E-PUCK 2.0(伊普克)嵌入式机器人是由瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL )开发小型移动式机器人,已在国内外上百所高校和研究院在使用,例如斯坦福、剑桥大学、苏黎世联邦理工学院、清华大学、北京大学、国防科技大学等,并有很多研究成果发表在IEEE、FreeCheck等核心期刊中。
智能蚁群算法 |
人员自然流动算法 |
群居活动聚类算法 |
仿生机器人学优化算法 |
自主决策与远程控制算法 |
病毒传播模型算法 |
人工神经网络算法验证 |
粒子群优化算法 |
多机器人协同合作算法 |
核心控制板配有树莓派zero w可以运行Linux操作系统,提升E-puck2机器人算力,可以验证神经网络算法研发。
采用树莓派Zero W核心处理器; |
配有16G micro SD; |
内置标准的Linux运行系统; |
2个RGB LED状态指示灯; |
1个数字麦克风; |
1个1W扬声器; |
支持充电墙自动充电和USB充电; |
6个I2C接口、2个ADC输入接口; |
采用MicroChip dsPIC33F系列核心处理器; |
12对红外发射/接收传感器; |
红外模块角度分配约30°; |
MAX 测距范围约80cm; |
支持I2C和RS232两种通讯模式; |
电压范围:2.5 V至6 V; |
1个TV Remote 接收器 ; |
1个档位选择开关; |
VGA 彩色摄像头; |
360°环视抛物面镜; |
最高支持1080P 30fps; |
兼容Pi-puck连接树莓派Zero W; |
支持OpenCV图像处理、斑点、颜色和光线检测。 |
Oh, H., Shiraz, A. R., & Jin, Y. (2018). Morphogen diffusion algorithms for tracking and herding using a swarm of kilobots.Soft Computing,22(6), 1833-1844.
Agrawal, M., & Glotzer, S. C. (2020). Scale-free, programmable design of morphable chain loops of kilobots and colloidal motors.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,117(16), 8700-8710.
Zhong, V. J., Umamaheshwarappa, R. R., Dornberger, R., & Hanne, T. (2018, March). Comparison of a real kilobot robot implementation with its computer simulation focussing on target-searching algorithms. In2018 International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems (ICoIAS)(pp. 160-164). IEEE.
Holland, J., Griffith, J., & O'Riordan, C. (2018, April). Evolving collective behaviours in simulated kilobots. InProceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing(pp. 824-831).
Miquel Kegeleirs, Giorgio Grisetti, and Mauro Birattari. Swarm slam: Challenges and perspectives. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8:23, 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Eduardo Castelló Ferrer, Thomas Hardjono, Alex Pentland, and Marco Dorigo. Secure and secret cooperation in robot swarms. Science Robotics, 6(56):eabf1538, 2021. [ bib | DOI | arXiv | http ]
Qihao Shan and Sanaz Mostaghim. Discrete collective estimation in swarm robotics with distributed bayesian belief sharing. Swarm Intelligence, Sep 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Ken Hasselmann, Antoine Ligot, Julian Ruddick, and Mauro Birattari. Empirical assessment and comparison of neuro-evolutionary methods for the automatic off-line design of robot swarms. Nature Communications, 12(1):4345, Jul 2021. [ bib | DOI | http ]
Tohid Kargar Tasooji and Horacio J. Marquez. Cooperative localization in mobile robots using
event-triggered mechanism: Theory and experiments. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, pages 1--13, 2021. [ bib | DOI ]
Yahya Muhammad Adam, Nohaidda Binti Sariff, and Nasir A. Algeelani. E-puck mobile robot obstacles avoidance controller using the fuzzy logic approach. In 2021 2nd International Conference on Smart Computing and Electronic Enterprise (ICSCEE), pages 107--112, 2021. [ bib | DOI ]
Pranav Kedia and Madhav Rao. Gengrid: A generalised distributed experimental environmental grid for swarm robotics. In 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pages 1910--1917, 2021. [ bib | DOI ]