how to get source sde database type of layer

The sample below shows how to get source sde database type of layer.

It uses IDataLayer2 and IDatabaseConnectionInfo2 interface.

  •  IDataLayer2  : Provides access to additional members that control the data source properties of a layer.
  •  IDatabaseConnectionInfo2 : Provides access to members that provide information about the Workspace's  connected database.



Private   Function getDBType(pLayer As ILayer) As String
Dim pDataLayer As IDataLayer2
Set pDataLayer = pLayer
Dim pDatasetName As IDatasetName
Set pDatasetName = pDataLayer.DataSourceName
Dim pWorkspaceName As IWorkspaceName
Set pWorkspaceName = pDatasetName.WorkspaceName
Dim pName As IName
Set pName = pWorkspaceName
Dim pWorkSpace As IWorkspace
Set pWorkSpace = pName.Open
Dim pDBConnInfo As IDatabaseConnectionInfo2
Set pDBConnInfo = pWorkSpace
Select Case pDBConnInfo.ConnectionDBMS
Case esriDBMS_Oracle
Case esriDBMS_SQLServer
Case esriDBMS_SQLServer
= "DB2"
Case esriDBMS_Unknown
End Select

End Function

