Sub 删除工作表所有空行() Dim first_row, last_row, i first_row = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Row last_row = first_row + ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.count - 1 For i = last_row To first_row Step -1 '倒序循环 If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Rows(i)) = 0 Then Rows(i).Delete '删除行 End If Next End Sub
Sub 删除工作表所有空列() Dim first_col, last_col, i first_col = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Column last_col = first_col + ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.count - 1 For i = last_col To first_col Step -1 '倒序循环 If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Columns(i)) = 0 Then Columns(i).Delete '删除列 End If Next End Sub
Sub 删除选中单列包含指定字符的行() '选中单列整列、单列部分都支持 Dim rng As Range, arr, first_row, last_row, first_col, i, j '--------------------参数填写:arr,指定条件字符串数组;title_row,表头行数 '要删除的字符串数组,空值为删除空单元格,可使用模式匹配 arr = Array("*一", "*三", "*五") title_row = 1 '表头行数,不执行删除 Set rng = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Selection) 'intersect语句避免选择整列造成无用计算 If rng.Columns.count > 1 Then Debug.Print "仅支持单列": Exit Sub '仅支持单列,多列则退出 first_row = WorksheetFunction.Max(title_row, rng.Row) '表头行与选中区域开始行号的大值 last_row = rng.Row + rng.Rows.count - 1 '选中区域结束行号 first_col = rng.Column '选中区域开始列号 If rng.Row = 1 Then '选中单列整列 For i = last_row To title_row + 1 Step -1 '倒序循环 For Each j In arr '只要有一个符合,就删除 If Cells(i, first_col) Like j Then Rows(i).Delete Next Next ElseIf rng.Row > 1 Then '选中单列部分 For i = last_row To first_row Step -1 '倒序循环 For Each j In arr If Cells(i, first_col) Like j Then Rows(i).Delete Next Next End If End Sub
Sub 删除选中单列包含指定字符的行() '选中单列整列、单列部分都支持 Dim rng As Range, del_rng As Range, arr, first_row&, last_row&, first_col&, i&, j '--------------------参数填写:arr,指定条件字符串数组;title_row,表头行数 '要删除的字符串数组,空值为删除空单元格,可使用模式匹配 arr = Array("1") title_row = 1 '表头行数,不执行删除 Set rng = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Selection) 'intersect语句避免选择整列造成无用计算 If rng.Columns.Count > 1 Then Debug.Print "仅支持单列": Exit Sub '仅支持单列,多列则退出 first_row = WorksheetFunction.Max(title_row, rng.row) '表头行与选中区域开始行号的大值 last_row = rng.row + rng.Rows.Count - 1 '选中区域结束行号 first_col = rng.column: tm = Timer '选中区域开始列号 If rng.row = 1 Then '选中单列整列 For i = title_row + 1 To last_row For Each j In arr '只要有一个符合,就删除 If CStr(Cells(i, first_col).Value) Like j Then If del_rng Is Nothing Then Set del_rng = Rows(i) Else Set del_rng = Union(del_rng, Rows(i)) End If End If Next Next ElseIf rng.row > 1 Then '选中单列部分 For i = first_row To last_row For Each j In arr If CStr(Cells(i, first_col).Value) Like j Then If del_rng Is Nothing Then Set del_rng = Rows(i) Else Set del_rng = Union(del_rng, Rows(i)) End If End If Next Next End If If Not del_rng Is Nothing Then del_rng.Delete Debug.Print "删除完成用时:" & Format(Timer - tm, "0.00") '耗时 End Sub
Sub 删除选中单列不含指定字符的行() '选中单列整列、单列部分都支持 Dim rng As Range, arr, first_row, last_row, first_col, i, j, del_if As Boolean '--------------------参数填写:arr,指定条件字符串数组;title_row,表头行数 '要保留的字符串数组,空值为保留空单元格,可使用模式匹配 arr = Array("*一", "*三", "*五") title_row = 1 '表头行数,不执行删除 Set rng = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Selection) 'intersect语句避免选择整列造成无用计算 If rng.Columns.count > 1 Then Debug.Print "仅支持单列": Exit Sub '仅支持单列,多列则退出 first_row = WorksheetFunction.Max(title_row, rng.Row) '表头行与选中区域开始行号的大值 last_row = rng.Row + rng.Rows.count - 1 '选中区域结束行号 first_col = rng.Column '选中区域开始列号 If rng.Row = 1 Then '选中单列整列 For i = last_row To title_row + 1 Step -1 '倒序循环 del_if = True '初始为删除 For Each j In arr '只要有一个符合,就不删除 If Cells(i, first_col) Like j Then del_if = False: Exit For Next '都不符合,删除 If del_if Then Rows(i).Delete Next ElseIf rng.Row > 1 Then '选中单列部分 For i = last_row To first_row Step -1 '倒序循环 del_if = True '初始为删除 For Each j In arr If Cells(i, first_col) Like j Then del_if = False: Exit For Next If del_if Then Rows(i).Delete Next End If End Sub
Sub 选中列去重() '适用单/多列选中、单/多列部分选中,去重删除整行 Dim rng As Range, dict As Object, first_row, last_row, first_col, last_col, i, j, res Set rng = Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Selection) 'intersect语句避免选择整列造成无用计算 first_row = rng.Row '选中区域开始行号 last_row = first_row + rng.Rows.count - 1 '选中区域结束行号 first_col = rng.Column '选中区域开始列号 last_col = first_col + rng.Columns.count - 1 '选中区域结束列号 Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") For i = last_row To first_row Step -1 '倒序循环,避免遗漏 res = "" For j = first_col To last_col res = res & CStr(Cells(i, j).Value) Next If Not dict.Exists(res) Then '字典键不存在,新增 dict(res) = "" Else Rows(i).Delete '删除行 End If Next End Sub
到此这篇关于Excel VBA指定条件删除整行整列的实现的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关Excel VBA指定条件删除内容请搜索脚本之家以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持脚本之家!