



我边看边惊叹叔本华把看似相对独立的知识体系完美结合的能力,sharing is caring,所以把大致内容翻译成了英语和好友分享,偷个懒直接复制黏贴到这也和书友们分享:

when we are 10, we are like Mercury, very active in a small area and everything has a big impact on us, and we grow very fast.

20, Venus takes over, it is mostly about love and being loved.

30 is Mars, it is a time when we are full of energy and strength, we are brave, aggressive, and arrogant.

(don't know why, but) 40 is governed by four asteroids. At this time the scope of our life expanded and we favor useful things thanks to Vulcan; influenced by Vesta, we have our own hearth; one Asteroid (the goddess of wisdom) teaches us to have the necessary knowledge, and another(the goddess of marriage) takes care of the household.

50, the main influence comes from the Log Cabin (the Lord God). By this time, people we know start to die and we feel that we are the best of our generation. Our energy is still high, yet rich in experience and knowledge. 50 can be the pinnacle of our life.

60 - Saturn, we are like a boat, sluggish and slow.

Later comes Uranus - one is going to the kingdom of heaven.

Schopenhauer didn't know what to do with Neptune, because he thinks the planet is misnamed.

Pluto is the destroyer and creator of all things. Death is the great storehouse of life, and all kinds of entities come from Pluto.



