
Dual Clutch Transmission Model in Simulink

This file contains a dual-clutch transmission model built using Simscape and SimDriveline that can be configured for control algorithm development or optimization tests. The clutch states and pre-selection of the gears via dog clutches is controlled by a state machine modeled in Stateflow. Model variants for the transmission and vehicle dynamics can be selected using configurable subsystems. MATLAB scripts demonstrate how to optimize a shift schedule for maximum fuel economy, and how to speed that process using parallel computing. This model can be configured for hardware-in-the-loop testing. A 3D animation of the transmission shows the rotating shafts and enabled clutches, indicating the flow of power.

Please read the README.txt file to get started.

To see the optimization tasks, watch this video (5 min):


To see the complete demonstration of model tuning, parameter sweeps, and optimization tasks, please watch the webinar, “Shift Schedule Optimization of a Dual-Clutch Transmission“.


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