
Tips for a Successful Interview

· Check your email frequently. Interviewers use the email address you provided in your application to contact you.

· If you are invited to interview, respond promptly if you will or will not be able to attend.

· Make a positive first impression. Arrive on time. Formal attire is not required, but dress appropriately.

· Plan ahead. A brief resume or activity sheet can be helpful to your interviewer, but is not required.

· Prepare. Your interviewer will likely ask you questions similar to these:

o Tell me about your school: courses, teachers, favorite subject, worst subject?

o Is there a project, paper, lab, etc. that you were especially proud of when you completed it?

o What are your future plans: college, major, career?

o What activities are you involved in: which are the most important to you and why?

o What would your teachers or friends tell us about you?

o When you envision your ideal college experience, what does that look like?

· What are your questions about Dartmouth? Your questions will give your interviewer insight about what you value and your thought process. Make sure to prepare questions for your interviewer. The admissions ambassador interview is a great source of information about life at Dartmouth and about the alumni network.
