
英文 中文
So, dad, guess what tomorrow is. 爸爸 你猜明天是什么日子
Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. 马丁·路德·金诞辰
- No. Well, it...might be. - It is. - 不是 好吧 也许是- 就是
Fine. But also, tomorrow is your one-year anniversary back in our lives. 好吧 但是 明天也是你回归我们生活的一周年纪念日
I'm gonna make you flying-saucer-shaped pancakes. 我要给你做飞碟形煎饼
Oh, t-t-there's no need to do that, Beth. Regular pancakes are fine. 哦 没这个必要 Beth 正常煎饼就行了
Oh, my God! 哦上帝
Oh, what is happening?! 这是怎么回事
Happy anniversary, dad. 周年纪念快乐 爸爸
Oh, I get it. 哦 我懂了
Regular pancakes are already shaped like flying saucers. 正常煎饼就已经像飞碟了
Mmm. I-I should be making you breakfast for putting up with me. 好吃 其实为了感谢你一直忍受我 我应该给你做早饭的
You should be making us a whole restaurant. 你应该给我们弄一整家餐厅
Nonsense. We couldn't be happier to have you around. 胡说 有你在身边 我们再开心不过了
I just wish I got to see more of you. 我只希望能多陪陪你(看见更多的你)
Rick Sanchez of Earth dimension c-137, 地球空间C-137的Rick Sanchez
you are under arrest for crimes against alternate Ricks 你因对平行空间的其他Rick犯下的罪行
by the authority of the Trans-Dimensional Council of Ricks. 而被跨维度Rick委员会批准逮捕
- Hey! What the heck?! - Neutralize the Jerry. - 嘿 搞什么鬼- 冻住Jerry
Wait! No! I'll... 等等 别 我可以
Dad! 爸爸
- Dad! - Rick! - 爸爸- Rick
Everybody, relax. 大家别紧张
If I know these a-holes, and I am these a-holes, 我认识这些混蛋 我就是这些混蛋
they just want to haul me to their stupid clubhouse 他们只想把我拽到他们那傻逼俱乐部
and waste my time with a bunch of questions. 问几个浪费时间的问题
Let's get it over with. 咱们快把这事儿结了吧
- Bring his Morty. - Oh, man. - 带上他的Morty- 哦天
Leave my Morty out of this. 别把我的Morty卷进来
You lost the right to have a say in these things when you refused to j-join the Council. 你在拒绝加入委员会的时候就已经失去了说这话的权利
W-w-w-what about Jerry? Jerry怎怎怎么办
Will you at least unfreeze my daughter's idiot? 你们至少把我女儿的白痴解冻了行吗
...give you anything! 给你任何东西
I have a rare antique-coin collection! Just don't hurt me! 我收藏了很多珍稀古董钱币 拜托别伤害我
Okay, maybe not antique, but it was a limited minting. 好吧 可能不是古董 但也是限量版铸币呢
They have little R2-D2s instead of George Washington. 上面印的小R2-D2取代了乔治华盛顿
Our son's been abducted! 咱们儿子被拐走了
You hate me for buying those coins! 我买那些硬币你一直很不满
Geez, Rick, w-what is this place? 天哪 Rick 这是什么地方
The citadel of Ricks. Rick们的大本营
It's the secret headquarters for the Council of Ricks. 这是Rick委员会的秘密总部
Council of Ricks? Rick委员会
As you know, Morty, I've got a lot of enemies in the universe that consider my genius a threat, 你知道的 Morty 我在宇宙中树敌无数 他们视我的天才为威胁
galactic terrorists, a few sub-galactic dictators, most of the entire intergalactic government. 包括星系恐怖分子 下星系独裁者 和多数跨星系政府
W-w-wherever you find people with heads up their asses, someone wants a piece of your grandpa, 只有是有蠢驴的地方 就有人看我不爽
and a lot of versions of me on different timelines had the same problem, 而且不同平行宇宙里不同版本的我都是这样
so a few thousand versions of me had the ingenious idea of banding together 所以有几千个我傻逼一样地想凑在一起
like a herd of cattle or a school of fish 像牛群 鱼群
or those people who answer questions on Yahoo! answers. 或者在雅虎知道上回答问题的人一样
Hey! What do you know? It's a cowboy version of me. 嘿 居然有牛仔版的我
Geez, you're easy to impress. 你真是没见过世面
Yeah, most timelines have a Rick, and most Ricks have a Morty. 没错 大多数时间线都有个Rick 而大多数Rick都有个Morty
This place is a real who's who of who's you and me. 这地方就是个你和我的名人录
Turn your boring, old Morty into a f... 快用Morty闪耀胸章把你无聊的旧Morty
hot fashion statement with some Morty dazzlers. 变成热辣的时尚宣言吧
Hey, check this out. 嘿 看这个
- Show me the Morty. - Dumb. - 给我Morty- 傻死了
Excuse me, sir, is your Morty insured? 打扰一下 先生 你为你的Morty投保了吗
- You know, every year, hundreds of Mortys are injured... - Back off! - 要知道 每年都有成百上千的Morty受伤- 滚
Not my cup of tea, this place. 我不喜欢这地方
I say the point of being a Rick is being A Rick. 我认为作为一个Rick而存在 重点就是作为"一个"Rick
Save your anti-Rick speech for the Council of Ricks, terror-Rick. 把你的反Rick言论留给Rick委员会听吧 恐怖Rick分子
Hey, save your Rick rules for the sheep-Ricks, Rick-pig. 嘿 把你的Rick规则留给Rick小绵羊吧 蠢猪Rick
[Bleep] me, pal. [哔]我啊 哥们
[Bleep] you? No, no, no, no, no, [Bleep] me. [哔]你 不不不不不 [哔]我啊
Bring up the holograms. 把全息图呈上来
27 Ricks brutally murdered in their own timelines, 有27个Rick在自己的平行空间里被残忍杀害
an unprecedented Rick-icidal epidemic. 空前猖獗的对Rick的屠杀
What say you, Earth Rick c-137? 你还有什么可说的 地球C-137的Rick
You think I did this? 你觉得是我干的
Why am I the first Rick you pull in every time a Rick stubs his toe? 为什么每次有Rick踢到了脚趾总是我先被抓来
You have a history of non-cooperation with the Council. 你有不和委员会合作的前科
Yeah, so does the scientist formerly known as Rick. 没错 那个以前被称作Rick的科学家不也是吗
W-w-w-w-w-why isn't he here in handcuffs? 为为为什么他没被抓过来铐住
Because he's dead, too! 因为他也死了
Who else would you have us question? You fit the profile. 你还想让我们审问谁 你最符合凶手的特征
Of all the Ricks in the central finite curve, 在所有中央有限曲线上的Rick中
you're the malcontent, the rogue. 你是反抗者 离群者
I'm the Rick, and so were the rest of you before you formed this stupid alliance. 我只是Rick 在组成这个愚蠢的联盟以前 你们也是
You wanted to be safe from the government, so you became a stupid government. 你们想免受政府的迫害 于是你们自己变成了愚蠢的政府
That makes every Rick here less Rick than me. 所以我比这里的每一个Rick都更像真正的Rick
Yeah, murmur it up, D-bags. 尽情议论吧 混蛋们
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got pancakes back home with syrup on top of them. 不好意思 家里还有涂了糖浆的煎饼等着我呢
They're about to hit that critical point of syrup absorption that turns the cakes into a gross paste, 马上吸收的糖浆就会把煎饼变成恶心的浆糊了
and I hate to get all Andy Ronney about it, 我不想像Andy Rooney一样
but I think we all like fluffy disks of cake with syrup on top, 但我认为我们都喜欢一碟松软的糖浆蛋糕
and I think we also like to be accused of crimes when there's evidence! 而且我们都希望被指责的时候对方拿出证据
So, as they say in Canada, peace oot! 用加拿大人的话来说 后会有期
Evidence! Good idea. Scan his portal gun! 证据 好主意 扫描他的传送门枪
Oh, come on. Don't look at another man's portal-gun history. 哦 拜托 不要看别人的传送门枪历史记录啊
We-we all go to weird places. 谁都去过奇怪的地方
Yes, but it appears you alone have been going to 没错 但似乎只有你一个人去过所有
the exact timelines and locations in which the murders occurred. 谋杀发生的平行世界和其中谋杀发生的地点
What?! That's Rick-diculous! I'm obviously being set up. 什么 那太不合Rick理了 我显然是被陷害的
Earth Rick c-137, the Council of Ricks sentences you to the machine of unspeakable doom, 地球C-137的Rick 委员会判处你受刑于极苦机械
which swaps your conscious and unconscious minds, 你的意识和无意识将被互换
rendering your fantasies pointless while everything you've known becomes impossible to grasp. 使你一切的憧憬都毫无意义 让你所知的一切都无法触及
Also, every 10 seconds, it stabs your balls. 而且 每过十秒它就会扎一次你的蛋蛋
I've heard enough. 我不想再听了
Run, Morty! 快跑 Morty
Unh-unh. Not you. 不不 没叫你
Oh! Oh! 哦 哦
Yeah, I'd like to order one large person with extra people, please. 你好 我想点一大份人 加量
White people. No, no, no, no. Black people. And Hispanic on half. 白人 不不不不 黑人 再加一半西班牙裔
Yes, I'd like to order one large sofa chair with extra chair, please. 你好 我想点一大份沙发椅 多加点椅量
High chair. No, no, no, no. Recliner. And wheelchair on half. 高脚椅 不不不不 躺椅 和半个轮椅
- They could have gone into anyone of these. - Son of a... - 哪个门都有可能- 混...
- Oh, geez. - Oh, man! - We lost 'em. - 天啊- 哦天- 我们跟丢了
Yeah, I'd like to order one large phone with extra phones, please. 你好 我想点一大份电话 加量
Cellphone. No, no, no, no. Rotary. And pay phone on half. 手机 不不不不 旋转式电话 和半个公用电话
That'll keep 'em busy for a while. 这够他们忙一阵的了
Those guys were wrong right? 他们肯定搞错了吧
You would not kill yourself... yourselves. 你不会杀掉你自己的 那些自己
Of course not, Morty. 当然不会 Morty
How could that profit me? 这对我有啥好处
But someone out there is killing Ricks, 但是的确有人在杀Rick们
and the council ain't gonna stop thinking it's me until we clear our names 在我们洗清罪名之前 委员会不会善罢甘休
by finding the real Rick-Killer. 得找到真正的Rick杀手
I'm scared, Rick. 我害怕 Rick
Maybe we should go home and stockpile weapons, like that show "Doomsday Preppers." 我们是不是该回家准备点武器 就像《末日生存者》那节目一样
Not really my style, Morty. 那不是我的风格 Morty
Besides, your home is most likely swarming with Ricks by now. 而且 家里估计已经全是Rick了
All right, listen, Jerry. 听好了 Jerry
If Rick calls, this device is gonna trace his location. 如果Rick打电话来 这设备能追踪到他的位置
You just got to keep him on the phone for 30 seconds or longer. 你只需要把时间拖够30秒
Who wants lemonade? 谁想喝柠檬汁
Oh, yeah. Mmm! 噢 太好了
Oh! Delicious! 哦 好喝
Beth. You're a treasure. Beth 你真贤惠
I have a Beth just like you in my reality, except you know what? 在我的世界里也有一个像你一样的Beth 只不过
She's not as brilliant or attractive. 她没有你那么美丽动人
Aw. Thank you. 哦 谢谢
Oh! She did! She did it! 她做到了 做到了
Hey, Jerry, it's Rick. 嗨 Jerry 我是Rick
Rick! Hey. Rick 嗨
What's, what's up? 你好啊
So, listen, the heat's on, and there's nowhere left to turn, 听着 风声太紧 我们没地方可去
so Morty and I are just gonna fly my spaceship into a black hole. 所以 Morty和我打算把飞船开进黑洞
- What? - Is that cool with you, dawg? - 什么- 你能接受得了吧
Rick, no! Morty!! Rick 不 Morty
We got it. 追踪到了
The call's coming from... 电话来自...
inside the house 这间屋子
Look at his face! You dummy! 瞅瞅他的表情 你真傻
Ugh. Can't believe our daughter married you. 真不敢相信我们女儿能嫁给你
Too easy! 太容易了
The Rick are probably gonna waste some time missing with Jerry. 这帮Rick应该会浪费些时间逗Jerry玩
They won't be able to help themselves. 他们起不了什么作用的
But as soon as they get bored, they'll be onto us. 但是等他们玩够了 就会来找我们
Phones a la clams and phonesghetti with phone balls. 您点的电话蛤蜊和意大利电面配电话丸
- Anything else? - Yeah, more phone sticks, please. - 还需要什么- 再多来点电话条
Right away, sir. 马上来 先生
You know, Rick, when I first saw all those Ricks and Morty, 你知道吗 Rick 当我第一次看到那么多Rick和Morty时
I thought, "Gee, that kind of devalues our bond." 我在想 "天啊 我们的关系一下就不那么独特了"
But then I realized it just means that our relationship must be pretty special 但是仔细想想 我们的关系一定非常特别
to span over all those different time lines. 才能让我们跨越无数的时空紧紧相连
Yeah, it's got to be that way. You're a camouflage. 只能是这样 你是一个掩护
Camouflage? 掩护
W-w-w-what are you talking about, Rick? 你在说什么 Rick
Rick have a very distinctive and traceable brain wave due to our genius. Rick的天才使得我们的脑电波非常独特且易追踪
The best way to hide from an enemy's radar is 躲避敌人雷达的最好办法就是
to stand near someone with complementary brain wave that make ours invisible. 在一个可以使脑电波互补的人身边 这样就无法被追踪了
See, w-w-w-when a Rick I-is with a Morty, 明白吗 当Rick和Morty在一起时
the genius waves get canceled out by the, Uh... 天才的脑电波就被抵消了 因为你有 呃
...Morty waves. ...Morty脑电波
Um... because o-our personalities are so different? 是因为我们的性格非常不同吗
Oh, shit, dawg. 哦 妈的
My portal gun was hacked pemotely, Morty 我的传送枪被人远端入侵了
Obviously by the real killer, to frame me. 很明显就是真凶 他想陷害我
But I was able to track the signal. 但是我能追踪他的信号
Come on. Let's go. 快 我们走
Uh-oh. 啊 噢
Excuse me. We've tracked a pair of dangerous criminals 打扰了 我们追踪到一对极度危险的罪犯
to this exact location. 就在这里
They look exactly like us, 他们和我们长得一模一样
so in order to avoid confusion, I'm gonna mark us 为了避免混淆 我们用红叉
each with a red "X" right now. 标记自己
That ways, if someone has a gun and we both tell you 这样的话 如果谁有枪
to shoot the other one because they're the evil one, 而我们都说杀掉另一个"我" 因为他才是那个坏人
you'll know who's lying. 你就知道是谁在说谎了
Hey, check it out. 嗨 看那
Damn it! 妈的
Hey, you didn't pay your bill! 嗨 你还没给钱呢
T-the red "X"! Red "X"! 红叉 红叉
Hey, it's a good thing that space outlet had lab coats 嗨 还好那家宇宙折扣店 有这款实验室外套
and you favorite kind of shirt in stock, Huh, Morty? 和你最爱的小黄体恤衫 是吧 Morty
Yeah, Rick, I-I heard you the first time. 对 Rick 你都说了好几遍了
You don't have to keep saying it over and over. 你不用老说这个事儿了
Man, this place is way off the grid. 这地方真够偏僻的
This guy does not want to be found. 这家伙真不想让人发现
Well, if he's a Rick, doesn't he just to stand by a Morty to hide? 如果这家伙是Rick 是不是他也需要用Morty来隐藏自己
I mean, isn't that what Mortys are Morty不就起这个作用吗
Human cloaking devices? 人肉隐身衣
Morty, you're making a bigger deal out of this than it is. Morty 你这反应实在是有点小题大做了
Oh, my god, Rick, look! 我的天啊 Rick 看
There's a bunch of people strapped all over that building! 有好多人被绑起来 盖满了那栋建筑
Not people, Morty. Mortys. 不是人 是Morty们
Oh, god! 天啊
W-w-why would somebody do this? 为什么有人会这么干
It's horrible! 太残忍了
Well, one Morty's enough to hide from the bureaucrats, 想不被官僚体系的走狗发现 一个Morty足够了
but you get- you get a whole matrix of Mortys and put them in agonizing pain, 但你得用一个Morty矩阵 并且让他们极度痛苦
that creates a pattern that can hide even from other Ricks mother[Bleep] 才能瞒过其他的Rick [哔]
I fiddled with a concept like this once. 我以前构想过一个类似的概念
On paper, Morty. On paper. 理论上 Morty 只是理论上
I wouldn't do this. It's barbaric overkill. 我是不会做这种事的 这就是粗劣的浪费和滥用
I mean, you could accomplish the same result with, 达到相同的效果 完全只需要
like, five Mortys and a jumper cable. 五个Morty和一个跨接电缆
Which I also wouldn't do! 这我也不会真做的
I'm just saying, it's bad craftsmanship. 我只是想表示 他这技术太烂了
Coffee time! 咖啡时间
Yeah! Yo, yo, yo, yo! 好 哟 哟 哟
That's what I like to hear! 就等这个呢
Hi, Jerry. 嗨 Jerry
Leave me alone. I'm working. 别烦我 我在工作
Oh, you are? W-w-w-what do you do? 是吗 你是做什么的
I-I'm, I'm in between advertising jobs. 我是做广告的 待业中
Advertising? Wow! 广告 哇
So, people need help figuring out what to buy, and then you help them? 就是说 大家不知道自己应该买什么东西 你的工作就是帮助他们
Well, it's a little more complicated than that. 要更复杂一点
Well, I mean, you do it, 你就是干这个的
and you seem like a guy who really has it all together. 而且你看起来干这行就很厉害
Dude, are you, 老兄 你是
You're being a dick, right? 你是在讽刺我 对吗
Oh, gosh, I-I hope not. 哦 天啊 不 不是
I-I-I wouldn't want to offend you in any way. 我一点都不想冒犯你
You're really a rick? 你真的是Rick吗
Of course I am, just as much as my Morty's a Morty. 我当然是 就像我的Morty是一个Morty一样
Hey, he looks a lot like Eric Stoltz from the movie "Mask." 嗨 他长得好像《面具》里的Eric Stoltz
You know, the one with Cher in it? 就是里面有雪儿的那部
That's right, Jerry! 对的 Jerry
He-- he's from a reality where everyone is Eric Stoltz "Mask" people. 他来自的时空 所有的人长得都像Eric Stoltz的《面具》里的人
He's Eric Stoltz mask Morty. 他是Eric Stoltz面具版Morty
They assigned him to me because I never had any kids of my own. 他是被分配给我的 因为我从来没有我自己的小孩
But if I did, boy, 但我如果有小孩
I'd love them if they were as smart and as successful as you are, Jerry. 我希望他们能像你一样聪明成功
Hey, get a load of this. 嗨 瞧啊
Jerry's hanging out with doofus Rick. Jerry在和傻瓜Rick聊天
This is perfect. 你俩真配
I'm not boofus Rick! 我不是傻瓜Rick
I'm Rick J19-ZETA-7! 我是从J19-ZETA-7空间来的Rick
Oh, is that the time line where everybody eats poop? 噢 那个空间的人不都是吃屎长大的吗
Jerry, you know this guy eats poop, right? Jerry 你知道这家伙吃屎吗
Hey, I don't eat poop! 嗨 我不吃屎
Y-You guys are always so mean to me. 你们总是欺负我
I guess it's only fair to tell you now, Jerry. 我觉得我应该告诉你 Jerry
I'm the worst Rick of them all. 我是所有Rick当中最差劲的

