

1. uncertainty  可数或不可数/  contribution (可/不可)

2、不可数 impetus 、 growth

3. 增长 grew by / increase up / rose by / went up by / pick up

  例句:  缓慢增加The index for confidence edged up to the highest level in three months in December

  例句: pick up:If trade or the economy of a country picks up, it improves. (贸易、经济) 改善•  Industrial production is beginning to pick up.工业生产正在开始好转。

4.预计  is forecast to / is forecast at  (is projected to / is projected at )

     revise up / revise down 、downgrade growth to 1.7%; 例句 :Global growth is forecast at 3.0 percent for 2019

A growth rate of 4% is projected for next year. 预计明年的增长率为4%。

The unemployment rate has been projected to fall. 据预测失业率将下降。

•  The government had been projecting a 5% consumer price increase for the entireyear. 政府一直在预计全年5%的消费价格增长。

6. change in / to sth 

7. 同比 yoy   环比 mom

8 .BY COMPARISON 用在句首,比较起来

   •By  comparison, expenditure on education increased last year. 相比之下,去年教育经费增加了。

9. 枯荣指数50 : A reading(A PMI above 50) above 50 indicates expansion whilethat below 50 indicates contraction.

10 经济不景气 sluggish 、 subdued、downward pressure may continue to weigh on the Chineseeconomy、a larger-than-anticipated impact of labor strikes

( of business activity 商业活动 ) not very busy; with not much activity 不活跃的;低迷的;萧条的;a period of subdued trading 贸易萧条时期

