
众所周知目前前后端交互基本都采用标准的JSON结构{"code": 200, "message": "成功", "data": null}

    public BaseResponse test() {
        String testMsg = testService.getTestMsg();
        return BaseResponse.ok(testMsg);
    public BaseResponse findUserById(@PathVariable("id") Long userId) {
        User user = testService.findUserById(userId);
        return BaseResponse.ok(user);


public class BaseResponse {

     * 响应码
    private Integer code;

     * 响应消息
    private String msg;

     * 响应数据
    private T data;

    public BaseResponse(Integer status, String msg, T data) {
        this.code = status;
        this.msg = msg;
        this.data = data;

    public static  BaseResponse ok(@Nullable String msg, @Nullable T data) {
        return new BaseResponse<>(HttpStatus.OK.value(), msg, data);

    public static  BaseResponse ok(@Nullable String msg) {
        return ok(msg, null);

    public static  BaseResponse ok(@Nullable T data) {
        return new BaseResponse<>(HttpStatus.OK.value(), HttpStatus.OK.getReasonPhrase(), data);


    public String test() {
        String testMsg = testService.getTestMsg();
        return testMsg;

    public User findUserById(@PathVariable("id") Long userId) {
        User user = testService.findUserById(userId);
        return user;

使用了@ControllerAdvice 注解对Controller层的所有接口做拦截,然后使用BaseResponse进行统一的封装,这样就不必再在每个Controller接口里都去使用BaseResponse进行封装了

public class CommonResultControllerAdvice implements ResponseBodyAdvice {

    public boolean supports(MethodParameter returnType,
                            @NonNull Class> converterType) {
        return AbstractJackson2HttpMessageConverter.class.isAssignableFrom(converterType);

    public final Object beforeBodyWrite(@Nullable Object body,
                                        @NonNull MethodParameter returnType,
                                        @NonNull MediaType contentType,
                                        @NonNull Class> converterType,
                                        @NonNull ServerHttpRequest request,
                                        @NonNull ServerHttpResponse response) {
        MappingJacksonValue container = getOrCreateContainer(body);
        // The contain body will never be null
        return container;

     * Wrap the body in a {@link MappingJacksonValue} value container (for providing
     * additional serialization instructions) or simply cast it if already wrapped.
    private MappingJacksonValue getOrCreateContainer(Object body) {
        return body instanceof MappingJacksonValue ? (MappingJacksonValue) body :
                new MappingJacksonValue(body);

    private void beforeBodyWriteInternal(MappingJacksonValue bodyContainer) {
        // Get return body
        Object returnBody = bodyContainer.getValue();

        if (returnBody instanceof BaseResponse) {

        BaseResponse baseResponse = BaseResponse.ok(returnBody);

