Data Breach: Are you being watched?

Trust + Ravn

Trust. It’s the belief in the reliability, truth or ability of someone or something. It is a chosen, and in some cases, a presumed foundation on which we stand upon in faith. Once trust is absent from a relationship of any form, it’s not likely to flourish until and if it can be renewed.

Enter blockchain technology and Ravn’s messaging app. They’re a timely team in light of the expanding issues with cyber security, where trust and honesty have failed. They offer a solution to the following growing problems.

More and more we are exposed to those unknown to us. You lose while anyone wishing to influence or market to you, wins. The lengths that people and companies are going to in order to possess your personal data is a gigantic, glowing testimonial for the enterprise of marketing, in the event its power was ever doubted.

It’s a more blatant eye-opener for those who thought they were obsolete or thought they were floating unsuspected under the big brother radar. Even if you’ve innocently signed on to a fun quiz, you could potentially be exposing yourself to others. Now with the most recent Facebook data misuse, many have been deceived and some have lost trust. For those who think their information couldn’t possibly benefit someone else, here’s some perspective…

Let’s presume no one likes a Peeping Tom. Let’s presume no one likes to be manipulated, especially unknowingly. It’s simply disrespectful.

Now, let’s imagine a harmless Peeping Tom lurks outside your window and learns that you wear only blue underwear, no other colors. Imagine Tom’s power with his new findings about you. He could sell his knowledge of you to a new suitor that uses that information to impress you when he/she shows up for date #____ with a new pair of blue underwear to give to you as a gift. How did he/she know? It must be fate! The suitor and Tom get legit wins on the matter and although you might be impressed, you lose because you’ve been falsely and innocently duped.

You’re now in a more vulnerable position. Companies can do the same thing in targeting you with the information they have to place dangling carrots in front of your face. Some may not be troubled by this and some could be shattered by it and either way, it’s dishonest.

We can’t let this become a standard of how society operates. We’re at a pivotal point to demand accountability and say yes to safer modes of cyber communication. Ravn is the world’s first invisible, encrypted and 100% private messaging app that does not tie to your phone number or email. It’s stealth feature and respect for privacy by not demanding access to or storing your information is profound. It’s just not possible for someone besides you to access your messages or trace anything to you. No data collection on top of a fully private chatting and smart contract messaging app is the instant and easy answer to these mounting privacy and trust breaches.

Can you imagine a world where you can move through your daily life, physically and digitally and not be tracked for blatant marketing or even subtle manipulation purposes? Can you imagine a world where your communication is invisible? We can and we’ve achieved it. Renter, trust.


你可能感兴趣的:(Data Breach: Are you being watched?)