DAY4-Daily Note-Chapter4

Reading Reflection


    苏洵和苏夫人之间的鹣鲽情深也让人动容。他在最后离开眉山对妻子的怀想让我想到了归有光。他在《项脊轩志》中也悼念亡妻,末句说“庭有枇杷树,吾妻死之年所手植也,今已亭亭如盖矣。”苏东坡成亲十一年后,年仅二十七的王弗也早逝,情深不寿。十年后他在《江城子》里记梦:“夜来幽梦忽还乡,小轩窗,正梳妆。相顾无言,惟有泪千行。料得年年肠断处,明月夜,短松冈。” 所有的阴阳永别都只能在回忆往昔中寄托哀思。

Guiding Question

What are the principle incidents happened during Su Tungpo's examination process?

    Before Su Tungpo, Tseyu and their father set out for capital, the two young men needed to  get married. Therefore, under the arrangement of their parents, the two brothers had early marriage.

    On April 8, 1057, both Su brothers passed with high honors. However, there was an unfortunate mistake. The illustrious scholar Ouyang Shiu was so delighted with the brilliant style and content of the paper that he thought it must have been written by Tseng Kung, his friend. In order to avoid criticism he shifted it from the first to the second place, and thus Su Tungpo came out second in the examinations.

    Later, Su was appointed as chinshih, but at that time, his mother passed away and according to the custom, he must go into a twenty-seven months' period of mourning before he could return to office. Therefore, they all went home and spent months of compulsory hibernation.

Words & Expressions

1.  matrimonial (P34)

The time of the civil service examinations was also the busy season of the matrimonial market.

Matrimonial: means concerning marriage or married people. 婚姻的

matrimonial market即指婚恋市场,公务员考核期间居然也是王公贵族相女婿的婚恋市场时期,挺有意思的~

2. be on good term with (P36)

Eventually, overcome by his enthusiasm, Chang was persuaded to write a letter of introduction to Ouyang Shiu, the first writer of the land, although he was not on very good terms with him.

be on good term with: 与……关系好

e.g There was a time I wasn't on very good terms with my parents, but everything turned ok then.

3. swarm with

The streets swarmed with pedestrians, officials' horse carriages, bull carts, and sedan chairs, which were the general mode of travel, while a few small two-wheeled carts were pulled by men prototypes of the modern rickshaw.

Swarm with: If a place is swarming with people, it is full of people moving about in a busy way. 挤满,聚集

e.g. Every golden vacation, the famous tourist spots swarm with people and it is hardly to enjoy the natural scenery.

swarm另有名词“一大群”的意思,可作量词,比如一群蜜蜂,a swarm of bees

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