
作为一名成熟的Android开发者,"协程是一种轻量级的线程"这句话我们可能已经听了无数遍了,但有多少同学能真正的理解这句话呢? 接下来的内容会带大家详细的了解协程与线程的关系,以及协程是如何运行的。


launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
    delay(2000L) // 模拟一些耗时操作
    println("协程代码执行完毕!") // 在延迟后打印输出


     * The default [CoroutineDispatcher] that is used by all standard builders like
     * [launch][CoroutineScope.launch], [async][CoroutineScope.async], etc
     * if no dispatcher nor any other [ContinuationInterceptor] is specified in their context.
     * It is backed by a shared pool of threads on JVM. By default, the maximal level of parallelism used
     * by this dispatcher is equal to the number of CPU cores, but is at least two.
     * Level of parallelism X guarantees that no more than X tasks can be executed in this dispatcher in parallel.
    public actual val Default: CoroutineDispatcher = createDefaultDispatcher()



CoroutineDispatcher 会负责将协程的执行分配到具体的线程,在底层,当 CoroutineDispatcher 被调用时,它会调用封装了 Continuation (比如这里的协程) interceptContinuation 方法来拦截协程。该流程是以 CoroutineDispatcher 实现了 CoroutineInterceptor 接口作为前提。

     * Returns a continuation that wraps the provided [continuation], thus intercepting all resumptions.
     * This method should generally be exception-safe. An exception thrown from this method
     * may leave the coroutines that use this dispatcher in the inconsistent and hard to debug state.
    public final override fun  interceptContinuation(continuation: Continuation): Continuation =
        DispatchedContinuation(this, continuation)

一旦 Continuation 对象需要在另外的 Dispatcher 中执行,DispatchedContinuation 的 resumeWith 方法会负责将协程分发到合适的 Dispatcher。我们要知道的一点是DispatchedContinuation 实现了Runnable 接口,可以被线程池执行。

override fun resumeWith(result: Result) {
        val context = continuation.context
        val state = result.toState()
        if (dispatcher.isDispatchNeeded(context)) {
            _state = state
            resumeMode = MODE_ATOMIC_DEFAULT
            dispatcher.dispatch(context, this)
        } else {
            executeUnconfined(state, MODE_ATOMIC_DEFAULT) {
                withCoroutineContext(this.context, countOrElement) {

Dispatcher 会调用 dispatch方法,dispatch方法就是将协程交给指定的线程池执行。所以以后别再拿协程跟线程作比较了,而要和线程池比较!

     * Dispatches execution of a runnable [block] onto another thread in the given [context].
     * This method should guarantee that the given [block] will be eventually invoked,
     * otherwise the system may reach a deadlock state and never leave it.
     * Cancellation mechanism is transparent for [CoroutineDispatcher] and is managed by [block] internals.
     * This method should generally be exception-safe. An exception thrown from this method
     * may leave the coroutines that use this dispatcher in the inconsistent and hard to debug state.
     * This method must not immediately call [block]. Doing so would result in [StackOverflowError]
     * when [yield] is repeatedly called from a loop. However, an implementation that returns `false` from
     * [isDispatchNeeded] can delegate this function to `dispatch` method of [Dispatchers.Unconfined], which is
     * integrated with [yield] to avoid this problem.
    public abstract fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable)

