to not spend enough money or time on something, or not use enough of something, so that what you do is unsuccessful or of bad quality 舍不得花〔足够的钱或时间〕,吝啬
感觉大部分情况有些贬义,在不该省的地方省,非常吝啬,类似be stingy with sth
To have an issue to discuss, argue about, or bring up (with one), typically something that is a source of annoyance for the speaker.
to not have the chance to do something that you enjoy and that would be good for you失去,没有〔做自己喜欢的事的〕机会
•Prepare food in advance to ensure you don't miss out on the fun!事先预备好食物确保你不会错过好玩的机会!
miss out on表示错过,常见的搭配有miss out on life/so much/your whole childhood/a lot
to start in a particular way有好/不好等的开端:
•The day had got off to a bad start.这天一早就有坏事发生。
=suck at=be lousy with/at
something that is top-notch is of the highest quality or standard最高级的,顶呱呱的,第一流的:
•I was lucky and got myself a job with a top-notch company.我很幸运,在一家一流的公司找到了一份工作。
An expression that means something is wonderful, terrific or cool.
skimp on sth
练习场景二:我们在必要节俭的地方节约一些(cut corners),这样才能负担起我们想要的婚礼。但是在请一个好的摄影师方面我们绝不吝啬。
以上两句话出自the free dictionary,个人比较喜欢用的词典之一。思考后可以搜索答案。自己再想一个例子吧。比如说:我一直都是比较节俭的人,但买起书来就有些大手大脚,从不在上面省钱。Normally I'm a frugal person, but I never skimp on books.
have a bone to pick with someone
miss out on
But here's the thing. I ___ _____ _______ ____ ____ ______. When most kids were just showing up to school and _____ _______ algebra, I was always worried about what was going on at home. I could never ____ friends ______, because I didn't know what we would be walking into .When I should have just been going to ballet and Rollerblading, I was the one that was home cleaning the house and cooking dinner and making sure that____ ______ ________.I would see you ______ ______ on the couch and not even know if you were gonna wake up. I worried about stuff that no kid should ever have to worry about.
Violet, I am so sorry. I wish I could go back in time and be the mother you ________.
get off to a rough/bad/good start; stink at ;top-notch;neat
公司来了新同事, 不过过得不太顺。
Err, Harry. Are you OK? You look pale.
I feel terrible. I was wondering if I'm at the right place these days.
How come? I mean our company is like one of the top-notch tech companies in our country. Decent salary, congenial working environment, not to mention various benefits.
Yeah, absolutely. Can't complain. It's just I feel like I stink at this job. You see I messed up my project again this morning. Maybe I'm not adequate enough for this job.
Oh, come on. Maybe your job got off to a rough start, it doesn't mean you're not qualified. You are just new here and it happens to everyone. Pull yourself together.
Thank you. I feel much better now.
Days later...
Neil, Neil. You know what? I made it. My project worked out!
Pretty neat! Congratulations!