Unless you have good reason to with-hold your main POINTS until the end, get them out early but not immediately, not before you get to the end of a reasonably concise introductory issue. (除非你有充分的理由,否则应当将主题句尽早提出。但也不能提出得过急,应当使它出现在引言部分的末尾。)
Timidity or Politeness.(由于胆怯或礼貌) Some professionals believe that if a document delivers bad news, they should withhold the main POINT until the end. The theory is that if the writer can gently walk her readers through her reasoning toward the unwelcome POINT, the reader will be more willing to accept it. (对于不好的信息,作者倾向于以铺陈的方式增加读者对于该信息的接受程度。)
Injact, most professionals prefer POINT-frst documents, no matter how bad the news. (不过,即便是不好的信息,多数作者仍然偏好先提出论点。)
Discovery. (展示发现)Sometimes writers put their main POINT sentences last because they want theIr readers to work through an argument or a body of data to experience a sense of discovery. They believe that the development of the POINT is as important as the POINT itself. (有些作者认为论证论点,展示论点推演的过程与论点一样重要,所以他们会先呈现数据和论证的过程,最后点明论点。)(科学论文写作结果部分通常采用这种格式。)
Convention. (惯例)Writers put a main POINT last when local convention encourages it, typically in the belletristic essay. In some felds outside the sciences, it is typical for a writer frst to announce (some would say invent) a problem that no one suspected until the writer pointed it out. (在纯文学写作中,通常的惯例是将主要论点在文末点明。在某些非科学类写作中,作者也会先提出一个问题,然后通过一系列推演,最后点明论点。)
Failure to Revise. (没有认真修改初稿)When we draft, we often have no idea where we are going, what kind of POINT sentence we are going to write, until we discover it at the end of a paragraph, section, or even the whole document. If we do not revise that kind of document, we offer our reader only a running account of our thinking. If you look over a documlnt and discover that your main POINT is last, not by design, but as an accident of your having discovered it there, and you are writing for an audience not interested in a narrative account of your mental life, revise. Move the main POINT to the end of your introductory issue. (有时候,当作者写作初稿时,直到最后作者才发现自己想要传达的主要论点,所以它就出现在了段末,文末。如果你意识到自己不是刻意的将论点置于文末,而你的读者也并不感兴趣逐步推演的过程,那么修订初稿,使论点出现在文章的引言部分。)