCCHeaderLength = 4;
        // 进行循环读取dataBuffer中的数据
        while (bufferOffset < totalLength - AVCCHeaderLength) {
            // Read the NAL unit length
            uint32_t NALUnitLength = 0;
            // 从dataPointer + bufferOffset开始copy AVCCHeaderLength个数据到 NALUnitLength中
            memcpy(&NALUnitLength, dataPointer + bufferOffset, AVCCHeaderLength);

            // 进行大小端调整
            NALUnitLength = CFSwapInt32BigToHost(NALUnitLength);
            // 进行格式配置
            PFVideoFrame *videoFrame = [PFVideoFrame new];
            videoFrame.timestamp = timeStamp;
            videoFrame.data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:(dataPointer + bufferOffset + AVCCHeaderLength) length:NALUnitLength];
            videoFrame.isKeyFrame = keyframe;
            videoFrame.sps = videoEncoder->sps;
            videoFrame.pps = videoEncoder->pps;
            if (videoEncoder.h264Delegate && [videoEncoder.h264Delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(videoEncoder:videoFrame:)]) {
                [videoEncoder.h264Delegate videoEncoder:videoEncoder videoFrame:videoFrame];

            // 进行数据写入,生成NALU
            if (videoEncoder->enabledWriteVideoFile) {
                NSMutableData *data = [[NSMutableData alloc] init];
                if (keyframe) { // 关键帧的处理
                    uint8_t header[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
                    [data appendBytes:header length:4];
                } else {
                    // 非关键帧的处理
                    uint8_t header[] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
                    [data appendBytes:header length:3];
                // 进行数据拼接
                [data appendData:videoFrame.data];

                fwrite(data.bytes, 1, data.length, videoEncoder->fp);

            // 对读取的数据进行++操作
            bufferOffset += AVCCHeaderLength + NALUnitLength;
  • 音频编码
- (void)encodeAudioData:(nullable NSData*)audioData timeStamp:(uint64_t)timeStamp {
    if (![self createAudioConvert]) {
    if(leftLength + audioData.length >= self.configuration.bufferLength){
        ///<  发送
        NSInteger totalSize = leftLength + audioData.length;
        NSInteger encodeCount = totalSize/self.configuration.bufferLength;
        char *totalBuf = malloc(totalSize);
        char *p = totalBuf;
        memset(totalBuf, (int)totalSize, 0);
        memcpy(totalBuf, leftBuf, leftLength);
        memcpy(totalBuf + leftLength, audioData.bytes, audioData.length);
        for(NSInteger index = 0;index < encodeCount;index++){
            [self encodeBuffer:p  timeStamp:timeStamp];
            p += self.configuration.bufferLength;
        // 保留多余length的数据下次处理
        leftLength = totalSize%self.configuration.bufferLength;
        memset(leftBuf, 0, self.configuration.bufferLength);
        memcpy(leftBuf, totalBuf + (totalSize -leftLength), leftLength);
        ///< 积累
        memcpy(leftBuf+leftLength, audioData.bytes, audioData.length);
        leftLength = leftLength + audioData.length;

- (void)encodeBuffer:(char*)buf timeStamp:(uint64_t)timeStamp{
    AudioBuffer inBuffer;
    inBuffer.mNumberChannels = 1;
    inBuffer.mData = buf;
    inBuffer.mDataByteSize = (UInt32)self.configuration.bufferLength;
    AudioBufferList buffers;
    buffers.mNumberBuffers = 1;
    buffers.mBuffers[0] = inBuffer;
    AudioBufferList outBufferList;
    outBufferList.mNumberBuffers = 1;
    outBufferList.mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels = inBuffer.mNumberChannels;
    outBufferList.mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize = inBuffer.mDataByteSize;   // 设置缓冲区大小
    outBufferList.mBuffers[0].mData = aacBuf;           // 设置AAC缓冲区
    UInt32 outputDataPacketSize = 1;
    if (AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer(m_converter, inputDataProc, &buffers, &outputDataPacketSize, &outBufferList, NULL) != noErr) {
    PFAudioFrame *audioFrame = [PFAudioFrame new];
    audioFrame.timestamp = timeStamp;
    audioFrame.data = [NSData dataWithBytes:aacBuf length:outBufferList.mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize];
    char exeData[2];
    exeData[0] = _configuration.asc[0];
    exeData[1] = _configuration.asc[1];
    audioFrame.audioInfo = [NSData dataWithBytes:exeData length:2];
    if (self.aacDeleage && [self.aacDeleage respondsToSelector:@selector(audioEncoder:audioFrame:)]) {
        [self.aacDeleage audioEncoder:self audioFrame:audioFrame];
    if (self->enabledWriteVideoFile) {
        NSData *adts = [self adtsData:_configuration.numberOfChannels rawDataLength:audioFrame.data.length];
        fwrite(adts.bytes, 1, adts.length, self->fp);
        fwrite(audioFrame.data.bytes, 1, audioFrame.data.length, self->fp);

- (void)stopEncoder {

#pragma mark -- CustomMethod
- (BOOL)createAudioConvert { //根据输入样本初始化一个编码转换器
    if (m_converter != nil) {
        return TRUE;
    AudioStreamBasicDescription inputFormat = {0};
    inputFormat.mSampleRate = _configuration.audioSampleRate;
    inputFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
    inputFormat.mFormatFlags = kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kAudioFormatFlagsNativeEndian | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked;
    inputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = (UInt32)_configuration.numberOfChannels;
    inputFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1;
    inputFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 16;
    inputFormat.mBytesPerFrame = inputFormat.mBitsPerChannel / 8 * inputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame;
    inputFormat.mBytesPerPacket = inputFormat.mBytesPerFrame * inputFormat.mFramesPerPacket;
    AudioStreamBasicDescription outputFormat; // 这里开始是输出音频格式
    memset(&outputFormat, 0, sizeof(outputFormat));
    outputFormat.mSampleRate = inputFormat.mSampleRate;       // 采样率保持一致
    outputFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC;            // AAC编码 kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC_HE_V2
    outputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = (UInt32)_configuration.numberOfChannels;;
    outputFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1024;                     // AAC一帧是1024个字节
    const OSType subtype = kAudioFormatMPEG4AAC;
    AudioClassDescription requestedCodecs[2] = {
    OSStatus result = AudioConverterNewSpecific(&inputFormat, &outputFormat, 2, requestedCodecs, &m_converter);;
    UInt32 outputBitrate = _configuration.audioBitrate;
    UInt32 propSize = sizeof(outputBitrate);
    if(result == noErr) {
        result = AudioConverterSetProperty(m_converter, kAudioConverterEncodeBitRate, propSize, &outputBitrate);
    return YES;

#pragma mark -- AudioCallBack
OSStatus inputDataProc(AudioConverterRef inConverter, UInt32 *ioNumberDataPackets, AudioBufferList *ioData, AudioStreamPacketDescription * *outDataPacketDescription, void *inUserData) { //AudioConverterFillComplexBuffer 编码过程中,会要求这个函数来填充输入数据,也就是原始PCM数据
    AudioBufferList bufferList = *(AudioBufferList *)inUserData;
    ioData->mBuffers[0].mNumberChannels = 1;
    ioData->mBuffers[0].mData = bufferList.mBuffers[0].mData;
    ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize = bufferList.mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize;
    return noErr;



  • 码率控制
#import "PFStreamingBuffer.h"
#import "NSMutableArray+PFAdd.h"
static const NSUInteger defaultSortBufferMaxCount = 5;///< 排序10个内
static const NSUInteger defaultUpdateInterval = 1;///< 更新频率为1s
static const NSUInteger defaultCallBackInterval = 5;///< 5s计时一次     5秒为一个网络监控周期
static const NSUInteger defaultSendBufferMaxCount = 600;///< 最大缓冲区为600

@interface PFStreamingBuffer (){
    dispatch_semaphore_t _lock;

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray  *sortList;
@property (nonatomic, strong, readwrite) NSMutableArray  *list;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *thresholdList;

/** 处理buffer缓冲区情况 */
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger currentInterval;    //
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger callBackInterval;   //
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger updateInterval;     //
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL startTimer;      // 开始时间


@implementation PFStreamingBuffer

- (instancetype)init {
    if (self = [super init]) {
        _lock = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);
        self.updateInterval = defaultUpdateInterval;
        self.callBackInterval = defaultCallBackInterval;
        self.maxCount = defaultSendBufferMaxCount;
        self.lastDropFrames = 0;
        self.startTimer = NO;
    return self;

#pragma mark -- Custom
- (void)appendObject:(PFFrame *)frame {
    if (!frame) return;
    if (!_startTimer) {
        _startTimer = YES;
        [self tick];    // 开启监控

    dispatch_semaphore_wait(_lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
    if (self.sortList.count < defaultSortBufferMaxCount) {  // 当缓冲区小于设置的最大缓冲数量时将新的frame加入到缓冲区
        [self.sortList addObject:frame];
    } else {
        ///< 排序
        [self.sortList addObject:frame];
        [self.sortList sortUsingFunction:frameDataCompare context:nil]; // 将数据进行排序
        /// 丢帧
        [self removeExpireFrame];
        /// 添加至缓冲区
        PFFrame *firstFrame = [self.sortList pfPopFirstObject];

        if (firstFrame) [self.list addObject:firstFrame];

- (PFFrame *)popFirstObject {
    dispatch_semaphore_wait(_lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
    PFFrame *firstFrame = [self.list pfPopFirstObject];
    return firstFrame;

- (void)removeAllObject {
    dispatch_semaphore_wait(_lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
    [self.list removeAllObjects];

- (void)removeExpireFrame {
    if (self.list.count < self.maxCount) return;    // 缓冲区数据小于设置的最大缓冲长度

    NSArray *pFrames = [self expirePFrames];///< 第一个P到第一个I之间的p帧
    self.lastDropFrames += [pFrames count];
    if (pFrames && pFrames.count > 0) {
        [self.list removeObjectsInArray:pFrames];
    NSArray *iFrames = [self expireIFrames];///<  删除一个I帧(但一个I帧可能对应多个nal)
    self.lastDropFrames += [iFrames count];
    if (iFrames && iFrames.count > 0) {
        [self.list removeObjectsInArray:iFrames];
    [self.list removeAllObjects];
// 获取过时的frame, 如果当前第一帧是I帧则删除当前I帧到下一个I帧之间的数据,如果当前帧不是I帧则删除第一个I帧之前的数据
- (NSArray *)expirePFrames {
    NSMutableArray *pframes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    for (NSInteger index = 0; index < self.list.count; index++) {
        PFFrame *frame = [self.list objectAtIndex:index];
        if ([frame isKindOfClass:[PFVideoFrame class]]) {
            PFVideoFrame *videoFrame = (PFVideoFrame *)frame;
            if (videoFrame.isKeyFrame && pframes.count > 0) {
            } else if (!videoFrame.isKeyFrame) {
                [pframes addObject:frame];
    return pframes;

- (NSArray *)expireIFrames {
    NSMutableArray *iframes = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    uint64_t timeStamp = 0;
    for (NSInteger index = 0; index < self.list.count; index++) {
        PFFrame *frame = [self.list objectAtIndex:index];
        // 获取当前第一个I帧
        if ([frame isKindOfClass:[PFVideoFrame class]] && ((PFVideoFrame *)frame).isKeyFrame) {
            if (timeStamp != 0 && timeStamp != frame.timestamp) {
            [iframes addObject:frame];
            timeStamp = frame.timestamp;
    return iframes;

NSInteger frameDataCompare(id obj1, id obj2, void *context){
    PFFrame *frame1 = (PFFrame *)obj1;
    PFFrame *frame2 = (PFFrame *)obj2;

    if (frame1.timestamp == frame2.timestamp) {
        return NSOrderedSame;
    }else if (frame1.timestamp > frame2.timestamp){
        return NSOrderedDescending;
    return NSOrderedAscending;

// 根据五次采样 self.List中数据量进行对比,如果其中的数据逐渐增加则increaseCount会增加,则需要降低码率
// 如果其中数据量越来越小,则decreaseCount会增加,需要增加码率
- (PFLiveBuffferState)currentBufferState {
    NSInteger currentCount = 0;
    NSInteger increaseCount = 0;
    NSInteger decreaseCount = 0;
    NSLog(@"个数:%ld", self.thresholdList.count);
    for (NSNumber *number in self.thresholdList) {
        NSLog(@"number:%ld--currentCount:%ld--increaseCount:%ld--decreaseCount:%ld", number.integerValue, currentCount, increaseCount, decreaseCount);
        if (number.integerValue > currentCount) {
            // 需要降低码率
        } else{
            // 需要增大码率
        currentCount = [number integerValue];

    if (increaseCount >= self.callBackInterval) {
        // 降低码率
        return PFLiveBuffferIncrease;

    if (decreaseCount >= self.callBackInterval) {
        // 提升码率
        return PFLiveBuffferDecline;
    return PFLiveBuffferUnknown;
#pragma mark -- Setter Getter
- (NSMutableArray *)list {
    if (!_list) {
        _list = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    return _list;

- (NSMutableArray *)sortList {
    if (!_sortList) {
        _sortList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    return _sortList;

- (NSMutableArray *)thresholdList {
    if (!_thresholdList) {
        _thresholdList = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
    return _thresholdList;

#pragma mark -- 采样
- (void)tick {
    /** 采样 3个阶段   如果网络都是好或者都是差给回调 */
    _currentInterval += self.updateInterval;

    dispatch_semaphore_wait(_lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
    [self.thresholdList addObject:@(self.list.count)];
//    NSLog(@"currentInterval:%ld--callBackInterval:%ld--updateInterval:%ld", self.currentInterval, self.callBackInterval, self.updateInterval);
    if (self.currentInterval >= self.callBackInterval) {    //当当前时间间隔大于等于5时
        PFLiveBuffferState state = [self currentBufferState];
        if (state == PFLiveBuffferIncrease) {
            if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(streamingBuffer:bufferState:)]) {
                [self.delegate streamingBuffer:self bufferState:PFLiveBuffferIncrease];
        } else if (state == PFLiveBuffferDecline) {
            if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(streamingBuffer:bufferState:)]) {
                // 将网络状态回调给session以进行码率调节
                [self.delegate streamingBuffer:self bufferState:PFLiveBuffferDecline];

        self.currentInterval = 0;
        [self.thresholdList removeAllObjects];
    __weak typeof(self) _self = self;
    dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(self.updateInterval * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        __strong typeof(_self) self = _self;
        [self tick];
  • 推流部分
- (nullable instancetype)initWithStream:(nullable PFLiveStreamInfo *)stream{
    return [self initWithStream:stream reconnectInterval:0 reconnectCount:0];

- (nullable instancetype)initWithStream:(nullable PFLiveStreamInfo *)stream reconnectInterval:(NSInteger)reconnectInterval reconnectCount:(NSInteger)reconnectCount{
    if (!stream) @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:@"LFStreamRtmpSocket init error" reason:@"stream is nil" userInfo:nil];
    if (self = [super init]) {
        _stream = stream;
        if (reconnectInterval > 0) _reconnectInterval = reconnectInterval;
        else _reconnectInterval = RetryTimesMargin;
        if (reconnectCount > 0) _reconnectCount = reconnectCount;
        else _reconnectCount = RetryTimesBreaken;
        [self addObserver:self forKeyPath:@"isSending" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:nil];//这里改成observer主要考虑一直到发送出错情况下,可以继续发送
    return self;

- (void)dealloc{
    [self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:@"isSending"];

- (void)start {
    dispatch_async(self.rtmpSendQueue, ^{
        [self _start];

- (void)_start {
    if (!_stream) return;
    if (_isConnecting) return;
    if (_rtmp != NULL) return;
    self.debugInfo.streamId = self.stream.streamId;
    self.debugInfo.uploadUrl = self.stream.url;
    self.debugInfo.isRtmp = YES;
    if (_isConnecting) return;
    _isConnecting = YES;
    if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketStatus:status:)]) {
//        回调当前长链接状态为正在连接
        [self.delegate socketStatus:self status:PFLivePending];
    if (_rtmp != NULL) {    // 如果当前存在链接,则将当前链接销毁
        PILI_RTMP_Close(_rtmp, &_error);
    // 链接远程服务器
    [self RTMP264_Connect:(char *)[_stream.url cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]];

// 停止push
- (void)stop {
    dispatch_async(self.rtmpSendQueue, ^{
        [self _stop];
        [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];

- (void)_stop {
    if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketStatus:status:)]) {
        [self.delegate socketStatus:self status:PFLiveStop];
    if (_rtmp != NULL) {
        PILI_RTMP_Close(_rtmp, &_error);
        _rtmp = NULL;
    [self clean];

- (void)sendFrame:(PFFrame *)frame {
    if (!frame) return;
    // 将帧数据放入数据队列中
    [self.buffer appendObject:frame];
        [self sendFrame];

- (void)setDelegate:(id)delegate {
    _delegate = delegate;

#pragma mark -- CustomMethod
- (void)sendFrame {
    __weak typeof(self) _self = self;
     dispatch_async(self.rtmpSendQueue, ^{
        if (!_self.isSending && _self.buffer.list.count > 0) {
            _self.isSending = YES;

            if (!_self.isConnected || _self.isReconnecting || _self.isConnecting || !_rtmp){ // 判断 是否建立连接/是否在重连/是否在连接中/rtmp是否存在
                _self.isSending = NO;

            // 吐出首个数据
            PFFrame *frame = [_self.buffer popFirstObject];
            if ([frame isKindOfClass:[PFVideoFrame class]]) { // 如果是视频数据
                // 如果没有发送过header数据就优先发送header数据
                if (!_self.sendVideoHead) {
                    _self.sendVideoHead = YES;
                    if(!((PFVideoFrame*)frame).sps || !((PFVideoFrame*)frame).pps){
                        _self.isSending = NO;
                    // 先发送header数据
                    [_self sendVideoHeader:(PFVideoFrame *)frame];
                } else {
                    // 发送非header视频数据
                    [_self sendVideo:(PFVideoFrame *)frame];
            } else { // 如果是音频数据
                if (!_self.sendAudioHead) {
                    _self.sendAudioHead = YES;
                        _self.isSending = NO;
                    [_self sendAudioHeader:(PFAudioFrame *)frame];
                } else {
                    [_self sendAudio:frame];

            _self.debugInfo.dropFrame += _self.buffer.lastDropFrames;
            _self.buffer.lastDropFrames = 0;

            _self.debugInfo.dataFlow += frame.data.length;
            _self.debugInfo.elapsedMilli = CACurrentMediaTime() * 1000 - _self.debugInfo.timeStamp;
            if (_self.debugInfo.elapsedMilli < 1000) {
                _self.debugInfo.bandwidth += frame.data.length;
                if ([frame isKindOfClass:[PFAudioFrame class]]) {
                } else {

                _self.debugInfo.unSendCount = _self.buffer.list.count;
            } else {
                _self.debugInfo.currentBandwidth = _self.debugInfo.bandwidth;
                _self.debugInfo.currentCapturedAudioCount = _self.debugInfo.capturedAudioCount;
                _self.debugInfo.currentCapturedVideoCount = _self.debugInfo.capturedVideoCount;
                if (_self.delegate && [_self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketDebug:debugInfo:)]) {
                    [_self.delegate socketDebug:_self debugInfo:_self.debugInfo];
                _self.debugInfo.bandwidth = 0;
                _self.debugInfo.capturedAudioCount = 0;
                _self.debugInfo.capturedVideoCount = 0;
                _self.debugInfo.timeStamp = CACurrentMediaTime() * 1000;
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
                //< 这里只为了不循环调用sendFrame方法 调用栈是保证先出栈再进栈
                _self.isSending = NO;

- (void)clean {
    _isConnecting = NO;
    _isReconnecting = NO;
    _isSending = NO;
    _isConnected = NO;
    _sendAudioHead = NO;
    _sendVideoHead = NO;
    self.debugInfo = nil;
    [self.buffer removeAllObject];
    self.retryTimes4netWorkBreaken = 0;

// 进行连接
- (NSInteger)RTMP264_Connect:(char *)push_url {
    _rtmp = PILI_RTMP_Alloc();

    if (PILI_RTMP_SetupURL(_rtmp, push_url, &_error) == FALSE) {
        //log(LOG_ERR, "RTMP_SetupURL() failed!");
        goto Failed;
    // 设置错误、连接回调
    _rtmp->m_errorCallback = RTMPErrorCallback;
    _rtmp->m_connCallback = ConnectionTimeCallback;
    _rtmp->m_userData = (__bridge void *)self;
    _rtmp->m_msgCounter = 1;    
    _rtmp->Link.timeout = RTMP_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT; // 链接超时时间

    if (PILI_RTMP_Connect(_rtmp, NULL, &_error) == FALSE) {
        goto Failed;

    if (PILI_RTMP_ConnectStream(_rtmp, 0, &_error) == FALSE) {
        goto Failed;

    // 代理将已经开始推流的状态返回给前端
    if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketStatus:status:)]) {
        [self.delegate socketStatus:self status:PFLiveStart];

    [self sendMetaData];

    _isConnected = YES;
    _isConnecting = NO;
    _isReconnecting = NO;
    _isSending = NO;
    return 0;

    PILI_RTMP_Close(_rtmp, &_error);
    _rtmp = NULL;
    [self reconnect];
    return -1;

#pragma mark -- Rtmp Send

- (void)sendMetaData {
    PILI_RTMPPacket packet;

    char pbuf[2048], *pend = pbuf + sizeof(pbuf);

    packet.m_nChannel = 0x03;                   // control channel (invoke)
    packet.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;   // 数据包大小
    packet.m_packetType = RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_INFO;    // 数据包类型
    packet.m_nTimeStamp = 0;    // 输入时的时间戳
    packet.m_nInfoField2 = _rtmp->m_stream_id;  //
    packet.m_hasAbsTimestamp = TRUE;    // 是否绝对时间戳
    packet.m_body = pbuf + RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE;

    char *enc = packet.m_body;
    enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_setDataFrame);
    enc = AMF_EncodeString(enc, pend, &av_onMetaData);

    *enc++ = AMF_OBJECT;

    enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_duration, 0.0);
    enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_fileSize, 0.0);

    // videosize
    enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_width, _stream.videoConfiguration.videoSize.width);
    enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_height, _stream.videoConfiguration.videoSize.height);

    // video
    enc = AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, &av_videocodecid, &av_avc1);

    enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_videodatarate, _stream.videoConfiguration.videoBitRate / 1000.f);
    enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_framerate, _stream.videoConfiguration.videoFrameRate);

    // audio
    enc = AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, &av_audiocodecid, &av_mp4a);
    enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_audiodatarate, _stream.audioConfiguration.audioBitrate);

    enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_audiosamplerate, _stream.audioConfiguration.audioSampleRate);
    enc = AMF_EncodeNamedNumber(enc, pend, &av_audiosamplesize, 16.0);
    enc = AMF_EncodeNamedBoolean(enc, pend, &av_stereo, _stream.audioConfiguration.numberOfChannels == 2);

    // sdk version
    enc = AMF_EncodeNamedString(enc, pend, &av_encoder, &av_SDKVersion);

    *enc++ = 0;
    *enc++ = 0;
    *enc++ = AMF_OBJECT_END;

    packet.m_nBodySize = (uint32_t)(enc - packet.m_body);
    if (!PILI_RTMP_SendPacket(_rtmp, &packet, FALSE, &_error)) {

- (void)sendVideoHeader:(PFVideoFrame *)videoFrame {

    unsigned char *body = NULL;
    NSInteger iIndex = 0;
    NSInteger rtmpLength = 1024;
    const char *sps = videoFrame.sps.bytes;
    const char *pps = videoFrame.pps.bytes;
    NSInteger sps_len = videoFrame.sps.length;
    NSInteger pps_len = videoFrame.pps.length;

    body = (unsigned char *)malloc(rtmpLength);
    memset(body, 0, rtmpLength);

    body[iIndex++] = 0x17;
    body[iIndex++] = 0x00;

    body[iIndex++] = 0x00;
    body[iIndex++] = 0x00;
    body[iIndex++] = 0x00;

    body[iIndex++] = 0x01;
    body[iIndex++] = sps[1];
    body[iIndex++] = sps[2];
    body[iIndex++] = sps[3];
    body[iIndex++] = 0xff;

    // 切换大小端模式
    body[iIndex++] = 0xe1;
    body[iIndex++] = (sps_len >> 8) & 0xff;
    body[iIndex++] = sps_len & 0xff;
    memcpy(&body[iIndex], sps, sps_len);
    iIndex += sps_len;

    body[iIndex++] = 0x01;
    body[iIndex++] = (pps_len >> 8) & 0xff;
    body[iIndex++] = (pps_len) & 0xff;
    memcpy(&body[iIndex], pps, pps_len);
    iIndex += pps_len;

    [self sendPacket:RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO data:body size:iIndex nTimestamp:0];

- (void)sendVideo:(PFVideoFrame *)frame {

    NSInteger i = 0;
    NSInteger rtmpLength = frame.data.length + 9;
    unsigned char *body = (unsigned char *)malloc(rtmpLength);
    memset(body, 0, rtmpLength);

    if (frame.isKeyFrame) {
        body[i++] = 0x17;        // 1:Iframe  7:AVC
    } else {
        body[i++] = 0x27;        // 2:Pframe  7:AVC
    body[i++] = 0x01;    // AVC NALU
    body[i++] = 0x00;
    body[i++] = 0x00;
    body[i++] = 0x00;
    body[i++] = (frame.data.length >> 24) & 0xff;
    body[i++] = (frame.data.length >> 16) & 0xff;
    body[i++] = (frame.data.length >>  8) & 0xff;
    body[i++] = (frame.data.length) & 0xff;
    memcpy(&body[i], frame.data.bytes, frame.data.length);

    [self sendPacket:RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_VIDEO data:body size:(rtmpLength) nTimestamp:frame.timestamp];

// 将数据封装成PILI_RTMPPacket对象
- (NSInteger)sendPacket:(unsigned int)nPacketType data:(unsigned char *)data size:(NSInteger)size nTimestamp:(uint64_t)nTimestamp {
    // 创建RTMPPacket句柄
    NSInteger rtmpLength = size;
    PILI_RTMPPacket rtmp_pack;
    PILI_RTMPPacket_Alloc(&rtmp_pack, (uint32_t)rtmpLength);

    rtmp_pack.m_nBodySize = (uint32_t)size;  //消息长度
    memcpy(rtmp_pack.m_body, data, size);
    rtmp_pack.m_hasAbsTimestamp = 0;    // Timestamp 是绝对值还是相对值?
    rtmp_pack.m_packetType = nPacketType;   //Message type ID(1-7协议控制;8,9音视频;10以后为AMF编码消息
    if (_rtmp) rtmp_pack.m_nInfoField2 = _rtmp->m_stream_id;
    rtmp_pack.m_nChannel = 0x04;    // 块流id
    rtmp_pack.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_LARGE;    // 最大数据类型
    if (RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_AUDIO == nPacketType && size != 4) {
        rtmp_pack.m_headerType = RTMP_PACKET_SIZE_MEDIUM;
    rtmp_pack.m_nTimeStamp = (uint32_t)nTimestamp;

    NSInteger nRet = [self RtmpPacketSend:&rtmp_pack];

    return nRet;
// 发送数据
- (NSInteger)RtmpPacketSend:(PILI_RTMPPacket *)packet {
    if (_rtmp && PILI_RTMP_IsConnected(_rtmp)) {
        // 发送数据包并返回结果
        int success = PILI_RTMP_SendPacket(_rtmp, packet, 0, &_error);
        return success;
    return -1;
// 包装音频header
- (void)sendAudioHeader:(PFAudioFrame *)audioFrame {

    NSInteger rtmpLength = audioFrame.audioInfo.length + 2;     /*spec data长度,一般是2*/
    unsigned char *body = (unsigned char *)malloc(rtmpLength);
    memset(body, 0, rtmpLength);

    /*AF 00 + AAC RAW data*/
    body[0] = 0xAF;
    body[1] = 0x00;
    memcpy(&body[2], audioFrame.audioInfo.bytes, audioFrame.audioInfo.length);          /*spec_buf是AAC sequence header数据*/
    [self sendPacket:RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_AUDIO data:body size:rtmpLength nTimestamp:0];
// 包装音频数据
- (void)sendAudio:(PFFrame *)frame {

    NSInteger rtmpLength = frame.data.length + 2;    /*spec data长度,一般是2*/
    unsigned char *body = (unsigned char *)malloc(rtmpLength);
    memset(body, 0, rtmpLength);

    /*AF 01 + AAC RAW data*/
    body[0] = 0xAF;
    body[1] = 0x01;
    memcpy(&body[2], frame.data.bytes, frame.data.length);
    [self sendPacket:RTMP_PACKET_TYPE_AUDIO data:body size:rtmpLength nTimestamp:frame.timestamp];

// 断线重连
- (void)reconnect {
    dispatch_async(self.rtmpSendQueue, ^{
        // 重连次数小于reconnectCount并且正在重连中
        if (self.retryTimes4netWorkBreaken++ < self.reconnectCount && !self.isReconnecting) {
            self.isConnected = NO;
            self.isConnecting = NO;
            self.isReconnecting = YES;
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                // 根据设置的延迟时间再次调用重连方法
                 [self performSelector:@selector(_reconnect) withObject:nil afterDelay:self.reconnectInterval];
        } else if (self.retryTimes4netWorkBreaken >= self.reconnectCount) {
            // 当重连次数超过reconnectCount以后则直接返回重连失败状态
            if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketStatus:status:)]) {
                [self.delegate socketStatus:self status:PFLiveError];
            if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketDidError:errorCode:)]) {
                [self.delegate socketDidError:self errorCode:PFLiveSocketError_ReConnectTimeOut];
// 断后重连
- (void)_reconnect{
    [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
    _isReconnecting = NO;
    if(_isConnected) return;
    _isReconnecting = NO;
    if (_isConnected) return;
    if (_rtmp != NULL) {
        PILI_RTMP_Close(_rtmp, &_error);
        _rtmp = NULL;
    _sendAudioHead = NO;
    _sendVideoHead = NO;
    if (self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketStatus:status:)]) {
        [self.delegate socketStatus:self status:PFLiveRefresh];
    if (_rtmp != NULL) {
        PILI_RTMP_Close(_rtmp, &_error);
    [self RTMP264_Connect:(char *)[_stream.url cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]];

#pragma mark -- CallBack
void RTMPErrorCallback(RTMPError *error, void *userData) {
    PFStreamRTMPSocket *socket = (__bridge PFStreamRTMPSocket *)userData;
    if (error->code < 0) {
        [socket reconnect];

void ConnectionTimeCallback(PILI_CONNECTION_TIME *conn_time, void *userData) {

#pragma mark -- LFStreamingBufferDelegate
- (void)streamingBuffer:(nullable PFStreamingBuffer *)buffer bufferState:(PFLiveBuffferState)state{
    if(self.delegate && [self.delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(socketBufferStatus:status:)]){
        [self.delegate socketBufferStatus:self status:state];
  • librtmp头文件
typedef struct PILI_RTMPChunk {
    int c_headerSize;
    int c_chunkSize;
    char *c_chunk;
    char c_header[RTMP_MAX_HEADER_SIZE];

typedef struct PILI_RTMPPacket {
    uint8_t m_headerType;   // 块头类型
    uint8_t m_packetType;   // 负载格式
    uint8_t m_hasAbsTimestamp; // 是否绝对时间戳
    int m_nChannel;     // 块流ID
    uint32_t m_nTimeStamp;   // 时间戳
    int32_t m_nInfoField2; // 块流ID
    uint32_t m_nBodySize;   // 负载大小
    uint32_t m_nBytesRead; // 读入负载大小
    PILI_RTMPChunk *m_chunk; // 在RTMP_ReadPacket()调用时,若该字段非NULL,表示关心原始块的信息,通常设为NULL
    char *m_body; // 负载指针
} PILI_RTMPPacket;

typedef struct PILI_RTMPSockBuf {
    int sb_socket;
    int sb_size; /* number of unprocessed bytes in buffer */
    char *sb_start; /* pointer into sb_pBuffer of next byte to process */
    char sb_buf[RTMP_BUFFER_CACHE_SIZE]; /* data read from socket */
    int sb_timedout;
    void *sb_ssl;

// 重置报文
void PILI_RTMPPacket_Reset(PILI_RTMPPacket *p);

void PILI_RTMPPacket_Dump(PILI_RTMPPacket *p);
// 为报文分配负载空间
int PILI_RTMPPacket_Alloc(PILI_RTMPPacket *p, int nSize);
// 释放负载空间
void PILI_RTMPPacket_Free(PILI_RTMPPacket *p);

// 检查报文是否可读,当报文被分块,且接收未完成时不可读
#define RTMPPacket_IsReady(a) ((a)->m_nBytesRead == (a)->m_nBodySize)

typedef struct PILI_RTMP_LNK {
    AVal hostname;
    AVal domain;
    AVal sockshost;

    AVal playpath0; /* parsed from URL */
    AVal playpath; /* passed in explicitly */
    AVal tcUrl;
    AVal swfUrl;
    AVal pageUrl;
    AVal app;
    AVal auth;
    AVal flashVer;
    AVal subscribepath;
    AVal token;
    AMFObject extras;
    int edepth;

    int seekTime;
    int stopTime;

#define RTMP_LF_AUTH 0x0001 /* using auth param */
#define RTMP_LF_LIVE 0x0002 /* stream is live */
#define RTMP_LF_SWFV 0x0004 /* do SWF verification */
#define RTMP_LF_PLST 0x0008 /* send playlist before play */
#define RTMP_LF_BUFX 0x0010 /* toggle stream on BufferEmpty msg */
#define RTMP_LF_FTCU 0x0020 /* free tcUrl on close */
    int lFlags;

    int swfAge;

    int protocol;
    int timeout; /* connection timeout in seconds */
    int send_timeout; /* send data timeout */

    unsigned short socksport;
    unsigned short port;

#ifdef CRYPTO
    void *dh; /* for encryption */
    void *rc4keyIn;
    void *rc4keyOut;

    uint32_t SWFSize;
    uint8_t SWFHash[RTMP_SWF_HASHLEN];
    char SWFVerificationResponse[RTMP_SWF_HASHLEN + 10];

/* state for read() wrapper */
typedef struct PILI_RTMP_READ {
    char *buf;
    char *bufpos;
    unsigned int buflen;
    uint32_t timestamp;
    uint8_t dataType;
    uint8_t flags;
#define RTMP_READ_HEADER 0x01
#define RTMP_READ_RESUME 0x02
#define RTMP_READ_NO_IGNORE 0x04
#define RTMP_READ_GOTKF 0x08
#define RTMP_READ_GOTFLVK 0x10
#define RTMP_READ_SEEKING 0x20
    int8_t status;
#define RTMP_READ_ERROR -2
#define RTMP_READ_EOF -1

    /* if bResume == TRUE */
    uint8_t initialFrameType;
    uint32_t nResumeTS;
    char *metaHeader;
    char *initialFrame;
    uint32_t nMetaHeaderSize;
    uint32_t nInitialFrameSize;
    uint32_t nIgnoredFrameCounter;
    uint32_t nIgnoredFlvFrameCounter;

typedef struct PILI_RTMP_METHOD {
    AVal name;
    int num;

typedef void (*PILI_RTMPErrorCallback)(RTMPError *error, void *userData);

typedef struct PILI_CONNECTION_TIME {
    uint32_t connect_time;
    uint32_t handshake_time;

typedef void (*PILI_RTMP_ConnectionTimeCallback)(
    PILI_CONNECTION_TIME *conn_time, void *userData);

typedef struct PILI_RTMP {
    int m_inChunkSize;  // 最大接收块大小
    int m_outChunkSize;// 最大发送块大小
    int m_nBWCheckCounter;// 带宽检测计数器
    int m_nBytesIn;// 接收数据计数器
    int m_nBytesInSent;// 当前数据已回应计数器
    int m_nBufferMS;// 当前缓冲的时间长度,以MS为单位
    int m_stream_id; // 当前连接的流ID
    int m_mediaChannel;// 当前连接媒体使用的块流ID
    uint32_t m_mediaStamp;// 当前连接媒体最新的时间戳
    uint32_t m_pauseStamp;// 当前连接媒体暂停时的时间戳
    int m_pausing;// 是否暂停状态
    int m_nServerBW;// 服务器带宽
    int m_nClientBW;// 客户端带宽
    uint8_t m_nClientBW2;// 客户端带宽调节方式
    uint8_t m_bPlaying;// 当前是否推流或连接中
    uint8_t m_bSendEncoding;// 连接服务器时发送编码
    uint8_t m_bSendCounter;// 设置是否向服务器发送接收字节应答

    int m_numInvokes; // 0x14命令远程过程调用计数
    int m_numCalls;// 0x14命令远程过程请求队列数量
    PILI_RTMP_METHOD *m_methodCalls; // 远程过程调用请求队列

    PILI_RTMPPacket *m_vecChannelsIn[RTMP_CHANNELS];// 对应块流ID上一次接收的报文
    PILI_RTMPPacket *m_vecChannelsOut[RTMP_CHANNELS];// 对应块流ID上一次发送的报文
    int m_channelTimestamp[RTMP_CHANNELS]; // 对应块流ID媒体的最新时间戳

    double m_fAudioCodecs; // 音频编码器代码
    double m_fVideoCodecs; // 视频编码器代码
    double m_fEncoding; /* AMF0 or AMF3 */

    double m_fDuration; // 当前媒体的时长

    int m_msgCounter; // 使用HTTP协议发送请求的计数器
    int m_polling;// 使用HTTP协议接收消息主体时的位置
    int m_resplen;// 使用HTTP协议接收消息主体时的未读消息计数
    int m_unackd;// 使用HTTP协议处理时无响应的计数
    AVal m_clientID;// 使用HTTP协议处理时的身份ID

    PILI_RTMP_READ m_read;// RTMP_Read()操作的上下文
    PILI_RTMPPacket m_write;// RTMP_Write()操作使用的可复用报文对象
    PILI_RTMPSockBuf m_sb;// RTMP_ReadPacket()读包操作的上下文
    PILI_RTMP_LNK Link;// RTMP连接上下文

    PILI_RTMPErrorCallback m_errorCallback; // rtmp链接断开或者失败后的回调
    PILI_RTMP_ConnectionTimeCallback m_connCallback;    // 连接超时的回调
    RTMPError *m_error; //
    void *m_userData;
    int m_is_closing;
    int m_tcp_nodelay;
    uint32_t ip;

// 解析流地址
int PILI_RTMP_ParseURL(const char *url, int *protocol, AVal *host,
                       unsigned int *port, AVal *playpath, AVal *app);

int PILI_RTMP_ParseURL2(const char *url, int *protocol, AVal *host,
                        unsigned int *port, AVal *playpath, AVal *app, AVal *domain);

void PILI_RTMP_ParsePlaypath(AVal *in, AVal *out);
// 连接前,设置服务器发送给客户端的媒体缓存时长
void PILI_RTMP_SetBufferMS(PILI_RTMP *r, int size);
// 连接后,更新服务器发送给客户端的媒体缓存时长
void PILI_RTMP_UpdateBufferMS(PILI_RTMP *r, RTMPError *error);

// 更新RTMP上下文中的相应选项
int PILI_RTMP_SetOpt(PILI_RTMP *r, const AVal *opt, AVal *arg,
                     RTMPError *error);
// 设置流地址
int PILI_RTMP_SetupURL(PILI_RTMP *r, const char *url, RTMPError *error);
// 设置RTMP上下文播放地址和相应选项,不关心的可以设为NULL
void PILI_RTMP_SetupStream(PILI_RTMP *r, int protocol, AVal *hostname,
                           unsigned int port, AVal *sockshost, AVal *playpath,
                           AVal *tcUrl, AVal *swfUrl, AVal *pageUrl, AVal *app,
                           AVal *auth, AVal *swfSHA256Hash, uint32_t swfSize,
                           AVal *flashVer, AVal *subscribepath, int dStart,
                           int dStop, int bLiveStream, long int timeout);
// 客户端连接及握手
int PILI_RTMP_Connect(PILI_RTMP *r, PILI_RTMPPacket *cp, RTMPError *error);
struct sockaddr;
int PILI_RTMP_Connect0(PILI_RTMP *r, struct addrinfo *ai, unsigned short port,
                       RTMPError *error);
int PILI_RTMP_Connect1(PILI_RTMP *r, PILI_RTMPPacket *cp, RTMPError *error);
// 服务端握手
int PILI_RTMP_Serve(PILI_RTMP *r, RTMPError *error);

// 接收一个报文
int PILI_RTMP_ReadPacket(PILI_RTMP *r, PILI_RTMPPacket *packet);
// 发送一个报文,queue为1表示当包类型为0x14时,将加入队列等待响应
int PILI_RTMP_SendPacket(PILI_RTMP *r, PILI_RTMPPacket *packet, int queue,
                         RTMPError *error);
// 直接发送块
int PILI_RTMP_SendChunk(PILI_RTMP *r, PILI_RTMPChunk *chunk, RTMPError *error);
// 检查网络是否连接
int PILI_RTMP_IsConnected(PILI_RTMP *r);
// 返回套接字
int PILI_RTMP_Socket(PILI_RTMP *r);
// 检查连接是否超时
int PILI_RTMP_IsTimedout(PILI_RTMP *r);
// 获取当前媒体的时长
double PILI_RTMP_GetDuration(PILI_RTMP *r);
// 暂停与播放切换控制
int PILI_RTMP_ToggleStream(PILI_RTMP *r, RTMPError *error);
// 连接流,并指定开始播放的位置
int PILI_RTMP_ConnectStream(PILI_RTMP *r, int seekTime, RTMPError *error);
// 重新创建流
int PILI_RTMP_ReconnectStream(PILI_RTMP *r, int seekTime, RTMPError *error);
// 删除当前流
void PILI_RTMP_DeleteStream(PILI_RTMP *r, RTMPError *error);
// 获取第一个媒体包
int PILI_RTMP_GetNextMediaPacket(PILI_RTMP *r, PILI_RTMPPacket *packet);
// 处理客户端的报文交互,即处理报文分派逻辑
int PILI_RTMP_ClientPacket(PILI_RTMP *r, PILI_RTMPPacket *packet);

// 初使化RTMP上下文,设默认值
void PILI_RTMP_Init(PILI_RTMP *r);
// 关闭RTMP上下文
void PILI_RTMP_Close(PILI_RTMP *r, RTMPError *error);
// 分配RTMP上下文
// 释放RTMP上下文
void PILI_RTMP_Free(PILI_RTMP *r);
// 开启客户端的RTMP写开关,用于推流
void PILI_RTMP_EnableWrite(PILI_RTMP *r);
// 返回RTMP的版本
int PILI_RTMP_LibVersion(void);
// 开启RTMP工作中断
void PILI_RTMP_UserInterrupt(void); /* user typed Ctrl-C */
// 发送0x04号命令的控制消息
int PILI_RTMP_SendCtrl(PILI_RTMP *r, short nType, unsigned int nObject,
                       unsigned int nTime, RTMPError *error);

/* caller probably doesn't know current timestamp, should
   * just use RTMP_Pause instead
// 发送0x14号远程调用控制暂停
int PILI_RTMP_SendPause(PILI_RTMP *r, int DoPause, int dTime, RTMPError *error);
int PILI_RTMP_Pause(PILI_RTMP *r, int DoPause, RTMPError *error);
// 递归在一个对象中搜索指定的属性
int PILI_RTMP_FindFirstMatchingProperty(AMFObject *obj, const AVal *name,
                                        AMFObjectProperty *p);
// 底层套接口的网络读取、发送、关闭连接操作
int PILI_RTMPSockBuf_Fill(PILI_RTMPSockBuf *sb);
int PILI_RTMPSockBuf_Send(PILI_RTMPSockBuf *sb, const char *buf, int len);
int PILI_RTMPSockBuf_Close(PILI_RTMPSockBuf *sb);
// 发送建流操作
int PILI_RTMP_SendCreateStream(PILI_RTMP *r, RTMPError *error);
// 发送媒体时间定位操作
int PILI_RTMP_SendSeek(PILI_RTMP *r, int dTime, RTMPError *error);
// 发送设置服务器应答窗口大小操作
int PILI_RTMP_SendServerBW(PILI_RTMP *r, RTMPError *error);
// 发送设置服务器输出带宽操作
int PILI_RTMP_SendClientBW(PILI_RTMP *r, RTMPError *error);
// 删除0x14命令远程调用队列中的请求
void PILI_RTMP_DropRequest(PILI_RTMP *r, int i, int freeit);
// 读取FLV格式数据
int PILI_RTMP_Read(PILI_RTMP *r, char *buf, int size);
// 发送FLV格式数据
int PILI_RTMP_Write(PILI_RTMP *r, const char *buf, int size, RTMPError *error);

/* hashswf.c */
int PILI_RTMP_HashSWF(const char *url, unsigned int *size, unsigned char *hash,
                      int age);




