select whz_getPathBeta(106.7267,26.5690,106.8046,26.56904,1000);
-- 路网表daolu_simp
-- POI表pointsOfInterest2
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION whz_getPathBeta(x1 float8, y1 float8, x2 float8, y2 float8, roadWithin numeric) RETURNS setof geometry AS
declare poiId1 integer;
declare poiId2 integer;
declare segCount integer;
select count(*) into segCount from pgr_withPoints(
'SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost_len as cost, rcost_len as reverse_cost FROM daolu_simp ORDER BY gid',
'SELECT pid as pid, edge_id, fraction, side from pointsOfInterest2',
-poiId1, -poiId2);
return query SELECT whz_getSegGeom(wp.seq,wp.node::integer,wp.edge::integer, segCount,-poiId1,-poiId2) as the_geom FROM pgr_withPoints(
'SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost_len as cost, rcost_len as reverse_cost FROM daolu_simp ORDER BY gid',
'SELECT pid as pid, edge_id, fraction, side from pointsOfInterest2',
-poiId1, -poiId2) as wp;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- POI表pointsOfInterest2
-- 指定SRID=4326
-- 指定改点在路段的两侧
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION whz_updatePoi(xo float8, yo float8, roadWithin numeric) RETURNS integer AS
declare idRet numeric;
INSERT INTO pointsOfInterest2(x, y, edge_id, side, fraction, the_geom, newPoint)
(SELECT xo, yo,gid,'b',ST_LineLocatePoint(geom, concat('SRID=4326;POINT(',xo,' ',yo,')')::geometry) as fraction,
ST_LineInterpolatePoint(geom, ST_LineLocatePoint(geom, concat('SRID=4326;POINT(',xo,' ',yo,')')::geometry))
FROM daolu_simp
WHERE ST_DWithin(geom, concat('SRID=4326;POINT(',xo,' ',yo,')')::geometry, roadWithin)
order by geom <-> concat('SRID=4326;POINT(',xo,' ',yo,')')::geometry
limit 1)
RETURNING pid into idRet;
return idRet;
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- POI表pointsofinterest2
-- 路网节点表daolu_simp_vertices_pgr
-- 路网表daolu_simp
-- 本方法试用于起点终点都在poi,且一起点一终点
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION whz_getSegGeom(myseq integer, mynode integer, myedge integer, node_num integer,poiId1 integer,poiId2 integer) RETURNS geometry AS
declare geomRet geometry;
declare startFraction float8;
declare endFraction float8;
declare edgeidForPoi integer;
declare pointTmp geometry;
declare nodeTmp integer;
declare edgeTmp geometry;
IF(mynode<0 AND myseq=1)THEN
SELECT node into nodeTmp FROM pgr_withPoints(
'SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost_len as cost, rcost_len as reverse_cost FROM daolu_simp ORDER BY gid',
'SELECT pid as pid, edge_id, fraction, side from pointsOfInterest2',
poiId1, poiId2) as wp1
where wp1.seq= 2;
select pointsofinterest2.fraction into endFraction
from pointsofinterest2
where pointsofinterest2.pid=-mynode
limit 1;
select pointsofinterest2.edge_id into edgeidForPoi
from pointsofinterest2
where pointsofinterest2.pid=-mynode
limit 1;
select the_geom into pointTmp
from daolu_simp_vertices_pgr
where daolu_simp_vertices_pgr.id= nodeTmp
limit 1;
select geom into edgeTmp
from daolu_simp
where daolu_simp.gid=edgeidForPoi
limit 1;
startFraction=st_linelocatepoint(edgeTmp, pointTmp);
if(startFraction>=endFraction) THEN
geomRet=ST_LineSubstring(edgeTmp, endFraction,startFraction);
ELSE geomRet=ST_LineSubstring(edgeTmp, startFraction,endFraction);
end if;
ELSIF(mynode<0 AND myseq=node_num)THEN
SELECT node into nodeTmp FROM pgr_withPoints(
'SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost_len as cost, rcost_len as reverse_cost FROM daolu_simp ORDER BY gid',
'SELECT pid as pid, edge_id, fraction, side from pointsOfInterest2',
poiId1, poiId2) as wp2
where wp2.seq= myseq-1;
select edge_id into edgeidForPoi
from pointsofinterest2
where pointsofinterest2.pid=-mynode
limit 1;
select fraction into endFraction
from pointsofinterest2
where pointsofinterest2.pid=-mynode
limit 1;
select the_geom into pointTmp
from daolu_simp_vertices_pgr
where daolu_simp_vertices_pgr.id= nodeTmp
limit 1;
select geom into edgeTmp
from daolu_simp
where daolu_simp.gid=edgeidForPoi
limit 1;
startFraction=st_linelocatepoint(edgeTmp, pointTmp);
if(startFraction>=endFraction) THEN
geomRet=ST_LineSubstring(edgeTmp, endFraction,startFraction);
ELSE geomRet=ST_LineSubstring(edgeTmp, startFraction,endFraction);
end if;
ELSIF(mynode>0 AND myseq
- 实际应用