Intellectual Property Committee of IEEE

The Intellectual Property Committee's primary objective is to focus on intellectual property matters as they relate to the IEEE's U.S. membership( employed engineers, faculty, scentists, inventors, entrepreneurs, etc.), fast moving technology, technology transter, and U.S. competitiveness.
IPC prepares testimony and postion statements, drafts legislation, and delivers expert testimony before the U.S. Congress and the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
The IPC is often called upon to offer advice to the U.S. Copyright Office, Office of Science and Technology Policy, the United States Trade Representative Office, and to te Office of Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust. All positions developed by the committee represents a consensus of a diverse group of engineers or work for industry. This committee promotes the interestes of individual engineers and the U.S. technological workforce.

The next year(2007), IPC will focus on the following priority issuses and activities: Patent reform and Inventor's Rights.

The website of IPC is
