MySQL第七章 数据库管理与应用

create database two20210610 default charset=utf8;

use one20210606; CREATE TABLE studentinfo ( StudentID char(10) DEFAULT NULL, StudentName varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, Gender varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL, Birthday date DEFAULT NULL, ClassID int(4) DEFAULT NULL, BeginYear year(4) DEFAULT NULL, Phone varchar(11) DEFAULT NULL, Province varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, City varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, Email varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;

create table teacher ( id int, teachername VARCHAR(10), hiredate DATE, gender char


create table classinfo ( id int, # 班级编号 classname varchar(10), gradeid int, # 年级编号 beginyear varchar(10) # 开始年份


create table subject ( id int , subjectname varchar(10), teacherid int );

create table exam ( id int, exam int, subjectid int, studentid int, remark varchar(10) # 备注 );

create table grade( id int , gradename varchar(10), major varchar(20) );

INSERT INTO one20210606.classinfo(id, classname, gradeid, beginyear) VALUES (2001, '20级1班', 20, '2020'); INSERT INTO one20210606.classinfo(id, classname, gradeid, beginyear) VALUES (2002, '20级2班', 20, '2020');

INSERT INTO one20210606.exam(id, exam, subjectid, studentid, remark) VALUES (1, 98, 101, 1, '无'); INSERT INTO one20210606.exam(id, exam, subjectid, studentid, remark) VALUES (2, 89, 102, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO one20210606.exam(id, exam, subjectid, studentid, remark) VALUES (3, 79, 103, 1, ''); INSERT INTO one20210606.exam(id, exam, subjectid, studentid, remark) VALUES (4, 96, 104, 1, NULL); INSERT INTO one20210606.exam(id, exam, subjectid, studentid, remark) VALUES (5, 85, 101, 2, NULL); INSERT INTO one20210606.exam(id, exam, subjectid, studentid, remark) VALUES (6, 89, 102, 2, NULL); INSERT INTO one20210606.exam(id, exam, subjectid, studentid, remark) VALUES (7, 79, 103, 2, NULL); INSERT INTO one20210606.exam(id, exam, subjectid, studentid, remark) VALUES (8, 83, 104, 2, NULL);

INSERT INTO one20210606.grade(id, gradename, major) VALUES (20, '20级', '软件技术');

INSERT INTO one20210606.studentinfo(StudentID, StudentName, Gender, Birthday, ClassID, BeginYear, Phone, Province, City, Email) VALUES ('1', '张无忌', '男', '2021-06-10', 2001, 2020, '13012340001', '河南', '许昌', '[email protected]'); INSERT INTO one20210606.studentinfo(StudentID, StudentName, Gender, Birthday, ClassID, BeginYear, Phone, Province, City, Email) VALUES ('2', '张铁牛', '男', '2021-06-16', 2001, 2020, '13012340002', '河南', '许昌', '[email protected]'); INSERT INTO one20210606.studentinfo(StudentID, StudentName, Gender, Birthday, ClassID, BeginYear, Phone, Province, City, Email) VALUES ('3', '林平之', '男', '2021-06-15', 2001, 2020, '13012340003', '河南', '安阳', '[email protected]'); INSERT INTO one20210606.studentinfo(StudentID, StudentName, Gender, Birthday, ClassID, BeginYear, Phone, Province, City, Email) VALUES ('4', '令狐冲', '男', '2021-06-08', 2002, 2019, '13012340004', '河南', '濮阳', '[email protected]'); INSERT INTO one20210606.studentinfo(StudentID, StudentName, Gender, Birthday, ClassID, BeginYear, Phone, Province, City, Email) VALUES ('5', '岳灵珊', '女', '2021-06-02', 2002, 2019, '13012340005', '河南', '南阳', '[email protected]');

INSERT INTO one20210606.subject(id, subjectname, teacherid) VALUES (101, 'mysql', 201); INSERT INTO one20210606.subject(id, subjectname, teacherid) VALUES (102, 'java基础', 201); INSERT INTO one20210606.subject(id, subjectname, teacherid) VALUES (103, '面向对象', 202); INSERT INTO one20210606.subject(id, subjectname, teacherid) VALUES (104, '网页设计', 202);

INSERT INTO one20210606.teacher(id, teachername, hiredate, gender) VALUES (201, 'hys', '2021-06-04', '男'); INSERT INTO one20210606.teacher(id, teachername, hiredate, gender) VALUES (202, 'dj', '2021-06-01', '女');

-- 子查询 用子查询实现,查询出学生“林平之”的同班同学 --1 查出林平之 的班级 select classid from studentinfo where studentname='林平之'; --2 根据班级查询同班学生信息 select * from studentinfo where chassid=2001; -- 合并 select * from studentinfo where classid=(select classid from studentinfo where studentname='林平之');

-- 查询 《软件技术》 考试成绩刚好等于90分的学生名单 -- 1 需要查询学生名单 再studentinfo -- 2 科目是mysql 再subject表中 id -- 3 成绩是90 再exam表中subjectid

select studentname from studentinfo inner join exam on studentinfo.StudentIDexam.studentid inner join subject.idexam.subjectid where subject.subjectname='mysql' and exam.exam=85;

-- 查询 《mysql》考试成绩刚好等于85分的学生名单


select studentname from studentinfo where id = ?


select studentid from exam where exam=85;


select id from subject where subjectname='mysql';

-- 融合 select studentname from studentinfo where id = (select studentid from exam where exam=85 and subject = (select id from subject where subjectname='mysql') ) ; -- 更新“dj”的“mysql”成绩为+5分

-- 找到....成绩 +5 exam id subjectid studentid update exam set exam = exam + 5 where subjectid = ? -- 找到mysql课程的id subject id subjectname select id from subject where subjectname = "网页设计" -- 根据名字找id teacher select id from teacher where teachername='dj'

-- 融合
update exam set exam = exam + 5 where subjectid = (select id from subject where subjectname = "网页设计" and subject.teacherid = (select id from teacher where teachername='dj' ))

-- 删除“岳灵珊”的所有考试成绩 -- 1 在studentinfo表中找到岳灵珊的id select studentid from studentinfo where studentname="岳灵珊" -- 2 根据id在exam表中删除成绩 delect from exam where studentid=?

-- 合并 delect from exam where studentid= (select studentid from studentinfo where studentname="张无忌");

-- 插入的子查询 把查询结果作为条件 插入到新的数据 insert into studentinfo values (select * from studentinfo where studentid=5)

-- 查询《mysql》考试成绩刚好等于85分的学生名单 in的使用 在....范围之内


select studentname from studentinfo where studentid = ?


select studentid from exam where exam=85;


select id from subject where subjectname='mysql'; -- 融合 select studentname from studentinfo where studentid in (select student from exam=85 and subjectid in (select id from subject where subjectname='mysql') );

-- 查询成绩表中科目编号为102的考试成绩中是否存在不及格的学生,如果存在不及格的学生就将参加科目编号102考试的学生编号和成绩全部查询显示出来 -- 是否存在不及格的学生 SELECT StudentID fromEXAM WHERE Exam<60 -- 参加科目编号102考试的学生 WHERE SubjectID=102 -- 学生编号和成绩全部查询显示出来 SELECT StudentID,Exam FROM EXAM -- 融合 SELECT StudentID,Exam FROM EXAM WHERE SubjectID=102 AND EXISTS (SELECT StudentID from EXAM WHERE Exam<60);

-- 查询成绩比科目编号为“1”的这门课程的所有成绩都大的学生考试信息 -- 1 查询....学生考试信息 SELECR * FROM Exam WHERE where ? -- 2 成绩比科目编号为“101”的这门课程的所有成绩都大 all(SELECT Exam from EXAM WHERE SubjectID=1) -- 合并 SELECT * FROM exam where exam > all(SELECT Exam from EXAM WHERE subjectid=101);

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