更优雅的在 Kotlin 中封装 Retrofit (去掉 Catch)

如果可以我想改名成《看完不会在 Kotlin 中封装 Retrofit就砍我》,嘿嘿........

Retrofit 是一个设计相当精良的框架,特别是其可扩展性上。官方提供的协程的使用方式和 API 实现在一些情况下不大优雅,本文主要是 bb 对其的相关扩展,让项目代码变得更傻瓜式和对 Retrofit 协程方式编写代码方式更加优雅。

基于下述思路封装的网络框架已经在线上持续稳定使用 1 年多了,适合各种牛(qi)逼(pa)的场景,本篇各个环节会涉及到奇奇怪怪的想法.....

Retrofit 对协程的支持

Retrofit 从 2.4 版本开始对协程的使用正式做了支持,可以让我们顺序式的编写代码,减少回调。巴拉巴拉一大堆,但是这里最重要的一点是让我们可以不用回调式的写代码,记住这一点,后面会重新提到。

Retrofit 协程的基本用法

下面省略 Retrofit.Builder 类相关的各种初始化操作(适配器,转换器等,默认认为有 Gson/Moshi 适配器做数据转换)


  • 1、定义 suspend 方法,返回值声明为 Response,可以清楚知道响应情况

                    suspend fun loadSettings(): Response>
  • 2、使用

                    lifecycleScope.launch {
                        val repoResponse: Response> =
                        Log.d("okHttp", "data:" + repoResponse.body())


  • 1、定义 suspend 方法,返回值声明为 DataObject,只获取必要的数据

                    suspend fun loadSettings(): Repo
  • 2、使用

                    lifecycleScope.launch {
                        val repo: Repo =
                        Log.d("okHttp", "data:$repo")

这样使用正常情况下是可以正常拿到数据的,log 也是正常输出的,程序也不会崩溃


  • 正常情况下上述用法都是没问题的,接下来我把手机网络断了,会发现程序闪退并且闪退栈的起始位置是 loadSettings() 这一行
java.net.ConnectException: Failed to connect to /
        at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection.connectSocket(RealConnection.kt:297)
        at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection.connectTunnel(RealConnection.kt:261)
        at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealConnection.connect(RealConnection.kt:201)
        at okhttp3.internal.connection.ExchangeFinder.findConnection(ExchangeFinder.kt:226)
        at okhttp3.internal.connection.ExchangeFinder.findHealthyConnection(ExchangeFinder.kt:106)
        at okhttp3.internal.connection.ExchangeFinder.find(ExchangeFinder.kt:74)
        at okhttp3.internal.connection.RealCall.initExchange$okhttp(RealCall.kt:255)
        at okhttp3.internal.connection.ConnectInterceptor.intercept(ConnectInterceptor.kt:32)
        at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
        at okhttp3.internal.cache.CacheInterceptor.intercept(CacheInterceptor.kt:95)
        at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
        at okhttp3.internal.http.BridgeInterceptor.intercept(BridgeInterceptor.kt:83)
        at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
        at okhttp3.internal.http.RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor.intercept(RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor.kt:76)
        at okhttp3.internal.http.RealInterceptorChain.proceed(RealInterceptorChain.kt:109)
  • 那有同学就说了噢,不就是异常嘛,我catch 下不就好了????

                    lifecycleScope.launch {
                        try {
                            val repoResponse: Response> =
                            ALog.d("okHttp", "data:" + repoResponse.body())
                        } catch (e: Exception) {
                            ALog.e("okHttp", e)

这样确实好了,但是我们一开始的目的不是想非回调式的写代码,并且尽量减少闭包,内部类的出现麽,如果每个接口都要用 catch 包住,那基本上算是没有解决根本问题。

还是得找办法解决这个问题【网络接口抛出异常需要外部使用 try catch 包裹】,那么 Retrofit 挂起式使用要怎么样操作才能真正的“优雅”呢,下面会一步一步的揭开谜题....

Retrofit 是怎么支持协程的



对 Retrofit 异步回调式使用熟悉的朋友肯定会想到这个用法:

                        .enqueue(object : Callback {
                            override fun onResponse(
                                call: Call,
                                response: Response
                            ) {

                            override fun onFailure(call: Call, throwable: Throwable) {


onFailure 回调出来的 throwable 也就是同步式 【Retrofit 调用 execute()请求接口】 或者协程挂起式用法获取数据时抛出来的异常。


  • 面对上面的问题,一开始应该是没有思路的,至于为什么要先看 Retrofit 对协程的支持怎么实现的,无非也是因为真的是没有太大的思路解决这个问题(如果不熟悉 Retrofit 源码实现的情况下),只能先去源码里面找解决方案

  • 相信大家应该清楚 Retrofit 的核心实现思路【动态代理反射 API 定义方法,将相关方法表示提取为参数塞给 okHttp 去请求】,如果不熟悉的话,2022 年了,Google 下 Retrofit 相关的流程源码分析,也会有很多优秀的文章可以浏览

  • 1、首先写一个接口请求

    • 定义 suspend 方法,返回值声明为 DataObject,只获取必要的数据,并且在协程里使用【这里只是一个简单的例子,不建议大家在 View 层使用lifecycleScope 来做接口请求】
                      suspend fun loadSettings(): Repo
                      lifecycleScope.launch {
                          val repo: Repo =
                          Log.d("okHttp", "data:$repo")
  • 2、直接来到 Retrofit 动态代理的函数入口,InvocationHandler 类的 invoke 方法中打上断点

      public  T create(final Class service) {
        return (T)
                new Class[] {service},
                new InvocationHandler() {
                  private final Platform platform = Platform.get();
                  private final Object[] emptyArgs = new Object[0];
                  public @Nullable Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, @Nullable Object[] args)
                      throws Throwable {
                    // If the method is a method from Object then defer to normal invocation.
                    if (method.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class) {
                      return method.invoke(this, args);
                    args = args != null ? args : emptyArgs;
                    return platform.isDefaultMethod(method)
                        ? platform.invokeDefaultMethod(method, service, proxy, args)
                        : loadServiceMethod(method).invoke(args);
  • 3、loadServiceMethod(method) 会被调用,可以看到是一个按需调用 ServiceMethod.parseAnnotations(this, method) 的逻辑

      ServiceMethod loadServiceMethod(Method method) {
        ServiceMethod result = serviceMethodCache.get(method);
        if (result != null) return result;
        synchronized (serviceMethodCache) {
          result = serviceMethodCache.get(method);
          if (result == null) {
            result = ServiceMethod.parseAnnotations(this, method);
            serviceMethodCache.put(method, result);
        return result;
  • 4、兜兜转转,最终 HttpServiceMethod.parseAnnotations(retrofit, method, requestFactory) 会被调用,这个方法本质上是解析 API 定义方法的相关参数来构造 HTTP 服务使用的,这里会选取各种适配器,转换器来操作当前使用的 API 接口定义。

    • 这里没有定制的情况下,使用的 CallAdapterDefaultCallAdapterFactoryDefaultCallAdapterFactory 对协程的实现没有什么特别的帮助,内部主要实现是看API 接口方法定义有没有含有 SkipCallbackExecutor 注解,如果含有该注解就将回调返回使用定义的CallbackExecutor 线程池执行。可以展开折叠块看下具体定义,省略 n 多无关实现。
      final class DefaultCallAdapterFactory extends CallAdapter.Factory {
        public @Nullable CallAdapter get(
            Type returnType, Annotation[] annotations, Retrofit retrofit) {
            final Executor executor =
            Utils.isAnnotationPresent(annotations, SkipCallbackExecutor.class)
                  ? null
                  : callbackExecutor;
          return new CallAdapter>() {
            public Type responseType() {
              return responseType;
            public Call adapt(Call call) {
              return executor == null ? call : new ExecutorCallbackCall<>(executor, call);
        static final class ExecutorCallbackCall implements Call {
          final Executor callbackExecutor;
          final Call delegate;
          ExecutorCallbackCall(Executor callbackExecutor, Call delegate) {
            this.callbackExecutor = callbackExecutor;
            this.delegate = delegate;
          public void enqueue(final Callback callback) {
            Objects.requireNonNull(callback, "callback == null");
                new Callback() {
                  public void onResponse(Call call, final Response response) {
                        () -> {
                          if (delegate.isCanceled()) {
                            // Emulate OkHttp's behavior of throwing/delivering an IOException on
                            // cancellation.
                            callback.onFailure(ExecutorCallbackCall.this, new IOException("Canceled"));
                          } else {
                            callback.onResponse(ExecutorCallbackCall.this, response);
                  public void onFailure(Call call, final Throwable t) {
                    callbackExecutor.execute(() -> callback.onFailure(ExecutorCallbackCall.this, t));
      • 5、来到最关键的地方,Retrofit 内部要选中最终的 HttpServiceMethod,因为 API 方法定义,这里直接是 DataObject 返回值的,后面会返回 SuspendForBody 的实现

      • 6、SuspendForBody 的 adapt 方法,最终会看到 KotlinExtensions 的相关方法,这里我定义的 API 方法返回值是非空的,所以最终回调用 KotlinExtensions.await(call, continuation) 方法

            protected Object adapt(Call call, Object[] args) {
              call = callAdapter.adapt(call);
              //noinspection unchecked Checked by reflection inside RequestFactory.
              Continuation continuation = (Continuation) args[args.length - 1];
              // Calls to OkHttp Call.enqueue() like those inside await and awaitNullable can sometimes
              // invoke the supplied callback with an exception before the invoking stack frame can return.
              // Coroutines will intercept the subsequent invocation of the Continuation and throw the
              // exception synchronously. A Java Proxy cannot throw checked exceptions without them being
              // declared on the interface method. To avoid the synchronous checked exception being wrapped
              // in an UndeclaredThrowableException, it is intercepted and supplied to a helper which will
              // force suspension to occur so that it can be instead delivered to the continuation to
              // bypass this restriction.
              try {
                return isNullable
                    ? KotlinExtensions.awaitNullable(call, continuation)
                    : KotlinExtensions.await(call, continuation);
              } catch (Exception e) {
                return KotlinExtensions.suspendAndThrow(e, continuation);
      • 7、await() 中,会直接调用 Call.enqueue() 方法发起请求,最终通过协程挂起恢复的操作 resumeWithException(e)resume(body) 将结果分发到协程发起端,也就是业务方使用端会受到结果(成功或者失败)

        suspend fun  Call.await(): T {
          return suspendCancellableCoroutine { continuation ->
            continuation.invokeOnCancellation {
            enqueue(object : Callback {
              override fun onResponse(call: Call, response: Response) {
                if (response.isSuccessful) {
                  val body = response.body()
                  if (body == null) {
                    val invocation = call.request().tag(Invocation::class.java)!!
                    val method = invocation.method()
                    val e = KotlinNullPointerException("Response from " +
                        method.declaringClass.name +
                        '.' +
                        method.name +
                        " was null but response body type was declared as non-null")
                  } else {
                } else {
              override fun onFailure(call: Call, t: Throwable) {
        val repo: Repo = AcRetrofit.get().notificationApi.loadSettings()

        这里抛出异常其实就是因为 resumeWithException 被调用的原因



      从上面的流程分析来看,最终发现原因是因为网络请求执行遇到异常时,将异常通过 resumeWithException(e)恢复挂起导致,那能不能让它不执行 resumeWithException 呢,从源码上看只需要屏蔽 Retrofit Call 类的 void enqueue(Callback callback)callback 实现或者避免其调用 resumeWithException方法,将所有的数据通过 onResponse 返回,并且对 response.body()= null的时候做容错即可。

      刚好 Retrofit 的设计里面有一个实现可以自定义 CallAdapterFactory 来定制请求行为。这里我们可以通过自定义 CallAdapterFactory ,从而代理 Retrofit Call 类,进而控制 Callback 的接口调用来达到我们的最终目的。



      • Header 的数据
      • 响应码:有时候会通过响应码来区分界面的错误弹窗、业务类型
      • 具体错误类型
      • 接口数据


      Kotlin 里面try catch 的扩展函数 runCatching()如下

      public inline fun  T.runCatching(block: T.() -> R): Result {
          return try {
          } catch (e: Throwable) {
      • 以看到它是将闭包函数 try catch 后包装成 Result 密封类返回

      • kotlin.Result 类是一个设计和扩展方法很全面的类,在 kotlin 里面各种特性的 API 之间起了至关重要的作用,其实现如下

        public value class Result @PublishedApi internal constructor(
            internal val value: Any?
        ) : Serializable {
            // discovery
             * Returns `true` if this instance represents a successful outcome.
             * In this case [isFailure] returns `false`.
            public val isSuccess: Boolean get() = value !is Failure
             * Returns `true` if this instance represents a failed outcome.
             * In this case [isSuccess] returns `false`.
            public val isFailure: Boolean get() = value is Failure
            // value & exception retrieval
             * Returns the encapsulated value if this instance represents [success][Result.isSuccess] or `null`
             * if it is [failure][Result.isFailure].
             * This function is a shorthand for `getOrElse { null }` (see [getOrElse]) or
             * `fold(onSuccess = { it }, onFailure = { null })` (see [fold]).
            public inline fun getOrNull(): T? =
                when {
                    isFailure -> null
                    else -> value as T
             * Returns the encapsulated [Throwable] exception if this instance represents [failure][isFailure] or `null`
             * if it is [success][isSuccess].
             * This function is a shorthand for `fold(onSuccess = { null }, onFailure = { it })` (see [fold]).
            public fun exceptionOrNull(): Throwable? =
                when (value) {
                    is Failure -> value.exception
                    else -> null
             * Returns a string `Success(v)` if this instance represents [success][Result.isSuccess]
             * where `v` is a string representation of the value or a string `Failure(x)` if
             * it is [failure][isFailure] where `x` is a string representation of the exception.
            public override fun toString(): String =
                when (value) {
                    is Failure -> value.toString() // "Failure($exception)"
                    else -> "Success($value)"
            // companion with constructors
             * Companion object for [Result] class that contains its constructor functions
             * [success] and [failure].
            public companion object {
                 * Returns an instance that encapsulates the given [value] as successful value.
                public inline fun  success(value: T): Result =
                 * Returns an instance that encapsulates the given [Throwable] [exception] as failure.
                public inline fun  failure(exception: Throwable): Result =
            internal class Failure(
                val exception: Throwable
            ) : Serializable {
                override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is Failure && exception == other.exception
                override fun hashCode(): Int = exception.hashCode()
                override fun toString(): String = "Failure($exception)"
      • 这里模仿 kotlin.Result,针对上述的封装需求分析,按需定义一个针对 Http 请求结果的 HttpResult 密封类,用于保存 Retrofit + OKHTTP处理过后的各种数据
        主要实现是 HttpResult 的四个密封子类 Success ApiError NetworkError UnknownError

        • HttpResult :密封类,保存了基础数据 Headers,T 是 API 方法定义的请求返回值类型
        sealed class HttpResult(open val responseHeader: Headers?) : Serializable {
        • Success:接口请求成功,保存接口请求的 Header 原始数据和适配器解析后的接口 body 数据,T 是 API 方法定义的请求返回值类型
             * Success response with body
            data class Success(val value: T, override val responseHeader: Headers?) :
                HttpResult(responseHeader) {
                override fun toString(): String {
                    return "Success($value)"
                override fun exceptionOrNull(): Throwable? = null
        • ApiError :通常是接口返回错误,其中 message 是我们接口定义通用结构中含有的固定类型,大家可以根据具体业务来定义
             * Failure response with body,通常是接口返回错误
             * @property code Int 错误码,默认是-1
             * @property message message 接口错误信息
             * @property throwable 原始错误类型
             * @constructor
            data class ApiError(
                val code: Int = -1,
                val message: String? = null,
                val throwable: Throwable,
                override val responseHeader: Headers? = null,
            ) :
                HttpResult(responseHeader) {
                override fun toString(): String {
                    return "ApiError(message:$message,code:$code)"
                override fun exceptionOrNull(): Throwable = throwable
        • NetworkError:通常是断网了
             * For example, json parsing error
            data class UnknownError(
                val throwable: Throwable?,
                override val responseHeader: Headers? = null,
            ) : HttpResult(responseHeader) {
                override fun toString(): String {
                    return "UnknownError(throwable:${throwable?.message})"
                override fun exceptionOrNull(): Throwable? = throwable
        • UnknownError :除上述错误外的其他错误,比如解析错误等,具体错误会通过 throwable 给出,并且按照接口请求的行为,可能 throwable 会为 null
             * For example, json parsing error
            data class UnknownError(
                val throwable: Throwable?,
                override val responseHeader: Headers? = null,
            ) : HttpResult(responseHeader) {
                override fun toString(): String {
                    return "UnknownError(throwable:${throwable?.message})"
                override fun exceptionOrNull(): Throwable? = throwable
        • 综上所述,HttpResult整体实现如下
          sealed class HttpResult(open val responseHeader: Headers?) : Serializable {
              // discovery
               * Returns `true` if this instance represents a successful outcome.
               * In this case [isFailure] returns `false`.
              val isSuccess: Boolean get() = this is Success
               * Returns `true` if this instance represents a failed outcome.
               * In this case [isSuccess] returns `false`.
              val isFailure: Boolean get() = this !is Success
               * Success response with body
              data class Success(val value: T, override val responseHeader: Headers?) :
                  HttpResult(responseHeader) {
                  override fun toString(): String {
                      return "Success($value)"
                  override fun exceptionOrNull(): Throwable? = null
               * Failure response with body,通常是接口返回错误
               * @property code Int 错误码,默认是-1
               * @property message message 接口错误信息
               * @property throwable 原始错误类型
               * @constructor
              data class ApiError(
                  val code: Int = -1,
                  val message: String? = null,
                  val throwable: Throwable,
                  override val responseHeader: Headers? = null,
              ) :
                  HttpResult(responseHeader) {
                  override fun toString(): String {
                      return "ApiError(message:$message,code:$code)"
                  override fun exceptionOrNull(): Throwable = throwable
               * Network error 通常是断网了
              data class NetworkError(
                  val error: Throwable,
                  override val responseHeader: Headers? = null,
              ) : HttpResult(responseHeader) {
                  override fun toString(): String {
                      return "NetworkError(error:${error.message})"
                  override fun exceptionOrNull(): Throwable = error
               * For example, json parsing error
              data class UnknownError(
                  val throwable: Throwable?,
                  override val responseHeader: Headers? = null,
              ) : HttpResult(responseHeader) {
                  override fun toString(): String {
                      return "UnknownError(throwable:${throwable?.message})"
                  override fun exceptionOrNull(): Throwable? = throwable
              fun getOrNull(): T? = (this as? Success)?.value
               * Returns the encapsulated [Throwable] exception if this instance represents [failure][isFailure] or `null`
               * if it is [success][isSuccess].
               * This function is a shorthand for `fold(onSuccess = { null }, onFailure = { it })` (see [fold]).
              open fun exceptionOrNull(): Throwable? = null
              companion object {
                  fun  success(result: T, responseHeader: Headers?): HttpResult =
                      Success(result, responseHeader)
                  fun apiError(
                      code: Int = -1,
                      message: String? = null,
                      throwable: Throwable,
                      responseHeader: Headers?
                  ): HttpResult =
                      ApiError(code, message, throwable, responseHeader)
                  fun  networkError(
                      error: Throwable, responseHeader: Headers?
                  ): HttpResult =
                      NetworkError(error, responseHeader)
                  fun  unknownError(
                      throwable: Throwable?, responseHeader: Headers?
                  ): HttpResult =
                      UnknownError(throwable, responseHeader)

      自定义 CallAdapterFactory 来定制请求行为

      从上面分析我们知道,我们只要代理 retrofit2.KotlinExtensions#await 中 Callback 接口被回调的方法始终为 onResponse() 和容错response.body() 为 null 的情况即可解决程序闪退和 try catch 的问题,当然因为我们上面重新定义了数据封装类为 HttpResult ,导致我们这里必须得自定义 CallAdapterFactory 才能干扰 Retrofit.Call 实现类的行为。

      • 自定义数据封装类为 HttpResult 后 API 方法定义会变为
          suspend fun loadSettings(): HttpResult>
           * Repo 为统一的数据包装格式
          public class Repo {
                private Meta meta;
                private T data;
      • 参考 DefaultCallAdapterFactoryRxJava2CallAdapterFactory的实现思路,我们定义一个 SuspendCallAdapterFactory 实现 CallAdapter.Factory 接口,如果对不熟悉 Factory 的自定义流程,还是可以打断点调试下 DefaultCallAdapterFactoryRxJava2CallAdapterFactory ,另外配合 SuspendCallAdapterFactory 的实现,我们还要实现一个 CallAdapter 用于 Call 和实际数据的转换。

        class SuspendCallAdapterFactory : CallAdapter.Factory() {
            override fun get(
                returnType: Type,
                annotations: Array,
                retrofit: Retrofit
            ): CallAdapter<*, *>? {
                // 返回一个 CallAdapter
        class SuspendCallAdapter, R : Any>(
            private val successType: Type
          ) : CallAdapter>> {
            override fun responseType(): Type = successType
            override fun adapt(call: Call): Call> {
                return SuspendHttpCall(call, needCloseGeneralExceptionHandler)
      • 基本思路:重写 SuspendCallAdapterFactory ,在某个适合的条件下返回 SuspendCallAdapter 【代表使用该适配器来处理数据和 retrofit2.Call 类的转换】,下面看下 Retrofit 默认适配器是如何工作的【Rx 适配器有兴趣的小伙伴自己调试下,原理其实差不多的】

      • DefaultCallAdapterFactory 的流程分析

        • 首先看下 DefaultCallAdapterFactory 和其主要方法 get(Type returnType, Annotation[] annotations, Retrofit retrofit) 的实现【省略部分实现】
        final class DefaultCallAdapterFactory extends CallAdapter.Factory {
          private final @Nullable Executor callbackExecutor;
          DefaultCallAdapterFactory(@Nullable Executor callbackExecutor) {
            this.callbackExecutor = callbackExecutor;
          public @Nullable CallAdapter get(
              Type returnType, Annotation[] annotations, Retrofit retrofit) {
            //返回值如果不是 Call 类,那么返回 null,表示不选择该 Factory 对应的 CallAdapter
            if (getRawType(returnType) != Call.class) {
              return null;
            //方法返回值是否为参数化类型,如果不为参数化类型,那么会抛出一个异常,这里有固定的含义:也就是 Call 类必须包含范型
            if (!(returnType instanceof ParameterizedType)) {
              throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                  "Call return type must be parameterized as Call or Call");
            final Type responseType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(0, (ParameterizedType) returnType);
            final Executor executor =
                Utils.isAnnotationPresent(annotations, SkipCallbackExecutor.class)
                    ? null
                    : callbackExecutor;
            return new CallAdapter>() {
              public Type responseType() {
                //将 Call 类包含的第一个范型类型返回,代表当前这个 CallAdapter 需要转换为目标数据的类型,也就是说 Retrofit 最终会将数据解析为这个类型
                return responseType;
              public Call adapt(Call call) {
                // callbackExecutor 为 null 则不代理原始 Call,直接返回,否则将 callbackExecutor 和 原始 call 传递给 ExecutorCallbackCall 让其代理原始 call 的功能。
                return executor == null ? call : new ExecutorCallbackCall<>(executor, call);
        • DefaultCallAdapterFactory 构造函数接受一个 callbackExecutor ,其主要用于给后续判断 API 方法定义是否含有 SkipCallbackExecutor 注解,如果有 SkipCallbackExecutor 注解那么 callbackExecutor 为 null ,其会传递给 CallAdapter 返回原始的 Call 对象(相当于未代理 Call 类)

        • 其他情况上面的代码注释应该比较清楚了,另外这里和后面我们自定义的实现里面需要用到的比较关键的 ParameterizedType 类,它代表的是参数化类型,简单的说就是包含范型(包含<>括号)的类声明,比如 Dog

        • 有的小伙伴就说了,我有些时候并没有定义 API 的方法返回值是 Call 啊,为何这里还要判断 returnType 为 Call 呢?

          • 还是最原始的方法,如果不知道发生什么事(对源码不熟),那么直接在 DefaultCallAdapterFactory 的 get 函数里面打断点,看看是从哪里传递过来的,一直向前看,总会发现发生了什么(小声 bb)
          • 我们来到 retrofit2.HttpServiceMethod#parseAnnotations 的方法
            static  HttpServiceMethod parseAnnotations(
                Retrofit retrofit, Method method, RequestFactory requestFactory) {
              boolean isKotlinSuspendFunction = requestFactory.isKotlinSuspendFunction;
              boolean continuationWantsResponse = false;
              boolean continuationBodyNullable = false;
              Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations();
              Type adapterType;
              if (isKotlinSuspendFunction) {
                Type[] parameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
                Type responseType =
                        0, (ParameterizedType) parameterTypes[parameterTypes.length - 1]);
                if (getRawType(responseType) == Response.class && responseType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
                  // Unwrap the actual body type from Response.
                  responseType = Utils.getParameterUpperBound(0, (ParameterizedType) responseType);
                  continuationWantsResponse = true;
                } else {
                  // TODO figure out if type is nullable or not
                  // Metadata metadata = method.getDeclaringClass().getAnnotation(Metadata.class)
                  // Find the entry for method
                  // Determine if return type is nullable or not
                adapterType = new Utils.ParameterizedTypeImpl(null, Call.class, responseType);
                annotations = SkipCallbackExecutorImpl.ensurePresent(annotations);
              } else {
                adapterType = method.getGenericReturnType();
              CallAdapter callAdapter =
                  createCallAdapter(retrofit, method, adapterType, annotations);

          关键就是这一行 adapterType = new Utils.ParameterizedTypeImpl(null, Call.class, responseType);
          responseType 本来为 API 方法定义的返回值类型,被 Call 包了一下,变成了新的参数化类型,这一招是相当的骚,具体实现在 Utils.ParameterizedTypeImpl 类中,有兴趣的朋友可以看看它是怎么做到包装范型的,大致思路是将实现了 ParameterizedType 接口,实现相关方法,重定义类型和范型的关系。

        • ExecutorCallbackCall 实现

            static final class ExecutorCallbackCall implements Call {
              final Executor callbackExecutor;
              final Call delegate;
              ExecutorCallbackCall(Executor callbackExecutor, Call delegate) {
                //接受线程池和待代理的 Call 对象
                this.callbackExecutor = callbackExecutor;
                this.delegate = delegate;
              public void enqueue(final Callback callback) {
                Objects.requireNonNull(callback, "callback == null");
                //代理发起异步 API 请求
                    new Callback() {
                      public void onResponse(Call call, final Response response) {
                        //使用 callbackExecutor 回调结果
                            () -> {
                              if (delegate.isCanceled()) {
                                // Emulate OkHttp's behavior of throwing/delivering an IOException on
                                // cancellation.
                                callback.onFailure(ExecutorCallbackCall.this, new IOException("Canceled"));
                              } else {
                                callback.onResponse(ExecutorCallbackCall.this, response);
                      public void onFailure(Call call, final Throwable t) {
                        callbackExecutor.execute(() -> callback.onFailure(ExecutorCallbackCall.this, t));

          总体来说 ExecutorCallbackCall 只做了使用 callbackExecutor 回调结果的操作。我们可以模仿它实现自己的 Call 代理类

      • 这个时候,又有小伙伴就说了,你呀的啥时候自定义啊,我等不及啦,掏出货来啊,马上安排啦....

      • 自定义 CallAdapterFactory 来定制请求行为(真的上货了)

        • 1、上面说了那么多,总结下现在 API 定义变成什么样了,如下,原来的 Repo 被 HttpResult 接管了

              suspend fun loadSettings(): HttpResult>
               * Repo 为统一的数据包装格式
              public class Repo {
                    private Meta meta;
                    private T data;
        • 2、自定义 SuspendCallAdapterFactorySupendCallAdatperSuspendHttpCall 暂时不列出

          class SuspendCallAdapterFactory : CallAdapter.Factory() {
              override fun get(
                  returnType: Type,
                  annotations: Array,
                  retrofit: Retrofit
              ): CallAdapter<*, *>? {
                  if (getRawType(returnType) == HttpResult::class.java) {
                      throw IllegalArgumentException("Method must be declare suspend, please check function declaration at API interface")
                  if (Call::class.java != getRawType(returnType)) {
                      return null
                  check(returnType is ParameterizedType) {
                      "return type must be HttpResult<*> or HttpResult for Call<*> check"
                  val responseType = getParameterUpperBound(0, returnType)
                  //Call类包裹的第一个泛型不是HttpResult类,那么返回null,让retrofit选择其他 CallAdapter.Factory
                  if (getRawType(responseType) != HttpResult::class.java) {
                      return null
                  //确保HttpResult内部包的泛型其还包裹另外一层泛型,比如 HttpResult<*>
                  check(responseType is ParameterizedType) { "return type must be HttpResult<*> or HttpResult for HttpResult<*> check" }
                  val successBodyType = getParameterUpperBound(0, responseType)
                  return SuspendCallAdapter, Any>(
              companion object {
                  fun create(): SuspendCallAdapterFactory {
                      return SuspendCallAdapterFactory()
          class SuspendCallAdapter, R : Any>(
              private val successType: Type,
          ) : CallAdapter>> {
              override fun responseType(): Type = successType
              override fun adapt(call: Call): Call> {
                  return SuspendHttpCall(call)
          • 上面注释已经很清晰了,下面提下比较重要的几点

          • 第一个就是判断泛型是否为HttpResult类,这种情况可能是api接口没有声明协程suspend符号,抛出异常提醒,至于为何有这个结论,大家可以看下 retrofit2.HttpServiceMethod#parseAnnotationsisKotlinSuspendFunction 为 false 的声明,returnType 直接取值为 API Method 定义的值,这种情况是不符合我们目前定义的协程这一套逻辑的,我们直接排除,返回 null 让 Retrofit 选择其它 Factory

          • 最后我们获取HttpResult类包裹的第一个泛型类型传递给了SupendCallAdatper 作为 responseType() 的返回值,不清楚这个环节的可以看看上面 DefaultCallAdapterFactory 的流程分析中有提到,responseType() 的返回值决定 Retrofit 最终解析的数据类型(反序列化)

          • 应该大家还记得 parseAnnotations 方法中,API Method 定义的返回值类型被 Call 包裹的操作,因为接口有一个通用的包装格式,也就是数据类型永远为 Repo 类似的情况,这里也用包裹范型的操作将 HttpResult> 换为 HttpResult 减少业务方要声明的范型层级

            • API 方法实现变为
                suspend fun loadSettings(): HttpResult>
                suspend fun loadSettings(): HttpResult
            • 修改 SuspendCallAdapterFactory 的get 方法,主要就是将HttpResult<>中的泛型<>包裹为Repo<*>,具体变化如下
            class SuspendCallAdapterFactory : CallAdapter.Factory() {
                override fun get(
                    returnType: Type,
                    annotations: Array,
                    retrofit: Retrofit
                ): CallAdapter<*, *>? {
                    if (getRawType(returnType) == HttpResult::class.java) {
                        throw IllegalArgumentException("Method must be declare suspend, please check function declaration at API interface")
                    if (Call::class.java != getRawType(returnType)) {
                        return null
                    check(returnType is ParameterizedType) {
                        "return type must be HttpResult<*> or HttpResult for Call<*> check"
                    val responseType = getParameterUpperBound(0, returnType)
                    //Call类包裹的第一个泛型不是HttpResult类,那么返回null,让retrofit选择其他 CallAdapter.Factory
                    if (getRawType(responseType) != HttpResult::class.java) {
                        return null
                    //确保HttpResult内部包的泛型其还包裹另外一层泛型,比如 HttpResult<*>
                    check(responseType is ParameterizedType) { "return type must be HttpResult<*> or HttpResult for HttpResult<*> check" }
                    val successBodyType = getParameterUpperBound(0, responseType)
            //        check(Repo::class.java == getRawType(successBodyType)) {
            //            "return type must be HttpResult> or HttpResult>> for Repo<*> check"
            //        }
                    val repoParameterizedType =
                        Utils.ParameterizedTypeImpl(null, Repo::class.java, successBodyType)
                    return SuspendCallAdapter, Any>(
        • 3、自定义 SuspendHttpCall

          internal class SuspendHttpCall, R : Any>(
              private val delegate: Call,
          ) : Call> {
              override fun enqueue(callback: Callback>) {
                  return delegate.enqueue(object : Callback {
                      override fun onResponse(call: Call, response: Response) {
                          val body = response.body()
                          var httpResult: HttpResult? = null
                          if (response.isSuccessful) {
                              body?.data?.apply {
                                  httpResult = HttpResult.Success(this, response.headers())
                              } ?: run {
                                  httpResult = HttpResult.UnknownError(
                                      IllegalArgumentException("response data is invalid"),
                          onFailure(call, HttpException(response))
                      override fun onFailure(call: Call, throwable: Throwable) {
                          var meta: Meta? = null
                          var statusCode = -1
                          if (isHttpException(throwable)) {
                              val exception = throwable as HttpException
                              //从 exception 中解析 Repo.Meta 数据
                              meta = parseMetaData(exception)
                              statusCode = exception.code()
                          val result: HttpResult = generateHttpResult(throwable, meta, statusCode)
                          callback.onRespo nse(this@SuspendHttpCall, Response.success(result))
              override fun isExecuted() = delegate.isExecuted
              override fun clone() = SuspendHttpCall(
              override fun isCanceled() = delegate.isCanceled
              override fun cancel() = delegate.cancel()
              override fun execute(): Response> {
                  throw UnsupportedOperationException("NetworkResponseCall doesn't support execute")
              override fun request(): Request = delegate.request()
              override fun timeout(): Timeout = delegate.timeout()
          fun generateHttpResult(
                  t: Throwable,
                  meta: Meta?,
                  statusCode: Int
              ): HttpResult {
                  if (isApiError(t, meta, statusCode)) {
                      return HttpResult.ApiError(
                          meta?.code ?: statusCode,
                  if (isNonNetwork(t)) {
                      return HttpResult.NetworkError(t, parseHeader(t))
                  return HttpResult.UnknownError(t, parseHeader(t))
          fun generateHttpResult(
                  t: Throwable,
                  meta: Meta?,
                  statusCode: Int
              ): HttpResult {
                  if (isApiError(t, meta, statusCode)) {
                      return HttpResult.ApiError(
                          meta?.code ?: statusCode,
                  if (isNonNetwork(t)) {
                      return HttpResult.NetworkError(t, parseHeader(t))
                  return HttpResult.UnknownError(t, parseHeader(t))
          • 模仿 ExecutorCallbackCall 的实现,因为我们这里只用到异步请求 API,我们只需要实现 enqueue 方法接口,回到我们最初的目的,我们代理 Retrofit.Call 是为了容错 response.body()=null 和 callback.onFailure,这里实现上我们要做一些处理,结合 HttpResult 的设计,将四种密封类职能分别包装,最后用 callback.onResponse() 将结果返回,防止业务方抛出异常。
        • 4、最后我们在 Retrofit.Builder 中引入 Factory 即可

                          new Retrofit.Builder()
        • 5、使用方法,由于使用了密封类,用 when 来展开,编译器会帮忙补全,或者可以直接写成 Template 模版,使用代码补全填充

                       viewmodelScope.launch {
                              val httpResult =
                              when (httpResult) {
                                  is HttpResult.ApiError -> {
                                      //API 异常,比如 403,503,等等
                                  is HttpResult.NetworkError -> {
                                  is HttpResult.Success -> {
                                      val notificationData = httpResult.value
                                  is HttpResult.UnknownError -> {
        • 6、真的没了,封装就告一段落了


        上面讲了 Retrofit 怎么样在协程中去掉 try catch 跟其他代码流式编程,但其实如果结合 Flow 来定义 API Method 调用会更加的优雅,那么怎么样快速切换到 Flow 接口呢

        转换为 Flow 用法的分析

        一开始我们转换为 HttpResult 时,我们的做法是在外部再包装一层 HttpResult,让 API 返回值变为 HttpResult,并且自定义 Factory 和 Adapter 与 Call 改变Retrofit 原始的请求行为。

        现在我们要变为 Flow,就是再包装一层 Flow 咯,还有 Factory 那些也重新给自定义下。【本质上 Flow 的用法和 Rx 的用法差不多】

        • 1、就是 API 方法定义会变为如下,要注意 Flow 类型不需要挂起函数声明 ,这里只要将返回值修改即可
            fun loadSettings(): Flow>
        • 2、定义 FlowCallAdapterFactory,相关解释可以看下注释,主要是判断第一个范型是 Flow 类型

          import com.aftership.framework.http.retrofits.Repo
          import com.aftership.framework.http.retrofits.suspend.HttpResult
          import com.aftership.framework.http.retrofits.suspend.Utils
          import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
          import retrofit2.CallAdapter
          import retrofit2.Retrofit
          import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
          import java.lang.reflect.Type
           * Flow 请求方式 Retrofit CallAdapter,主要是将请求转换为 Flow>,并且包裹请求的所有结果填充到 Flow 中返回
           * @author: minminaya
           * @email: [email protected]
           * @date: 2020/8/30 14:59
          class FlowCallAdapterFactory : CallAdapter.Factory() {
               * @param returnType Type Flow>
               * @param annotations Array
               * @param retrofit Retrofit
               * @return CallAdapter<*, *>?
              override fun get(
                  returnType: Type,
                  annotations: Array,
                  retrofit: Retrofit
              ): CallAdapter<*, *>? {
                  val firstGenericType = getRawType(returnType)
                  //第一个泛型不是 Flow 类,让 retrofit 选择其它 Factory
                  if (firstGenericType != Flow::class.java) {
                      return null
                  //检查 Flow 内部的泛型是否包含了其他泛型
                  check(returnType is ParameterizedType) {
                      "return type must be Flow> or Flow>"
                  //获取 Flow 类包裹的泛型(第二个范型)
                  val secondGenericType = getParameterUpperBound(0, returnType)
                  //第二个范型不是 HttpResult 类,那么报错
                  check(secondGenericType != HttpResult::class.java) {
                      "Flow generic type must be HttpResult"
                  //确保 HttpResult 内部包的泛型其还包裹另外一层泛型,比如 HttpResult<*> or Flow>
                  check(secondGenericType is ParameterizedType) { "HttpResult generic type must be not null" }
                  //获取 HttpResult<*> 类包裹的泛型(数据)
                  val thirdGenericType = getParameterUpperBound(0, secondGenericType)
                  //将 HttpResult<*> 中的泛型 <*> 包裹为 Repo<*>,方便解析
                  val repoParameterizedType =
                      Utils.ParameterizedTypeImpl(null, Repo::class.java, thirdGenericType)
                  return FlowCallAdapter, Any>(
              companion object {
                  fun create(): FlowCallAdapterFactory {
                      return FlowCallAdapterFactory()
        • 3、实现 FlowCallAdapter ,代理 Retrofit.Call 的行为,这里很关键的是 callbackFlow{} 的使用,它是异步回调转同步使用的魔法,类似 suspendCancellableCoroutine{} 的协程挂起操作

          class FlowCallAdapter, R : Any>(
              private val successType: Type,
          ) : CallAdapter>> {
              override fun responseType(): Type = successType
              override fun adapt(call: Call): Flow> {
                  return callbackFlow {
                      //异步转同步,为了保证项目内都使用 HttpResult 做响应数据包装类,这里还是复用 SuspendHttpCall
                      val suspendHttpCall =
                          SuspendHttpCall(call).also {
                                  object : Callback> {
                                      override fun onResponse(
                                          call: Call>,
                                          response: Response>
                                      ) {
                                          response.body()?.let{ httpResult->
                                      override fun onFailure(call: Call>, t: Throwable) {
                                          //SuspendHttpCall 不会回调 onFailure(),这里不用做实现
                                          //do nothing here
                      //必须声明关闭 call,类似 suspendCancellableCoroutine 的使用 
                      awaitClose {

          中途代理 SuspendHttpCallenqueue 操作后,发射 httpResult 的结果给 callbackFlow 完成 flow 的发射端调用

        • 4、引入 Factory

                          new Retrofit.Builder()
        • 5、使用 Flow API 请求,类似上面协程的调用,这里还是会包装为 HttpResult

          val settingsFlow = AcRetrofit.get().notificationAPI.loadSettings()
                    .collect {
                            when (it) {
                                  is HttpResult.ApiError -> {
                                      //API 异常,比如 403,503,等等
                                  is HttpResult.NetworkError -> {
                                  is HttpResult.Success -> {
                                      val notificationData = httpResult.value
                                  is HttpResult.UnknownError -> {


        • 不要遇到问题就 Google,更好的做法是先看看框架怎么实现的
        • 源码里面有黄金书,包裹范型的思路就是在 Retrofit 里面发现从而优化 API Method 的调用
        • 不要单纯的看源码和看大佬们的源码分析,要自己写 Demo 断点调试源码,看看数据是怎么流转和产生的


        • Retrofit
        • Flow
        • Channels
        • callbackFlow

        你可能感兴趣的:(更优雅的在 Kotlin 中封装 Retrofit (去掉 Catch))