Honey I shrunk the population 辣妈的美,不得不说的事

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与我们的心路历程大致相似,二战后的日本在经济回升、国民休养生息期间,婴儿的体重逐年增加,医生不得不提醒国民巨大儿的安全和健康隐患。1970年后期医生开始建议妈妈减少孕期摄入的卡路里。1995年,美国出台孕期体重增加标准,建议纤瘦的妈妈(BMI 18.5 以下)孕期增长12.7 - 18.1 公斤。这一标准传入日本后,上限被调整至12公斤。但很多日本妈妈仍然努力把体重增长维持在12kg以下。日本妈妈追求的孕期身材是从前看肚皮鼓鼓,从后看婀娜多姿。到2010年,5斤以下的新生儿达到了9.6%.



















Honey I Shrunk the Population

Earlier this year I fell in love with desert plants, specifically cacti and succulents. I know the exact moment it happened: when I came across a desert-themed wedding while casually browsing Facebook. To say that I "fell in love" may not be too accurate, I felt it was something more, like an evocation almost, a rekindling. I thought it called forth what already resided in my spirit, stored away, but ready to burst forth. I thought it was because the three years I'd spent in Arizona in my childhood forever branded me as a desert girl at heart.

I filled our house with cacti and succulents, bought cactus- (and catcus, for what it's worth) themed shirts, bags, pajamas, shower curtains, pens, wall stickers, everything I could get my hands on. It was a love that once discovered, immediately went into full bloom and stayed strong.

However, as I was busy making our home a desert resort in Pennsylvania, I started noticing how desert accessories were literally all over the place. Cactus-themed door mats and mugs in Walmart, saguaro-shaped candles and ring holders at cute furniture stores, succulents on cupcakes, hair clips... Have I really never noticed this before, or is there an actual increase in cactus-merchandise?

Then I come across an Economist article titled "Instead of houses, young people have house plants", that answered all my questions. No, it is not the Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon (aka the frequency illusion), millenials are owning more houseplants compared to previous generations, and their favorites? Succulents and cacti.

Google searches for cactus and succulent increasing from 2010 to 2018 (1)

It seems that instead of calling upon my spiritual desert girl like I had believed, I had merely, again, fallen victim to consumerism and covert advertising.

It is both frustrating and frightening to realize that our loves and tastes and standards are not really our own, but are actually blown hither and thither in whichever way the advertising gods decide to send us. And we float on the tide, blissfully ignorant.

And perhaps the biggest triumph the advertising gods claim is the overwhelming power they have in deciding what is considered “beautiful” and “desirable” in this day and age. And for reasons not revealed to us lesser beings, they have, for now, settled on the slim body type.

Everywhere we turn our heads, we see slim female bodies glorified. Every now and then, we hear horror stories about girls who go too far to lose weight. Of course, what people decide they see as beautiful and what they do with their own bodies are ultimately their choices. But these assertions, in turn, begs questions of their own.

Did we choose this beauty standard?

Are our bodies our own?

Both questions are debatable. Let’s address the latter one first.

Many different philosophies come into play when considering to whom, or if indeed to anyone, we answer to when it comes to the care-taking of our bodies. But hardly anyone will argue that there are specific times in our lives when our health is not only a matter of personal well-being, but also profoundly affects others. One of these times being pregnancy.

Most people will adjust their lifestyles and diets when carrying a baby. The child’s welfare weighs heavy on a mother’s heart. It’s hard to imagine that people’s obsession with slimness will carry into preganancy, but studies show that it apparently does.

Asian cultures are perhaps more obsessed with slenderness than others. Japan has long been criticized for its strict guidelines of suggested weight gains during pregnancy, especially considering the fact that a high proportion of women start their pregnancies already underweight. Suggested weight gains for U.S. underweight mothesr-to-be (those with a BMI of 18.5 or lower) is 12.7 to 18.1 kg (28 - 40lbs). This was adapted to 12kg by the Japanese health ministry. Even so, many Japanese mothers are striving to remain below the already very stringent guidelines. As a result, drastic increases have been seen in the frequency of underweight babies.

Correlating with the increase of underweight babies, the Japanese have also been slowly shrinking in height. Boys born in the late 70’s - a golden period of growth after the war and before the obsession with slenderness - had an average height of 171.5 cm, but the 1996 birth cohort shrunk by 0.7cm. Average height for girls dropped 0.2cm in the same time period.



Smaller babies did not mean easier pregnancies or deliveries, but was found to correlate with shorter adults, and may also have impacts on increasing disease and decreasing longevity.

Of course, it is important to bear in mind that correlation does not equal causation. That being said, it will be extremely difficult to pinpoint underweight births as an actual cause of reduced height, as so many factors contribute to a person's stature both prenatal and postnatal. But this does make us uncomfortably aware of the implications, perhaps extended to even beyond our own lifetimes, of our life choices.

Coming back to the first question, did we choose these beauty standards? Whatever we'd like to think, it may seem that the choice was made for us. Different cultures and times in history have different ideas of beauty. The most notorious of these may be the corset-wearing Victorian women and the feet-binding Chinese women. Both these beauty standards went so far as to mutilate women's bone structures in order to achieve the desired curves or feet size. Looking back now, we find bound feet far from attractive, bordering on mildly disgusting. But this does not make us any more enlightened than those who lived a century ago. They've simply been caught by a different fashion wave.

The Christian theologian, author and poet C.S. Lewis describes these beauty trends as tricks of the devil:

In a rough and ready way, of course, this question is decided for us by spirits far deeper down in the Lowerarchy than you and I. It is the business of these great masters to produce in every age a general misdirection of what may be called sexual “taste”. This they do by working through the small circle of popular artists, dressmakers, actresses and advertisers who determine the fashionable type….

At one time we have directed it to the statuesque and aristocratic type of beauty, mixing men’s vanity with their desires and encouraging the race to breed chiefly from the most arrogant and prodigal women. At another, we have selected an exaggeratedly feminine type, faint and languishing, so that folly and cowardice, and all the general falseness and littleness of mind which go with them, shall be at a premium.

At present we are on the opposite tack. The age of jazz has succeeded the age of the waltz, and we now teach men to like women whose bodies are scarcely distinguishable from those of boys. Since this is a kind of beauty even more transitory than most, we thus aggravate the female’s chronic horror of growing old (with many excellent results) and render her less willing and less able to bear children...It is all a fake, of course; the figures in the popular art are falsely drawn; the real women in bathing suits or tights are actually pinched in and propped up to make them appear firmer and more slender and more boyish than nature allows a full-grown woman to be…. As a result we are more and more directing the desires of men to something which does not exist—making the rôle of the eye in sexuality more and more important and at the same time making its demands more and more impossible. What follows you can easily forecast! (2)

As individuals, in reality there is nothing much we can do to change the way beauty is recognized and represented. Still, the least we can do is think of ourselves with positivity. And if we were in a position to influence more things, perhaps it's about time that magazines stopped obsessing about diets and designers started making clothes for average people.

These times will pass, and one day people will look back at us with the same amazement and amusement that we behold Victorian corsets. If we can avoid it, we should.

Beauty is not a religion, but a unique concept. It doesn't need to be worshipped, only individually defined.



DENNIS NORMILE "Staying slim during pregnancy carries a price" SCIENCE 03 AUG 2018 : 440

(1) Instead of Houses, Young People Have Houseplants. ECONOMIST. Daily Chart

(2) C.S. Lewis. Screwtape Letters.

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