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* 本系列的文章都以英文为主,因为用英语自身来理解和学习英语是最好的方式,这一系列的文章希望在学习英语知识的同时,帮助大家在英语阅读能力上有所提升,并树立英语思维;

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* 英语单词的音标使用Dictcom和IPA双音标标注,如果需要了解Dictcom音标,请参看我们的《dictionary.com所用的音标体系》一文。脑海中存在单词的读音,有助于词汇的记忆,因此我们尽量给出单词的音标。

* 本篇文章难度系数6.7,由《小仙英语伴读》人工智能难度分析系统提供评分。

What does the word "off" mean when it is describing someone's pronunciation?


【单词】describing 原型:describe [dih-'skrahyb][dɪ'skraɪb] vt. 描述;说成;形容

【单词】pronunciation [pruh-nuhn-see-'ey-shuhn][prəˌnʌnsi'eɪʃn] n. 发音;读音

I got some feedback regarding my English pronunciation and it contained this message:


【单词】feedback ['feed-bak]['fiːdbæk] n. 反馈;反馈意见

【单词】regarding 原型:regard [ri-'gahrd][rɪ'ɡɑːd] v. 尊敬;视为;留意;和 ... 有关

【单词】contained 原型:contain [kuhn-'teyn][kən'teɪn] vt. 容纳;包含

【单词】message ['mes-ij]['mesɪdʒ] n. 消息;信息;要点;寓意

I think you are doing a good job at least 90% of the time.


【短语】at least 至少;例句:At least, I asked him not to. 至少,我告诉过他不要这样做。

【单词】least [leest][liːst] adj. 最小的;最少的 adv. 最小地;最少地;最轻微地n. 最小;最少

Occasionally it is a little bit off, but it wouldn't be noticeable to me if we were just chatting.

【译】偶尔会有点不对劲(a little bit “off”),但如果我们只是聊天,我就不会注意到。

【短语】a little bit 有点儿;例句:This bread is a little bit stale. 这面包有点儿不新鲜。

【单词】Occasionally 原型:occasionally [uh-'key-zhuh-nl-ee][ə'keɪʒnəli] adv. 偶尔地

【单词】noticeable ['noh-ti-suh-buhl]['nəʊtɪsəbl] adj. 显而易见的;显著的;值得注意的

【单词】chatting 原型:chat [chat][tʃæt] vi. 闲谈;谈天 n. 闲谈;聊天

I've also seen people asking about their pronunciation get answers like "it sounds a little off and so on.

【译】我也见过别人询问他们的发音怎么样,得到的回答是“听起来有点不对劲(it sounds a little off)”之类的。

So, I'd like to know what the word "off" means in this kind of contexts.


【单词】contexts 原型:context ['kon-tekst]['kɒntekst] n. 上下文;环境;背景

"a bit off" means "slightly incorrect".

【译】“a bit off”的意思是“有点不对劲/稍微有些不正确”。

【单词】slightly [slahyt]['slaɪtli] adv. 些微地;稍微

【单词】incorrect [in-kuh-'rekt][ˌɪnkə'rekt] adj. 不正确的;错误的

One way to think of it is as being a short form of "slightly off target" or "a bit off target": "a bit" being an informal way of saying "a small amount".

【译】一种理解它的方式是:可以理解为是“slightly off target(稍微偏离目标)”或“a bit off target(有点偏离目标)”的简短说法。“a bit”是一种非正式的表达“a small amount(少量)”的说法。

【单词】informal [in-'fawr-muhl][ɪn'fɔːml] adj. 非正式的;不拘形式的

In the feedback "off" indicates that there is a discrepancy between your pronunciation and the English pronunciation for which you are aiming but "a bit" indicates that the discrepancy is small.

【译】在反馈中,“off”表示你的发音和你所要达到的英语发音目标之间存在差异,但“a bit”则表示差异很小。

【单词】indicates 原型:indicate ['in-di-keyt]['ɪndɪkeɪt] v. 指示;象征;显示;暗示,预示 v. 表明;指明

【单词】discrepancy [dih-'skrep-uhn-see][dɪs'krepənsi] n. 差异;不一致;分歧

【单词】aiming 原型:aim [eym][eɪm] n. 目标;对准;枪法 vt. 瞄准;针对 vi. 瞄准

"Off" can be used to mean any degree of error depending on the modifier used with it, for instance someone with quite poor pronunciation could be described as having pronunciation which was "a long way off".

【译】“Off”可以用来表示任何程度的错误,这取决于它使用的修饰语,例如,发音很差的人可以被描述为发音“a long way off(差得很远)”。

【单词】error ['er-er]['erə] n. 错误;过失;误差;谬误

【单词】depending 原型:depend [dih-'pend][dɪ'pend] vi. 依赖;依靠;取决于

【单词】modifier ['mod-uh-fahy-er]['mɒdɪfaɪə] n. 修正的人;修饰语

【单词】instance ['in-stuhns]['ɪnstəns] n. 例子;场合;情况;要求;诉讼程序 vt. 举例说明;

【短语】for instance 例如

If someone else's pronunciation was really bad it could be described as being "miles off" or even "completely off" which again can be thought of as analogous to the accuracy of shooting at, or throwing something at, a target.

【译】如果别人的发音真的很差,可以用“miles off(差得太远)”甚至“completely off(完全不对)”来形容,这又可以被认为是类似于向目标射击或投掷东西的准确度。

【单词】miles 原型:mile [mahyl][maɪl] n. 英里;海里

【单词】completely [kuhm-'pleet][kəm'pliːtli] adv. 完全地;十分地;全然

【单词】analogous [uh-'nal-uh-guhs][ə'næləɡəs] adj. 类似的

【单词】accuracy ['ak-yer-uh-see]['ækjərəsi] n. 准确(性);精确度

【单词】shooting 原型:shoot [shoot][ʃuːt] v. 发射;开枪

【单词】throwing 原型:throw [throh][θrəʊ] v. 扔;投;掷;抛

In terms of trying to hit a physical target "miles off target" is metaphorical (unless you are thinking of seriously inaccurate aerial bombing) but "completely off target" means that the shooter, thrower or bomb aimer has failed to hit the target at all.

【译】就试图击中物理目标而言,“miles off target(偏离目标数英里)”是比喻性的说法(除非你认为空中轰炸严重不准确),但“completely off target(完全偏离目标)”意味着射手、投掷者或炸弹瞄准者根本没有击中目标。

【短语】in terms of ... 依据...;按照...;在…方面;例句:In terms of money, he's quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 就钱来说他很富有,但就幸福来说就不然了。

【单词】hit [hit][hɪt] vi. 打(击);袭击;达到 vt. 要求;打(击);碰撞;击中

【单词】physical ['fiz-i-kuhl]['fɪzɪkl] adj. 物质的;身体的;体力的;物理的;肉体上的,身体上的

【单词】metaphorical ['met-uh-fawr, -fer][ˌmetə'fɒrɪkl] adj. 隐喻性的;比喻性的

【单词】unless [uhn-'les, uhn-][ən'les] conj. 除非;如果不 prep. 除 ... 外

【单词】seriously ['seer-ee-uhs-lee]['sɪəriəsli] adv. 严肃地;认真地;严重地

【单词】inaccurate [in-'ak-yer-it][ɪn'ækjərət] adj. 不准确的;错误的

【单词】aerial ['air-ee-uhl]['eəriəl] adj. 空中的;空气的;航空的;空想的

【单词】bombing 原型:bomb [bom][bɒm] n. 炸弹 vt. 轰炸;投弹于 vi. 投弹;失败

【单词】shooter ['shoo-ter]['ʃuːtə] n. 射手;枪炮

【单词】thrower ['throh-er]['θrəʊə] n. 投掷者;喷射器

【单词】bomb [bom][bɒm] n. 炸弹 vt. 轰炸;投弹于 vi. 投弹

【单词】aimer [eym]['eɪmə] n. 瞄准器;射击员

【单词】failed 原型:fail [feyl][feɪl] vi. 失败;没做成某事;表现欠佳

Think of a darts player whose dart has missed the board completely.


【单词】darts 原型:dart [dahrt][dɑːt] n. 飞镖;投射

【单词】player ['pley-er]['pleɪə] n. 比赛者;演奏者
