【ShapeWorks】1. 软件介绍及安装

No. Content
1 【ShapeWorks】1. 软件介绍及安装
2 【ShapeWorks】2. 工作流的三板斧 - How to Groom Your Dataset?
3 【ShapeWorks】3. 工作流的三板斧 - How to Optimize Your Shape Model?
4 【ShapeWorks】4. 工作流的三板斧 - How to Analyze Your Shape Model?
5 【ShapeWorks】5. 典型例子 Ellipsoid 的运行及解析


  • 1. Getting Started
    • 1.1 Shaptes, What & From Where?
    • 1.2 Shape Modeling Workflow
    • 1.3 ShapeWorks Success Stories
    • 1.4 ShapeWorks Interfaces
  • 2. Installation
    • 2.1 Software
    • 2.2 Software - Python



1. Getting Started

1.1 Shaptes, What & From Where?

【ShapeWorks】1. 软件介绍及安装_第1张图片

1.2 Shape Modeling Workflow

【ShapeWorks】1. 软件介绍及安装_第2张图片

  1. Grooming a dataset for optimization.
  2. Optimizing a correpsondence model on the groomed data.
  3. Analyzing the correspondence model.

1.3 ShapeWorks Success Stories

1.4 ShapeWorks Interfaces

ShapeWorks 可以直接安装软件,直接操作软件的 GUI 来实现对数据模型的功能操作。

2. Installation

2.1 Software

MAC 下的安装:下载软件,双击安装

  • Install the ShapeWorks.pkg file by double-clicking on the file.

WIN 下的安装:下载软件,双击安装。不同的是,WIN 需要安装一些支撑组件。

  • Download and install the “Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019.”

以上操作参考链接 How to Install ShapeWorks?。通过以上操作,即可实现软件的基本安装。

找到软件安装路径,在里边能看到 Examples 文件夹,打开 Studio 文件夹,里边有一些示例,可以通过 ShapeWorks 的 GUI 界面打开。

【ShapeWorks】1. 软件介绍及安装_第3张图片

注意,在 MAC 下打开的模型,由于系统的限制,只是可读级别,还需要通过以下复制操作,将 Examples 文件复制到其他位置,具体操作流程为

  • Open a terminal and change directory to the installation path.
    cd /Applications/ShapeWorks
  • Copy the Examples folder to another location of your choosing.
    cp -r Examples $HOME/ShapeWorks-Examples

2.2 Software - Python

  • Download and install Miniconda for Windows.

