

    • GCDAsyncSocket.m的成员变量
    • GCDAsyncSocket的初始化
      • 创建
    • GCDAsyncSocket Connect


@implementation GCDAsyncSocket
    //flags 状态标志
	uint32_t flags;
    //config IPV4|IPV6配置
	uint16_t config;
    // 代理
	__weak id<GCDAsyncSocketDelegate> delegate;
	dispatch_queue_t delegateQueue;
	int socket4FD;
	int socket6FD;
    //unix套接字 //进行进程间通讯
	int socketUN;
	NSURL *socketUrl;
	int stateIndex;
	NSData * connectInterface4;
	NSData * connectInterface6;
	NSData * connectInterfaceUN;
	dispatch_queue_t socketQueue;
	dispatch_source_t accept4Source;
	dispatch_source_t accept6Source;
	dispatch_source_t acceptUNSource;
	dispatch_source_t connectTimer;
	dispatch_source_t readSource;
	dispatch_source_t writeSource;
	dispatch_source_t readTimer;
	dispatch_source_t writeTimer;
    //读写数据包数组 类似queue FIFO
	NSMutableArray *readQueue;
	NSMutableArray *writeQueue;
	GCDAsyncReadPacket *currentRead;
	GCDAsyncWritePacket *currentWrite;
	unsigned long socketFDBytesAvailable;
	GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer *preBuffer;
	CFStreamClientContext streamContext;
	CFReadStreamRef readStream;
    CFWriteStreamRef writeStream;
	SSLContextRef sslContext;
	GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer *sslPreBuffer;
	size_t sslWriteCachedLength;
	OSStatus sslErrCode;
    OSStatus lastSSLHandshakeError;
	void *IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
	id userData;
    NSTimeInterval alternateAddressDelay;



_Socket = [[GCDAsyncSocket alloc] initWithDelegate:self delegateQueue:dispatch_get_main_queue()];
- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id<GCDAsyncSocketDelegate>)aDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)dq
	return [self initWithDelegate:aDelegate delegateQueue:dq socketQueue:NULL];


- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id<GCDAsyncSocketDelegate>)aDelegate delegateQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)dq socketQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)sq
	if((self = [super init]))
		delegate = aDelegate;
		delegateQueue = dq;
		if (dq) dispatch_retain(dq);
		socket4FD = SOCKET_NULL;
		socket6FD = SOCKET_NULL;
		socketUN = SOCKET_NULL;
		socketUrl = nil;
		stateIndex = 0;
		if (sq)
			NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0),
			         @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
			NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0),
			         @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
			NSAssert(sq != dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0),
			         @"The given socketQueue parameter must not be a concurrent queue.");
			socketQueue = sq;
          //  NSString *const GCDAsyncSocketQueueName = @"GCDAsyncSocket";
			socketQueue = dispatch_queue_create([GCDAsyncSocketQueueName UTF8String], NULL);
		// The dispatch_queue_set_specific() and dispatch_get_specific() functions take a "void *key" parameter.
		// From the documentation:
		// > Keys are only compared as pointers and are never dereferenced.
		// > Thus, you can use a pointer to a static variable for a specific subsystem or
		// > any other value that allows you to identify the value uniquely.
		// We're just going to use the memory address of an ivar.
		// Specifically an ivar that is explicitly named for our purpose to make the code more readable.
		// However, it feels tedious (and less readable) to include the "&" all the time:
		// dispatch_get_specific(&IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey)
		// So we're going to make it so it doesn't matter if we use the '&' or not,
		// by assigning the value of the ivar to the address of the ivar.
		// Thus: IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey == &IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
		IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey = &IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey;
		void *nonNullUnusedPointer = (__bridge void *)self;
		dispatch_queue_set_specific(socketQueue, IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey, nonNullUnusedPointer, NULL);
		readQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
		currentRead = nil;
		writeQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
		currentWrite = nil;
		// 4KB
		preBuffer = [[GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer alloc] initWithCapacity:(1024 * 4)];
        alternateAddressDelay = 0.3;
	return self;

GCDAsyncSocket Connect

[self.cmdSocket connectToHost:hostIP onPort:[hostPort integerValue] error:&cmdError]
- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString*)host onPort:(uint16_t)port error:(NSError **)errPtr
	return [self connectToHost:host onPort:port withTimeout:-1 error:errPtr];

- (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)host
                error:(NSError **)errPtr
	return [self connectToHost:host onPort:port viaInterface:nil withTimeout:timeout error:errPtr];
 (BOOL)connectToHost:(NSString *)inHost
         viaInterface:(NSString *)inInterface
                error:(NSError **)errPtr
    //#define LogTrace()              {}
    //#define LogTrace()              LogObjc(LOG_FLAG_VERBOSE, @"%@: %@", THIS_FILE, THIS_METHOD)

	// Just in case immutable objects were passed
	NSString *host = [inHost copy];
	NSString *interface = [inInterface copy];
	__block BOOL result = NO;
	__block NSError *preConnectErr = nil;
	dispatch_block_t block = ^{ @autoreleasepool {
		// Check for problems with host parameter
		if ([host length] ==  0)
			NSString *msg = @"Invalid host parameter (nil or \"\"). Should be a domain name or IP address string.";
			preConnectErr = [self badParamError:msg];
             * Seeing a return statements within an inner block
             * can sometimes be mistaken for a return point of the enclosing method.
             * This makes inline blocks a bit easier to read.
			// /#define return_from_block  return
            // 宏定义-->预编译提前执行
		// Run through standard pre-connect checks
		if (![self preConnectWithInterface:interface error:&preConnectErr])
		// We've made it past all the checks.
		// It's time to start the connection process.
        self->flags |= kSocketStarted;
		LogVerbose(@"Dispatching DNS lookup...");
		// It's possible that the given host parameter is actually a NSMutableString.
		// So we want to copy it now, within this block that will be executed synchronously.
		// This way the asynchronous lookup block below doesn't have to worry about it changing.
		NSString *hostCpy = [host copy];
        // 拿到状态
        int aStateIndex = self->stateIndex;
		__weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
        //全局queue -- 服务器
        //client -- server。
		dispatch_queue_t globalConcurrentQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
		dispatch_async(globalConcurrentQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
            // 忽视循环引用
		#pragma clang diagnostic push
		#pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
			NSError *lookupErr = nil;
			NSMutableArray *addresses = [[self class] lookupHost:hostCpy port:port error:&lookupErr];
			__strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
			if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
			if (lookupErr)
				dispatch_async(strongSelf->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
					[strongSelf lookup:aStateIndex didFail:lookupErr];
				NSData *address4 = nil;
				NSData *address6 = nil;
				for (NSData *address in addresses)
					if (!address4 && [[self class] isIPv4Address:address])
						address4 = address;
					else if (!address6 && [[self class] isIPv6Address:address])
						address6 = address;
				dispatch_async(strongSelf->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
					[strongSelf lookup:aStateIndex didSucceedWithAddress4:address4 address6:address6];
		#pragma clang diagnostic pop
		[self startConnectTimeout:timeout];
		result = YES;
	if (dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey))
	else //否则同步调起这个queue执行
		dispatch_sync(socketQueue, block);
	if (errPtr) *errPtr = preConnectErr;
	return result;
[strongSelf lookup:aStateIndex didSucceedWithAddress4:address4 address6:address6];
- (void)lookup:(int)aStateIndex didSucceedWithAddress4:(NSData *)address4 address6:(NSData *)address6
	NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
	NSAssert(address4 || address6, @"Expected at least one valid address");
	if (aStateIndex != stateIndex)
		LogInfo(@"Ignoring lookupDidSucceed, already disconnected");
		// The connect operation has been cancelled.
		// That is, socket was disconnected, or connection has already timed out.
	// Check for problems
	BOOL isIPv4Disabled = (config & kIPv4Disabled) ? YES : NO;
	BOOL isIPv6Disabled = (config & kIPv6Disabled) ? YES : NO;
	if (isIPv4Disabled && (address6 == nil))
		NSString *msg = @"IPv4 has been disabled and DNS lookup found no IPv6 address.";
		[self closeWithError:[self otherError:msg]];
	if (isIPv6Disabled && (address4 == nil))
		NSString *msg = @"IPv6 has been disabled and DNS lookup found no IPv4 address.";
		[self closeWithError:[self otherError:msg]];
	// Start the normal connection process
	NSError *err = nil;
	if (![self connectWithAddress4:address4 address6:address6 error:&err])
		[self closeWithError:err];
[self connectWithAddress4:address4 address6:address6 error:&err]
- (BOOL)connectWithAddress4:(NSData *)address4 address6:(NSData *)address6 error:(NSError **)errPtr
	NSAssert(dispatch_get_specific(IsOnSocketQueueOrTargetQueueKey), @"Must be dispatched on socketQueue");
	LogVerbose(@"IPv4: %@:%hu", [[self class] hostFromAddress:address4], [[self class] portFromAddress:address4]);
	LogVerbose(@"IPv6: %@:%hu", [[self class] hostFromAddress:address6], [[self class] portFromAddress:address6]);
	// Determine socket type
	BOOL preferIPv6 = (config & kPreferIPv6) ? YES : NO;
	// Create and bind the sockets
    if (address4)
        LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv4 socket");
        socket4FD = [self createSocket:AF_INET connectInterface:connectInterface4 errPtr:errPtr];
    if (address6)
        LogVerbose(@"Creating IPv6 socket");
        socket6FD = [self createSocket:AF_INET6 connectInterface:connectInterface6 errPtr:errPtr];
    if (socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL && socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL)
        return NO;
	int socketFD, alternateSocketFD;
	NSData *address, *alternateAddress;
    if ((preferIPv6 && socket6FD != SOCKET_NULL) || socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL)
        socketFD = socket6FD;
        alternateSocketFD = socket4FD;
        address = address6;
        alternateAddress = address4;
        socketFD = socket4FD;
        alternateSocketFD = socket6FD;
        address = address4;
        alternateAddress = address6;

    int aStateIndex = stateIndex;
    [self connectSocket:socketFD address:address stateIndex:aStateIndex];
    if (alternateAddress)
        dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(alternateAddressDelay * NSEC_PER_SEC)), socketQueue, ^{
            [self connectSocket:alternateSocketFD address:alternateAddress stateIndex:aStateIndex];
	return YES;
socket6FD = [self createSocket:AF_INET6 connectInterface:connectInterface6 errPtr:errPtr];
- (int)createSocket:(int)family connectInterface:(NSData *)connectInterface errPtr:(NSError **)errPtr
    int socketFD = socket(family, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if (socketFD == SOCKET_NULL)
        if (errPtr)
            *errPtr = [self errorWithErrno:errno reason:@"Error in socket() function"];
        return socketFD;
    if (![self bindSocket:socketFD toInterface:connectInterface error:errPtr])
        [self closeSocket:socketFD];
        return SOCKET_NULL;
    // Prevent SIGPIPE signals
    int nosigpipe = 1;
    setsockopt(socketFD, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, &nosigpipe, sizeof(nosigpipe));
    return socketFD;
 [self connectSocket:socketFD address:address stateIndex:aStateIndex];
- (void)connectSocket:(int)socketFD address:(NSData *)address stateIndex:(int)aStateIndex
    // If there already is a socket connected, we close socketFD and return
    if (self.isConnected)
        [self closeSocket:socketFD];
    // Start the connection process in a background queue
    __weak GCDAsyncSocket *weakSelf = self;
    dispatch_queue_t globalConcurrentQueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
    dispatch_async(globalConcurrentQueue, ^{
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic warning "-Wimplicit-retain-self"
        int result = connect(socketFD, (const struct sockaddr *)[address bytes], (socklen_t)[address length]);
        int err = errno;
        __strong GCDAsyncSocket *strongSelf = weakSelf;
        if (strongSelf == nil) return_from_block;
        dispatch_async(strongSelf->socketQueue, ^{ @autoreleasepool {
            if (strongSelf.isConnected)
                [strongSelf closeSocket:socketFD];
            if (result == 0)
                [self closeUnusedSocket:socketFD];
                [strongSelf didConnect:aStateIndex];
                [strongSelf closeSocket:socketFD];
                // If there are no more sockets trying to connect, we inform the error to the delegate
                if (strongSelf.socket4FD == SOCKET_NULL && strongSelf.socket6FD == SOCKET_NULL)
                    NSError *error = [strongSelf errorWithErrno:err reason:@"Error in connect() function"];
                    [strongSelf didNotConnect:aStateIndex error:error];
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
