
英文 中文
One was careless... 有人粗心大意
You put a woman into a coma. 你把一个女人撞得昏迷不醒
- Surely, that arouses some emotion. - Well, it doesn't. -理应会有一些特殊的情绪-不会啊
You and I are finished. 我们俩结束了
One said goodbye. 有人决心悔过
I'm tired of feeling like a failure. 我厌倦了接连不断的失败
One almost lost it. 有人差点失去理智
Your wife didn't kill herself because of my note, 你老婆可不是因为我的字条而自杀的
she killed herself because of what she did to that poor baby. 而是因为她对那苦命的孩子所做的一切
And one got exactly what she deserved. 有人罪有应得
Gabrielle was waiting for her next great idea. 加布丽尔正等待着她的又一妙计
Her first great idea came when she was 15, 15岁时她人生的第一个妙计
after her stepfather paid her a late-night visit. 萌发于她继父的深夜造访之后
She bought a bus ticket to New York 第二天她就买了一张
the very next day. 去纽约的大巴车票
Her next occurred five years later, 5年后她有了第二个妙计
when she decided to seduce 她决定勾引
a famous fashion photographer. 一位著名时装摄影师
One week later she began her career 一周后她便开始了自己
as a runway model, T台模特的生涯
which soon led to her next great idea, 下一个妙计很快接踵而至
her decision to marry Carlos Solis. 她决定嫁给卡洛斯.索利斯
Before she knew it, 等她回过神来
she had jumped off the runway and moved to the suburbs. 她已然从T台搬到了郊区
Her most recent great idea was born 她最近的妙计
out of her boredom with her new life. 缘于无趣的新生活
That's how she came to 于是她开始
start an affair with her teenage gardener, 和她年轻的园丁幽会
which was cut short by a tragic accident. 而这在一起意外后戛然而止
So, once again, Gabrielle was 现在加布丽尔又一次
in need of a great idea. 期待着新妙计的诞生
Mrs. Solis, I know you're worried, 索利斯夫人我知道你很担心
but it's gonna take time. 但这需要时间
Hm? What is? 什么
You look sad. 你看起来很难过
I assumed you were thinking about your mother-in-law. 我以为你在担心你的婆婆
- Oh, no. - So, uh, what were you thinking about? -并没有-那你在想什么呢
My life. 我的人生
It hasn't turned out like I thought it would. 它和我预期的相去甚远
- Oh, honey. - Oh, no. I know I shouldn't complain. -亲爱的-不我知道我不该抱怨
It's just there's something missing 好像少了点什么
and I don't know what it is. 可我又说不上来
- Do you ever feel that way? - No. -你有过这种感觉吗-没有
When I go home at night, I sleep like a baby. 我每天晚上都睡得很踏实
'Cause I know I did something 因为我清楚自己
that day that helped people. 白天做了帮助他人的事
- That must be a nice feeling. - Hm. It is. -那感觉一定很好-确实
There's times I wish I didn't have to work so hard. 有时我也会希望工作能够轻松点儿
We got a nursing shortage and they cut our budget. 这儿缺护士上头还要削减预算
Attention, all available personnel. 注意所有待命人员
Code blue, stat, room 214. 214病房需要医疗急救
- Excuse me. - All available personnel. -失陪了-所有待命人员
Code blue, stat, room 214. 214病房需要医疗急救
Damned! Get a doctor in here. I don't have an airway. 快把医生叫来他呼吸困难
No time. I have to intubate. 来不及了我得插管了
Mr. Getz. Mr. Getz, listen. 盖茨先生盖茨先生听得到吗
You're not dying on me, ok? 我不会让你死的好吗
This tube is to help you breathe. 这根管子会帮你呼吸
I need you to be brave now. 现在我需要你拿出勇气来
It was then that Gabrielle got her next great idea. 就在这一刻加布丽尔灵机一触
She decided to throw the first annual 她决定举办首届
Sacred Heart charity fashion show 圣心慈善时装秀
to raise money for more nursing staff. 为雇佣更多的医护人员募集资金
Gaby, I can't do it. 加比我做不到
I cannot walk down a runway in one of these dresses. 我没法穿着这些裙子走T台
They all make me look so fat. 我穿着它们太显胖了
Please get someone to take my place. 拜托找人替我吧
Listen, Betty! Ok? You're not quitting on me now. 听着贝蒂你现在可不能撒手不管
We'll find you a gown that's black 我们会帮你找一条
and slimming and you'll look great. 非常衬你的黑色长裙
- I need you to be brave now. - Ok. -你得拿出勇气来-好吧
And that night when she went to bed, 这天晚上加布丽尔
Gabrielle slept like a baby. 睡得很踏实
News of the fashion show 举办时装秀的消息
spread quickly on Wisteria Lane. 很快传遍了紫藤郡
Though the event was for charity, 虽然这是慈善活动
Gabrielle soon discovered 加布丽尔很快发现
when it came to the latest fashions, 一旦事关最新时尚
women are seldom charitable. 女人们便鲜有慈善之举
No one knew this better than Edie Britt. 对于这一点伊迪.布利特再清楚不过了
She understood that 她的信条是
treachery never goes out of style. 背信弃义永不过时
- Susan. - Give me the dress. -苏珊-把裙子给我
I gave it a shot. 我试过了
Hi, Helen. How's the dress fitting? 海伦裙子合身吗
Great. Maybe it could be taken out 好极了也许肩膀这里
in the shoulder a little. 能再拉高一点
Sure. No problem. 可以没问题
There you go. 拿着
You know, Gabrielle, I never thanked you properly. 加布丽尔我从没好好谢过你
- For what? - For what you did for my son. -谢什么-感谢你为我儿子所做的一切
It was so nice of you to hire John as your gardener. 你能雇约翰当园丁真是太好了
Believe me, it's been my pleasure. 相信我这是我的荣幸
- How's he doing? - Good, good. -他最近怎样-很好很好
I hear he's dating Danielle Van de Kamp. 听说他在和丹妮尔·范德坎普约会
For now. 只是暂时的
It's just a matter of time before they break up for good. 他们分手是早晚的事
What's wrong? 怎么回事
She just seems to want much more 她似乎比他
of a relationship than he does. 更投入于这段感情
You remember what it was like dating teenage boys. 你记得年轻时的约会是什么样的吧
- Vaguely. - Thank you. -有点印象-谢谢你
No, you tell Tanaka that if he doesn't call me 不告诉田中如果他不打给我
I'm gonna go down to his office, 我就亲自去他办公室
find him and kick his ass! 让他尝尝厉害
Ladies. 女士们好
- Trouble at work? - I don't know what's the problem. -他工作不顺吗-我不知道
He's making money left and right. 他整天忙着挣钱
I just wish he'd relax. 我只希望他能放松点
Crap, crap, crap! 可恶真是可恶
I'm telling you, all of the good dresses are taken. 我说好衣服都被挑走了
Now, what the hell am I supposed to wear? 我要穿什么啊
Well, Mrs. Huber never showed up. 胡博太太一直没露面
Why don't you wear this one? 你要不穿这件吧
This is an old-lady dress. 这是老女人的裙子
You won't even be able to see my body. 完全衬不出我的玲珑曲线
That is so like you, Edie. 这不愧是你的风格伊迪
You're always thinking of others. 你总是替他人着想
So why isn't Mrs. Huber here? 胡博太太怎么没来
Last I heard, she went to visit her sister. 上次我听说她去拜访她姐姐了
I just can't believe that 真不敢相信
Martha would agree to wear this. 玛莎会同意穿这件
She always says she'd never be caught dead in black. 她总说她死也不穿黑色
Sadly for Mrs. Huber, this was no longer the case. 可怜的胡博太太这次由不得她了
Hey, mom. 嗨妈妈
Julie, you got a letter from Zach. 朱莉扎克有封信给你
- Isn't that weird, him writing you? - Yeah. -奇怪他怎么会写信给你-是啊
Well, open. Open, open. 快打开看看
He could have said something about Dana. 可能他会提到关于丹娜的事
I'll read it later. 我过会再看
Later? What's wrong with now? 过会现在不行吗
I've got tons of homework, mom. 我还有好多作业要做妈妈
Julie, what's going on? 朱莉到底怎么回事
This isn't the first letter from Zach. 这不是扎克第一次写信来了
We've been writing each other the last couple of weeks. 我们已经通了好几周的信了
Are you mad? 你生气了吗
No. Just when I was your age, 没有我跟你一样大的时候
my pen pal lived on a farm in Ohio, 有个笔友住在俄亥俄州农场
not in a mental institution. 而非精神病院
You know, that letter is one notch above prison mail. 这种信比监狱来的还要可怕
Zach's not crazy. 扎克没疯
He's just upset over his mom, 他只是对他妈妈的事感到不安
and his dad doesn't even seem to care. 而他爸爸一点都不关心
He just... needs a friend. 他只是需要个朋友
I've packed the diapers, 尿片打包好了
I'm getting the juice boxes and carrot sticks... 我正在拿果汁和胡萝卜条
- Sunscreen? - Got it. -防晒霜呢-拿了
I go pick up the boys, we hit the park, 我接到孩子们就带他们去公园
and that should give you a good couple of hours. 这样你就能歇上好几个小时
Enjoy the vacation. 好好享受假期吧
What? 怎么了
While you're gone, I'll be paying bills 你们走了之后我要去付账单
and sorting laundry and cooking dinner. 整理衣物准备晚餐
So what part of that sounds like a vacation? 这其中哪件事听起来像放假呢
Ok, right. We'll pick up dinner. 那晚餐由我们带回来
You just take a hot bath, relax, recharge. 你就好好洗个热水澡养精蓄锐
Ok, I get it. 我懂了
It's gonna take more than a hot bath to recharge. 洗个澡不足以养精蓄锐
But don't forget, I'm here all week. 但别忘了我这周都在家
Then what? 然后呢
And then we go back to normal? 然后我们就能照常生活了
Tom, our last version of normal 汤姆所谓的照常生活
had me popping pills. 甚至逼得我去嗑药
Normal is a bad, bad plan. 照常生活实在很糟
We'll put our heads together 我们一起合计合计
and come up with a solution. 会有解决之道的
I think we need to hire a nanny full time. 我认为我们需要雇一个全职保姆
- God, it's just such a big commitment. - I know. -天哪这是笔很大的开支-我知道
And I know we can't afford it. 我知道我们负担不起
And I know everything that's happened is my fault, 我也知道现在发生的一切全都赖我
but if I don't get some help, 可是再没有人帮我的话
there's an excellent chance I will lose my mind. 我绝对会发疯的
Ok. Well, then, we have to make it work. 好吧我们只能这么办了
Next up 接下来
200-meter frestyle. 是200米自由泳
- It's just not right. - What? -这样不行-什么
A woman is in a coma because of Andrew, 一个女人因为安德鲁昏迷不醒
and there he is, happy as a clam. 而他却跟个没事人似的
We grounded him, took away the TV in his room. 我们对他禁足搬走电视机
How many more ways you wanna punish him? 你还想要怎么惩罚他
Swimmers, take your marks. 运动员们各就各位
I think we should make him quit the swim team. 我想我们应该让他退出游泳队
Bree, this is the one thing 布里好不容易能有件事
in his life that he's passionate about. 让他付诸全身心
Maybe if we take it away from him, 也许不让他游泳之后
and he'll start to understand what he did. 他会开始反省自己的所作所为
He has not shown an ounce of remorse since the accident. 车祸后他从没表现出一丝的懊悔
Of course he feels bad. He's just keeping up a facade. 他当然有罪恶感只不过没表现出来
Well, he's doing a fabulous job. 那他掩饰得可真好
If we take him off the team, 如果他退出游泳队
He'll lose his shot at a scholarship 他就会失去奖学金
and he's never gonna forgive us. 并且永远不会原谅我们
Well, if it ensures he grows up with some trace of humanity, 如果这样能唤起一点他的人性
that's a risk I am willing to take. 我愿意冒这个险
Well, I'm not. 我不会
That because you just don't love him as much as I do. 这是因为我比你更爱他
Isn't that nice? 你怎么能这么说
It's a fact. I'm his mother. 这是事实我是他的母亲
He lived inside of me. 是我怀胎十月生下来的
He hung out in your womb back in the '80s. 自从你生下他后
Since than I have grown to love him as much as you. 我对他的爱绝不比你少
What just happened? 这是怎么了
That kid you both love so much, just won the race. 你们俩心爱的孩子得了第一
That's what she tells me, anyway. 反正是她告诉我的
John. 约翰
My mom said you needed volunteers, so I volunteered. 我妈妈说你需要志愿者所以我来了
Finally got the charity bug? 你也会对慈善有兴趣吗
You sound surprised. 不用这么惊讶吧
No, not really. You were always a giver. 不不你总是为他人着想
Would you knock it off? My mom's right over there. 注意点好吗我妈就在边上
Have a seat. 先坐下
You can start by helping us alphabetize the donation cards. 你可以先帮忙把捐赠牌排排序
So, word on the street is you and Danielle might break up. 听说你打算和丹妮尔分手
Maybe. I don't know. 也许吧我也不知道
Is that because of me? 是因为我吗
Not everything is about you. 不是所有事都和你有关
- Would you stop that? - Have you been thinking about me? -别这样好吗-你有没有想我
- No. - Really? -没有-真的吗
Could have fooled me. 别想蒙我
- Hey. Do you need any help? - Please. Just pull up a chair. -需要帮忙吗-拉把椅子过来就好
- Oh, gosh. - That's ok. I got it. -天哪-没事我来捡
Susan, hi. Do you want to help with the seating cards? 苏珊能帮我一起排座位卡吗
Sure, do you want to tell me why you 行你能告诉我昨天为什么
had your foot in John Rowland's crotch yesterday? 把脚放到约翰·罗兰的胯部吗
Oh, that. He was helping me adjust the seam in my stocking, 我的丝袜歪了他帮我调整下
and from your angle it must have looked a little weird. 从你的角度来看是有点奇怪
You're sleeping with him, aren't you? 你和他上床了对吧
Ok, yes, but you have to promise not to tell anybody. 好吧是的可你得保证不告诉别人
Gabrielle, he's in high school, 加布丽尔他还是个高中生
and... it's illegal and you're married. 这是违法的况且你已经结婚了
If Carlos found out, this would kill him. 卡洛斯要是发现了会发疯的
It's just sex. It's totally harmless. 只是性而已没什么大不了
How can you call something like this harmless 我和卡尔的经历你都看在眼里
after everything you know about I went through with Karl? 你怎么能说这没什么大不了
- This isn't about you. - Yes, it is. -这和你有关系吗-当然有
It's about me and about every other person who was 这事关我还有其他
screwed over by somebody they loved. 被心爱之人所伤的所有人
When Karl ran off with Brandi 当卡尔和布兰迪私奔的时候
you saw what a basket case I was. 你知道我有多失魂落魄
I was crying, 我哭个不停
I was tearing up his clothes. 撕烂他的衣服
I couldn't get out of bed all day. 几乎整天都不下床
You were there. 你当时就在我身边
How could you do the same? 如今你却做出一样的事来
How can you compare me to Karl? That's not fair. 你怎么能拿我和卡尔比这不公平
You have no idea about my life. 你根本不了解我的处境
Why don't you enlighten me. 那不妨说来听听
You're beautiful, you have money than you can spend 你天生丽质家财万贯
and you have a husband who adores you. 丈夫还对你钟情有加
No, he doesn't adore me. He adores having me. 他不是钟情我他只是钟情于拥有我

