








Fujian Textile Industry Association、Guangdongtextile and garment association

Co-organizer:Fuzhou District Changle District Cotton Textile Association,

Supportingunits: Fuzhou Textile Association, Changle Cotton Textile Association, WarpKnitting Association, Chemical Fiber Association, Knitting EmbroideryAssociation

Organizer:Hongsheng International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd.




中国纺织产业基地市,福建省福州市(长乐区),是空海江“三港”兼备的城市,经济实力连续多年位居“全国百强”。 2005年长乐被中国纺织工业协会授予“中国纺织产业基地市”。长乐纺织业年产化纤短纤、长丝、混纺纱近150万吨;纺纱业已拥有400万锭规模,化纤纱及化纤混纺纱产量居全国前列;福州、长乐、晋江、泉州地区纺织及服装企业近12000多家、石狮拥有6700多家纺织服装生产企业,产值逾千亿元。作为新兴纺织产业基地,主要对各类纺织机械需求旺盛,并呈日益增长趋势。如此庞大的市场,主办方将全力打造福建商圈专业性的纺织工业装备展,为各大企业开拓福建市场提供一个优质的贸易推广、交易平台!


Exhibition Profile

Exhibition advantages:

World textiles look at China, China textilesin fujian.

China's textile industry base city, fuzhoucity, fujian province (changle district), is a city with both "threeports" in the air sea river, and its economic strength has been rankedamong the "national top 100" for many years. In 2005, changle wasawarded "China textile industry base city" by China textile industryassociation. The annual output of chemical fiber staple fiber, filament yarnand blended yarn of changle textile industry is nearly 1.5 million tons. Thespinning industry has a scale of 4 million ingots, and the output of chemicalfiber yarn and chemical fiber blended yarn ranks the first in China. There aremore than 12,000 textile and garment enterprises in fuzhou, changle, jinjiangand quanzhou, and shishi owns more than 6,700 textile and garment enterpriseswith an output value of over 100 billion yuan. As a new textile industry base,the main demand for all kinds of textile machinery is strong and growing. Withsuch a huge market, the organizer will make every effort to build aprofessional textile industrial equipment exhibition in fujian business circle,and provide a high-quality trade promotion and trading platform for the majorenterprises to explore the fujian market.

The China (fuzhou) international textileindustry and printing and dyeing exhibition, sponsored by fujian textileindustry association, will be held in fuzhou strait international conventionand exhibition center from December 4 to 6, 2020. The exhibition will continueto provide a big stage for textile enterprises on both sides of the Taiwanstraits to show the top automation textile shoes and clothing machinery, withthe theme of "replacing machinery, promoting green and sustainableproduction mode, and facilitating enterprise transformation and upgradingthrough automation innovation".


报到布展:2020年12月2-3日(9:00—17:00)   开幕时间:2020年12月4日(9:30)

展出时间:2020年12月4-6日(9:00—16:30)   闭幕时间:2020年12月6日(14:30)


Exhibition arrangement: December 2-3, 2020(9:00-17:00)   opening time: December 4,2020 (9:30)

Exhibition time: December 4-6, 2020(9:00-16:30)         closing time:December 6, 2020 (14:30)




【Exhibits range】

Knittingmachinery: large circular machine, jacquard machine, hosiery machine, computerhorizontal knitting machine, shoe upper machine, warp knitting machine, hookknitting machine, knitting machine spinning machinery: roving machine, spinningmachine, twisting machine, winding machine, double twisting machine, drawingframe, yarn shaking machine, etc.

Weavingmachinery: belt weaving machine, trademark machine, rapier loom, air jet loom,water jet loom, warping machine, cloth inspection roll machine, etc. Printing anddyeing machinery: printing equipment, dyeing equipment, pretreatment equipment,finishing equipment, printing and dyeing machinery accessories; Textile partsand other textile machinery: various textile instruments/instruments, variouslaser engraving machines, laser marking machines, computer-aided equipment,textile software technology, humidification, dehumidification, drying, airconditioning dust removal equipment, non-woven machinery equipment, non-wovenmachinery, other textile machinery accessories, etc.


国内企业:标准展位(9平米),¥5800/个/展期,双开口展位加收¥1000;室内光地:¥500/平米/展期,36平米起租, 无任何设施。

境外企业:标准展位(9平米),$1460/个/展期,双开口展位加收$140;室内光地:$130元/平米/展期,36平米起租, 无任何设施。

1、 标准展位  9m²(3m×3m);配置:展出场地、三面展板(高2.5m)、一块中英文楣板 、一 张洽谈桌、二把椅子、220V电源插座一个、二支射灯。

2、 室内光地(不低于36 m²起租);配置:展出场地、保安服务、公共责任保险、无任何设施。


Domestic enterprises: standard booth (9 square


booth/exhibition period, double open booth additional ¥1000;

Indoor bare land: ¥500/ m2 / exhibition period,36 m2minimum rent, no facilities.

Foreign enterprises: standard booth (9 squaremeters),$1460/ booth/exhibition period, double open booth additional $140;Indoor bare land :$130 / m2 / exhibition period,36 m2 minimum rent, nofacilities.

1. Standard booth 9m2 (3m×3m); configuration:exhibition venue, three-sided exhibition board (2.5m high), one Chinese andEnglish fascia board, one negotiation table, two chairs, one 220V power socketand two spotlights.

2, indoor light (not less than 36 m2 for rent);configuration: exhibition site, security services, public liability insurance,no facilities.


封 面    页  20000元

封 底    页  16000元

封 二    页  12000元

封 三    页  10000元

内 彩    页  5000元

跨彩页及扉页 8000元

半版彩色内页 3000元



journal:(specification: 210mm×130mm.)

Cover: $2800

Seal at the bottom of page: $2200

Page 2: $1600

Cover 3: $1400

Inside colour pages: $700

Cross colour and title pages: $1100

Half-sheet color inside: $400




联系人:李  悦130 5190 7508(WeChat)

       王  鑫130 5190 7509(WeChat)

电  话: 010-86201419  QQ:202 009 4233

E-mail:[email protected]  
