

英文 中文
What happened that night 那晚发生的事
Take your brother outside as fast as you can! 赶快带你弟弟出去
Now Dean! Go! 快 迪恩 快跑
What they witnessed 他们亲眼目睹
Mary! No! 玛丽 不
Sent two brothers 两兄弟
Dad's on a hunting trip. 爸爸已经踏上了捕猎之旅
And he hasn't been home in a few days. 他好几天没回家了
Jess excuse us. 杰西 失陪一下
On a quest for answers. 22 years later 从此踏上征途 22年后
I swore I was done hunting, 我发过誓我再也不猎魔了
For good. 永远不
I can't do this alone. 我一个人干不了
Now you're taking off the middle of the night 你三更半夜要突然离开
to spend the week end with them. 跑去跟他们共度周末吗
Hey, everything's gonna be OK. 不会有事的
I promise. 我保证
You think mom would have wanted this for us? 你认为妈妈希望我们这样生活吗
Dean, we were raised like warriors. 迪恩 我们像战士一样被养大


You have a responsability. 你有责任
To dad and his crusade. 对老爸还有他那猎魔运动吗
Even if you do find the thing that killed her, 就算我们找到杀死妈妈的凶手
Mom's gone and she isn't coming back. 她也已经死了 回不来了
Don't talk about her like that. 别这样说她
Dad's gone. 老爸走了
I've got his journal. He left me a message. 我有他的日记 他留下了一些信息
It's coordinates he left us. It's weird, man. 他给我们留的这些坐标 真奇怪
Hey, Dean, 迪恩
What I said earlier, 我之前说的话
I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
No chick flick moments. 现在不是煽情的时候
Jess. 杰西
We got work to do. 我们有活要干了
Dude, you're cheating. 老兄 你在作弊
No, you just suck. 不 是你太烂了
Hey, Hailey. Day six. 你好 海莉 今天是第六天
We're still out near Black Water Ridge. 我们还待在黑水山脉
We're fine, keeping safe, so don't worry. 我们很好 也很安全 不用担心
Talk to you tomorrow. 明天再联系
Hey, where you going? My moment of victory. 你去哪 我正赢得爽呢
Nature calls. 上厕所
Brad? 布拉德
Gary, what's going on? 加里 怎么回事
I am, um... 我…
You always said roses were lame, so, I brought you, uh... 你总说你不喜欢玫瑰 所以我带了这个
Jess... 杰西
Oh, god. 噢 天哪
I should have protected you. 我应该保护好你的
I should have told you the truth. 我应该告诉你真相的
You okay? 你还好吗
Yeah, I'm fine. 我没事
Another nightmare? 又做恶梦了吗
Want to drive for a while? 想开会车吗
In your whole life, you never once asked me that. 你这辈子从没这么问过我
Just thought you might want to. Never mind. 只是觉得你可能想开 不开算了
Look, man, 伙计
You're worried about me. I get it, and... 你很担心我 我明白
Thank you, but I'm perfectly okay. 谢谢你 但我很好


All right. Where are we? 好了 我们到哪了
We are just outside of Grand Junction. 我们在格兰姜欣附近
You know what? 知道吗
Maybe we shouldn't have left Stanford so soon. 也许我们不该那么早就离开斯坦福
Sam, we dug around there for a week. 萨姆 我们在那查了好几周了
We came up with nothing. 却一无所获
If you want to find the thing that killed Jessica... 如果你想找到杀害杰西卡的凶手
Got to find dad first. 就要先找到老爸
Dad disappearing, and this thing showing up again after 20 years? 老爸消失 二十年后这东西又再次出现
It's no coincidence. 这不仅仅是巧合
Dad will have answers. 老爸肯定知道怎么回事
- He'll know what to do. - It's weird, man. - 他知道该怎么办 - 真是奇怪
These coordinates he left us, this Black Water Ridge... 他留给我们的这些坐标 这个黑水山脉
- What about it? - There's nothing there. - 怎么了 - 那里什么都没有
It's just woods. 只有一片森林
Why is he sending us to the middle of nowhere? 他为什么要我们去这种鬼地方
So Black Water Ridge is pretty remote. 黑水山脉太偏远了
It's cut off by these canyons here rough terrain, dense forest, 它被峡谷阻隔 地形复杂 丛林密布
Abandoned silver and gold mines all over the place... 附近都是废弃的金银矿山
Dude, check out the size of this frigging bear. 老兄 快看看这熊有多大
And a dozen or more grizzlies in the area. 还有一群灰熊在那片区域栖息
It's no nature hike, that's for sure. 可以肯定那里不是远足的好去处
You boys aren't planning to go out near Black Water Ridge, by any chance? 你们不会碰巧要去黑水山脉吧
Oh, no, sir. 不 先生
We're environmental study majors from U.C. boulder... 我们是博尔德大学环境系的学生
just working on a paper. 是为了论文的
Recycle, man. 关于回收利用的
Bull. 屁话
You're friends with that Hailey girl, right? 你们是那个叫海莉的女孩的朋友吧
Yes. 是的
Yes, we are. 是的 我们是
Ranger... Wilkinson. 威尔金森护林员
Well, I will tell you exactly what I told her. 我把跟她说的话再跟你们说一次
Her brother filled out a backcountry permit 她弟弟出示了露营许可
saying he wouldn't be back from Black Water until the 24th. 说他一直要在黑水山脉呆到二十四号
So it's not exactly a missing persons now, is it? 所以他现在还不算是失踪人口 不是吗
Tell that girl to quit worrying. 告诉那女孩不要再担心了
I'm sure her brother's just fine. 我保证他弟弟没事
We will. 我们会的
Well, that Hailey girl's quite a pistol, huh? 是海莉太猴急了
That is putting it mildly. 有过之而无不及
Actually, you know what would help is 如果我们能拿那份证明的复印件
if I could show her a copy of that backcountry permit. 给她看看 那就更好了
You know, so she could see her brother's return date. 这样她就知道他弟弟什么时候回去了
What, are you cruising for a hookup or something? 你是跑来泡妞的吗
What do you mean? 你什么意思
The coordinates point to Black Water Ridge. 我们已经有了坐标
So what are we waiting for? 还在等什么
Let's just go find dad. Why even talk to this girl? 我们直接去找老爸 去找这个女孩干嘛
I don't know, maybe we should know 我不知道 也许去之前
what we're walking into before we actually walk into it. 我们应该调查好情况
What? 什么
Since when are you all "Shoot first, ask questions later" Anyway? 你什么时候变得怎么冲动
Since now. 现在
Oh, really? 真的吗
You must be Hailey Collins. 你一定就是海莉·科林斯吧
I'm Dean, this is Sam. 我是迪恩 这是萨姆
We're rangers with the park service. 我们是护林员
Ranger Wilkinson sent us over. 威尔金森护林员让我们来的
We wanted to ask you some questions 我们想了解一下
about your brother Tommy. 你弟弟汤姆的情况
Let me see some I.D. 给我看看工作证
There you go.
- Come on in. - Thanks. - 进来吧 - 谢谢
That yours? 那是你的吗
Yeah. 是的
Nice car. 车不错
So, if Tommy's not due back for a while, 那么 如果汤姆归期还没到
how do you know something's wrong? 你怎么知道他是出事了
He checks in every day by cell. 他每天都打电话来报平安
He e mails photos, stupid little videos. 他会电邮照片 还有视频
But we haven't heard anything in over three days now. 但是我们已经有三天没听到他的消息了
Well, maybe he can't get cell reception. 也许他手机没信号了
He's got a satellite phone, too. 他还有个卫星电话
Could it be he's just having fun and forgot to check in? 可不可能是他玩忘形 忘记打电话了
He wouldn't do that. 他不会的
Our parents are gone. 我们的父母很早就过世了
It's just my two brothers and me. 只剩下我和我两个弟弟
We all keep pretty close tabs on each other. 我们关系很密切
- Can I see the pictures he sent you? - Yeah. - 我能看看他给你发的照片吗 - 可以
That's Tommy. 这是汤姆
Hey, Hailey. Day six. 你好 海莉 今天是第六天
We're still out near Black Water Ridge. 我们还在黑水山脉
We're fine, keeping safe, 我们很好 也很安全
so don't worry, okay? Talk to you tomorrow. 不用担心 明天再联系
We'll find your brother. 我们会找到你弟弟的
We're heading out to Black Water Ridge first thing. 明天一早我们就去黑水山脉
Then maybe I'll see you there. 那也许我会在那见到你们
Look. 听着
I can't sit around here anymore, 我不能再坐在这里傻等了
so I hired a guide. 所以我雇了个向导
I'm heading out in the morning, 我明天就出发
and I'm gonna find Tommy myself. 我要亲自找到汤姆
I think I know how you feel. 我知道你的感受
Hey, you mind forwarding these to me? 介意把这些拷给我吗
Sure. 没问题
So, Black Water Ridge doesn't get a lot of traffic...local campers mostly... 黑水山脉没什么人烟 主要是去露营的
but, still, this past april, two hikers went missing out there. 但今年四月 还是有两个旅客失踪
- They were never found. - Any before that? - 再也没有找到 - 那之前呢
Yeah. 是的
In 1982, eight different people all vanished in the same year. 一九八二年 八个人都失踪在那里

