q learning代码 matlab_强化学习&无线通信&杂乱代码集合

  • hongzimao/deeprm:Resource Management with Deep Reinforcement Learning (HotNets '16) 虽然不是无线网络的资源分配,但是隐约感觉应该是一个
  • mantecon/Self-organised-Admission-Control-for-Multi-tenant-5G-Networks:In this work, a self-organizing admission control algorithm for multi-tenant 5G networks is proposed and developed with novel artificial intelligence techniques. A simulation-based analysis is presented to assess the improvements of the proposed approach with respect to a baseline scheme.
  • mylzwq / LoadBalanceControl-RL: Using Reinforcement Learning method to realize load balancing control in dynamic cellular network。 使用强化学习方法实现动态蜂窝网络的负载均衡。整体感觉下来,代码过于冗长,编写的框架混乱,可读性很差,本来想看一下动态环境怎么编写的,但是并没有找到 ....
  • M.E-Energy-Efficient-Power-and-Subcarrier-Allocation-for-OFDMA-Systems-with-Value-Function-Approxima:同样开始以为会有帮助,但是大概看完之后,还是没有找到有帮助的代码块。唯一可能有用的就是其中queue_change.m这个函数有点用,功能是功率、子载波分配后,更新用户队列长度。这样或许可以增加一些动态性进去。
  • fath0218 / channel_dqn:基于DQN的信道切换算法,虽然是中文注释,但是感觉代码结构还是很乱....
  • shkrwnd/Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-for-Dynamic-Spectrum-Access:Using multi-agent Deep Q Learning with LSTM cells (DRQN) to train multiple users in cognitive radio to learn to share scarce resource (channels) equally without communication。动态,多智能体,本来和我想解决的问题很切合,但是为什么就是看不到可以复用的代码呢?也没有看出这也多智能体的reward的更新的不同!!!
  • bjoluc/gymwipe:An OpenAI Gym Environment for Frequency Band Assignments in the Simulation of Wireless Networked Feedback Control Loops.基于OpenAI Gym环境的无线网络环境,用于频带分配。
  • "https://github.com/mkoz71/Energy-Efficiency-in-Reinforcement-Learning">mkoz71 / Energy-Efficiency-in-Reinforcement-Learning:Code for the paper 'Energy Efficiency in Reinforcement Learning for Wireless Sensor Networks' 和超密集网络没有太大关系,场景模型应该是sensor networks for health monitoring。
  • farismismar / Q-Learning-Power-Control:Code for my publication: Q-Learning Algorithm for VoLTE Closed-Loop Power Control in Indoor Small Cells. Paper accepted to 52nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers.感觉用处不大orz(找到的代码都是些什么鬼啊...)
  • Traffic-Optimisation:Traffic Signal timings using Deep Q-Learning



  • WlanDqn:A dqn application for using in wlan


对应文章:"AIF: An Artificial Intelligence Framework for Smart Wireless Network Management"

  • gym-radio-scheduler: 在gym库中加入了一个无线调度器,gym是谷歌开发的一个用于深度强化学习的库。待阅读ing
  • Deep-Q-Learning-SON-Perf-Improvement:Code for my publication: Deep Q-Learning for Self-Organizing Networks Fault Management and Radio Performance Improvement. Paper accepted to 52nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers.如说明所示,是一篇会议论文的代码,算是有一定的参考性!但是真实感受而言,因为场景模型有较大的不同,可参考的还是很大不同!!
  • ADGEfficiency/energy-py:reinforcement learning agents and environments for energy systems.
  • sisl / MADRL:Repo containing code for multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL).包含对智能体的胜读强化学习,待阅读ing,看看能不能找到多智能体reward更新的方法。

  • AlexVic / ResourceAllocationDelayedCSI
  • AlexVic / ResourceAllocationV2Xgraph
  • AlexVic/ResourceAllocationV2X: 良心代码,三篇层次递进的论文的代码。
  • xushushu231 / The-JUAD-resource-allocation-for-D2D-in-a-FDD-cellular-network:也是良心代码,将代码和论文思路都写进来了。
  • chamara84 / jointChannelAndPowerAlloFDCR:This contains joint channel and power allocation scheme for a full duplex cognitive radio network underlying a cellular network 在全双工的认知网络中联合优化信道和功率分配方案。
  • Chenxi-Liu/UDN:应该是基于随机几何的超密集网络性能分析,但是只有一份代码,readme没有,描述也没有。
  • Haoran-S / DNN_WMMSE:Code to reproduce our works on DNN research.
  • D2D-communication:optimal mode selection between normal cellular and D2D mode.
  • dreamian / D2DCommSimul:This repository includes the idea of effective D2D Communication method using Matching theoretic approach基于匹配理论的D2D通信。
  • adrikayak / D2D_cellular_network_simulator:Simulator used in the study "D2D frequency allocation using GADIA in a cellular network" (Matlab)整体而言,也没有什么可以借鉴的,GADIA也没有看出是什么算法....有用的地方应该是场景模型可以借鉴一下。
  • himanshukumar660 / Hungarian-Method:The repo consist of a implementation of Hungarian method for resource allocation.匈牙利算法的python语言实现。
  • hpaulkeeler / kcoverage_single_MATLAB: Probability of connecting to multiple base stations in a Poisson network based on the SINR. 多基站的连接概率。
  • hpaulkeeler / kcoverage_multi_MATLAB:Probability of connecting to multiple base stations in a multi-tier Poisson network based on the SINR. 多层泊松网络下的多基站连接概率

  • DELMU:Simulation scripts used to produce the results presented in our paper R. LI et al. " DELMU: A Deep Learning Approach to Maximising the Utility of Virtualised Millimetre-Wave Backhauls" 没有仔细看,因为和Resource Allocation不太相关。
  • Master-Thesis:Source Code to my master's thesis with the topic "End-to-end optimisation of MIMO systems using deep learning autoencoders" 大致看了一点,参考的是"An Introduction to Deep Learning for the Physical Layer"
  • DeepMIMODetection: The paper "Deep MIMO Detection" presented at SPAWC 2017.
  • Haoran-S / TSP-DNN:Training deep neural networks for wireless resource management使用深度神经网络对无线资源管理算法的拟合。
  • pradeepshekhar/V2VchannelEstimator:车车信道估计器

  • tyshiwo / DRRN_CVPR17:Code for our CVPR'17 paper "Image Super-Resolution via Deep Recursive Residual Network" 图像超分辨率


  • oyamad/game_theory_models : python编写的博弈论模型,没有去看。
  • yangzhen0512/IntelligentOptimizationAlgorithms:This repository displays the demos of some Intelligent Optimization Algorithms 主要是一些智能优化算法,主要模拟退火,遗传算法,粒子群算法。
  • farismismar - Overview:A part-time Ph.D. student in the electrical and computer engineering department at UT Austin.有几个深度强化学习的仓库。
  • qiyuangong/Search_a_Paper_in_SEU_for_CSE:文献搜索的技巧
  • highD-dataset:This repository contains a collection of functions to handle highD data files implemented in Matlab and Python. The functionality ranges from data handling to visualizing the data.
  • sydney222 / Python_CsiNet:Python code for "Deep Learning for Massive MIMO CSI Feedback"深度学习用于CSI的压缩和解压,减少CSI的传输开销。
  • chihkuanyeh / Automatic-Bridge-Bidding-by-Deep-Reinforcement-Learning:The released model of the paper 'Automatic Bridge Bidding by Deep Reinforcement Learning' in ECAI 2016使用深度强化学习玩桥牌。
  • zhaoxrthu/DQN_of_DWA_matlab:使用深度强化学习进行机器人的动态窗口方法进行避障。这个up主(该怎么称呼github上的上传者呢?作为一名B站用户,就暂且称之为up主吧。)的几个库包括一些和图像,音频的。
