
Pigs recorded using tools for the first time


On an October day in 2015, ecologist Meredith Root-Bernstein was watching a family of rare pigs at a Parisian zoo when something caught her eye.


One of the Visayan warty pigs—a critically endangered species native to the Philippines—picked up a piece of bark in its mouth and started digging with it, pushing the soil around.

warty pig 疣猪,因野生疣猪脸上长有肉质的”疣“而得名

“我说,哇,这也太酷了吧。” 巴黎人类博物馆访问学者兼国家地理探险家伯恩斯坦说:“当我着手搜索关于猪使用工具的资料的时候,我发现没有任何相关的记载。”

“I said, Whoa, that’s pretty cool,” says Root-Bernstein, a visiting researcher at the Musée de l’Homme in Paris and a National Geographic Explorer. “When I looked up tool use in pigs, there was nothing.”


Intrigued, the scientist returned to the menagerie at the Jardin des Plantes frequently over the following months to try to observe the behavior again, to no avail.

to little/no avail:几乎或根本毫无作用; The doctors tried everything to keep him alive but to no avail. 医生千方百计想使他活下来,但无济于事。


She hypothesized that what she’d seen was related to nest-building, which Visayans generally do every six months to prepare for the arrival of piglets


Sure enough, the next spring, a colleague returned to the warty pig enclosure and recorded three of the four animals using tools to complete their nest, an earthen pit filled with leaves.


Though many wild species use tools, from chimpanzees to crows to dolphins, no one has reported the phenomenon in any pig, including the17 wild pig species and domestic swine.

swine: (单复数同形), a herd of swine 一群猪 ; swine fever  猪瘟


This surprised Root-Bernstein, especially considering the Suidae family’s well-known intelligence.


But because wild pigs are so little studied and, in most cases, either endangered or critically endangered, it may not be so unusual that such innovation has escaped human eyes


She says tool use is particularly fascinating to study because it’s a trait shared with humans, as well as one that may highlight a common evolutionary history.


“It brings us closer to animals,” she says, “and helps us realize it’s all connected.”


The team noticed the animals—particularly the mama pig, Priscilla—would always use tools in the middle of the nest-building process.


The scientists suspect that Priscilla may have learned how to use the tool herself, and passed on that knowledge to her mate and offspring.
