
Single cell dissection of plasma cell heterogeneity in symptomatic and asymptomatic myeloma


作者:Guy Ledergor, Assaf Weiner, […] Ido Amit


Department of Immunology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel


Nature Medicine volume 24, pages1867–1876 (2018) 06 December 2018


Multiple myeloma, a plasma cell malignancy, is the second most common blood cancer. Despite extensive research, disease heterogeneity is poorly characterized, hampering efforts for early diagnosis and improved treatments. Here, we apply single cell RNA sequencing to study the heterogeneity of 40 individuals along the multiple myeloma progression spectrum, including 11 healthy controls, demonstrating high interindividual variability that can be explained by expression of known multiple myeloma drivers and additional putative factors. We identify extensive subclonal structures for 10 of 29 individuals with multiple myeloma. In asymptomatic individuals with early disease and in those with minimal residual disease post-treatment, we detect rare tumor plasma cells with molecular characteristics similar to those of active myeloma, with possible implications for personalized therapies. Single cell analysis of rare circulating tumor cells allows for accurate liquid biopsy and detection of malignant plasma cells, which reflect bone marrow disease. Our work establishes single cell RNA sequencing for dissecting blood malignancies and devising detailed molecular characterization of tumor cells in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients.




Fig. 1: Subjects with multiple myeloma display unique transcriptional signatures that converge into defined malignant pathways. 具有多发性骨髓瘤的受试者显示出独特的转录特征:聚集到确定的恶性通路中

a, tSNE plot depicting 20,568 single bone marrow plasma cells derived from 29 newly diagnosed subjects (MGUS01–07, SMM01–06, MM1–12 and AL01–04) with plasma cell neoplasms and 11 control individuals (Hip01–11). Each cluster is represented by a specific color and number (related to the heat map in Extended Data Fig. 4). b, Subjects are color-coded according to a severity gradient projected on the tSNE (gray, control; yellow, MGUS; pink, SMM; red, multiple myeloma and amyloidosis); these colors correspond to d and e. c, Index-sorting flow cytometry data represented as mean fluorescence intensity (MFI; log10 scale) for specific surface markers, projected onto the tSNE (top, CD19; bottom, CD56). d, Bar plot showing distribution of cells from subjects with multiple myeloma and control donors across the clusters (as in a). Subject are color-coded according to disease severity as in a; names above bars correspond to the individual with the majority of cells in each cluster. e, Box plots of single cell gene expression for specific genes across the 29 newly diagnosed subjects and 11 control donors (left). Each box represents 0.25–0.75 percentile of UMI count with line extension to 0.1-0.9 percentile; dot represents the mean UMI count. Subjects are color-coded according to disease severity. For each gene, corresponding histograms of bulk RNA-seq expression estimates from the CoMMpass study (TPM- transcripts per kilobase million; log scale) are shown (right). f, Map of CNAs (dark gray background) and oncogenic mutations (light gray background) depicted in black (bottom) and dendrogram of hierarchical clustering for average RNA profile of 11 participants (top) for whom targeted bulk genomic DNA sequencing data were available.

a,tSNE图描绘了来自29个新诊断具有浆细胞肿瘤的受试者(MGUS01-07,SMM01-06,MM1-12和AL01-04)其和11个对照个体(Hip01-11)的20,568个单个骨髓浆细胞。每个簇由特定颜色和数字表示(与扩展数据中的热图有关)图4。 b,受试者根据投射在tSNE上的严重性梯度进行颜色编码(灰色,对照;黄色,MGUS;粉红色,SMM;红色,多发性骨髓瘤和淀粉样变性);这些颜色对应于d和e。 c,指数分选流式血细胞技术数据表示为投射到tSNE(顶部,CD19;底部,CD56)的特定表面标志物的平均荧光强度(MFI; log10标度)。 d,条形图显示来自具有多发性骨髓瘤的受试者和跨越所述簇的对照供体的细胞分布(如a)。受试者根据疾病严重程度进行颜色编码,如a;条形图上方的名称对应于每个聚类中具有大多数细胞的个体。 e,29个新诊断受试者和11个对照供体的特定基因的单细胞基因表达的箱形图(左)。每个框代表0.25-0.75百分位的UMI计数,线延伸至0.1-0.9百分位; dot表示平均UMI计数。受试者根据疾病严重程度进行颜色编码。对于每个基因,显示来自CoMMpass研究的大量RNA-seq表达估计的相应直方图(TPM-转录物/千碱基百万;对数标度)(右)。 f,黑色(底部)描绘的CNA(深灰色背景)和致癌突变(浅灰色背景)的图谱和11个参与者(顶部)的平均RNA谱的层次聚类的树状图,其中可获得靶向的基因组DNA测序数据。
