记一次Elastic-search translog EOF 问题修复


[gather.log][[gather.log][0]] IndexShardRecoveryException[failed to recovery from gateway]; nested:       
EngineCreationFailureException[failed to recover from translog]; nested: EngineException[failed to recover 
from translog]; nested: ElasticsearchException[unexpected exception reading from translog snapshot of 
log/translog-382.tlog]; nested: EOFException[read past EOF. pos [3932480] length: [4] end: [3932480]]; 



bin/elasticsearch-translog truncate -d 
Checking existing translog files
!   WARNING: Elasticsearch MUST be stopped before running this tool   !
!                                                                     !
!   WARNING:    Documents inside of translog files will be lost       !
!                                                                     !
!   WARNING:          The following files will be DELETED!            !
--> data/nodes/0/indices/P45vf_YQRhqjfwLMUvSqDw/0/translog/translog-41.ckp
--> data/nodes/0/indices/P45vf_YQRhqjfwLMUvSqDw/0/translog/translog-6.ckp
--> data/nodes/0/indices/P45vf_YQRhqjfwLMUvSqDw/0/translog/translog-37.ckp
--> data/nodes/0/indices/P45vf_YQRhqjfwLMUvSqDw/0/translog/translog-24.ckp
--> data/nodes/0/indices/P45vf_YQRhqjfwLMUvSqDw/0/translog/translog-11.ckp

Continue and DELETE files? [y/N] y
Reading translog UUID information from Lucene commit from shard at           
Translog Generation: 3
Translog UUID      : AxqC4rocTC6e0fwsljAh-Q
Removing existing translog files
Creating new empty checkpoint at     
Creating new empty translog at [data/nodes/0/indices/P45vf_YQRhqjfwLMUvSqDw/0/translog/translog- 


POST /_cluster/reroute
  "commands": [
  "allocate_stale_primary": {
    "index": "entrance_data",
    "shard": 0,
    "node": "node-003",
    "accept_data_loss" : true



你可能感兴趣的:(记一次Elastic-search translog EOF 问题修复)