
①他看见 Apollonia 从车里朝他挥手,车开上了车道十步左右远;然后他才明白 Apollonia 比划的意思是让他在原地等着,她把车开过来。He saw Apollonian wave to him from the car just ten paces up the villa's driveway and he realized she was motioning him to stay where he was, that she meant to drive the car to where she stood.②在那一刻,Michael 没有经过任何的推理,但是突然反应过来是怎么回事儿了,他朝他老婆大喊:“别别别!”At that moment, without any conscious reasoning process, everything came together in his mind. He shouted to the girl, "No! No!"③别墅房顶的碎石击中了他的肩膀,他倒下的时候还有一颗石头从他的头旁边擦了过去。Stones tumbling off the villa roof hit him on the shoulders and one glanced off his skull as he was lying on the ground.
